
Lookism: Pornhwa

Basically, what if Lookism was a pornhwa? Daniel discovers he now has a second body and takes full advantage of it. A/N: At the start, Daniel is still socially awkward, but as he meets more girls, he starts to become more confident and has more rizz. Caution: This is a Harem story, so MC will be more of a scumbag and has purely physical relationships with girls. NTR-haters rejoice, there will not be any in this story. I'm only writing this because I am bored at work and I wanted to practice writing romance and R18 scenes. There is going to be more 'plot' than actual plot, so, just a heads up. I created a new account to post this story because I didn't want my previous works to be associated with this story. Maybe one of you can guess who I am from my writing style.

PeakCulture · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
72 Chs


"Heh… that sounds cool." He expressed in admiration. Coming from one of those normal high schools that focused on academics, it was rare for Daniel to meet someone his age who knew precisely what they wanted to do for their future. He found it admirable.

She smiled at his support, "What about you? It's the same right? Rather than becoming an actor or a kpop idol, you would rather design the clothes that they would wear?"

"…" Daniel didn't know how to respond to that. Why did he decide to join the Fashion and Clothing Design department in the first place? Actually, why did he transfer to Jae Won High School in the first place?

It was to escape from his previous life, run away from his bullies, and have a fresh start in a new school. He never had any grand ambitions like Hana, and he had only chosen Fashion and Clothing Design department because it was the one that looked the most interesting out of the other departments.

He discovered he had a little bit of interest in filmmaking yesterday, after he watched the movie with Brooke. But he couldn't say for certain that was the career path he wanted to pursue for the rest of his life.

Daniel knew he didn't want to become an idol or an actor, because he disliked the lifestyle of celebrities. But other than knowing what he did not want to do, he was still uncertain of what he did want to do.

"I... I don't know. I chose to join the Fashion and Clothing Design department because I thought it looked interesting, not because of any ambition to become a fashion designer. Maybe it is foolish to hear, since you are so certain of what you want to do in the future that you went against your parents' wishes, but I still don't know what lies in the future for me." He admitted with difficulty.

Daniel had to admit in his heart that he was starting to become fond of Hana. Not just for her appearance, and her singing abilities, but for the strength of character in her that he only discovered after hearing her story. Going against her parents' wishes and going against societal expectations to forge her own path regardless of what other people might think of her… it was really admirable.

Thus, he found his lack of decisiveness and ambition to be embarrassing, and hence difficult to admit to someone he was becoming increasingly more fond of.

"I don't think it's foolish…" Hana began while finishing up her tteokbokki, "I think maybe half of the kids in our school are the same? And that's a lot more than the students from other schools. We have more because there are many kids who join Jae Won High School to work in the entertainment industry after they graduate. Whereas the rest are just like you, still trying to discover their dreams and preferences."

"So no, I don't think it is foolish at all since it is so common. In fact, aren't I the weird one who threw away my good grades in order to become a beautician, instead of becoming a lawyer like my parents?" Hana laughed, but secretly she was ready to hear what many others have told her before.

Daniel was not the first person she told her story to, and 8 times out of 10, the other person would say how stupid it was to be a beautician rather than have a guaranteed position in her parent's company as a lawyer with a high-salary. The status and societal perception between the two jobs was like night and day in Korean society, after all.

However, Daniel defied her expectations.

"Weird? No way! I think it's really admirable how you went against your parent's wishes and society's expectations to pursue your dreams! Not many people can claim they would have the same courage, and even less would do so without fear. You're really cool in my eyes, Hana…"

She waved him off with a deep blush, "A-aren't you laying it on a little thick? I'm not so weak to flattery you know?"

"Flattery? I don't know how to do something like that. Those are my genuine thoughts. I wish I knew what it was that I want to do in the future as much as you do."

"…okay." Hana muttered, looking away so that he wouldn't be able to see the flush on her face and unfocused eyes.

"?" Daniel tilted his head cluelessly, not sure if he said something wrong or if she felt troubled by something. There were some parts to interacting with girls that he had become comfortable with, particularly on the bed, but there were still certain parts that he was clueless about.

Their conversation continued with less intensity on lighter topics until they finished their food. After eating, they went back to singing Karaoke for awhile more.

Hana had picked a duet love song for them to sing, something both were familiar with. While Daniel was no longer insecure about singing in front of her, singing a duet love song was something else entirely. Especially when there was something about Hana's eyes as she sang while staring at his own. It made his heart beat faster and ears become red.

Similarly, Hana wasn't sure if it was the romantic lyrics in the love song or something else, but as she sang while staring into his magnetic eyes, she felt herself falling for him.

'What is this feeling? I feel strange… I have dated other guys before, but this is the first time I have felt something like this. Is this… love?' She wondered to herself while watching him sing. The way his throat muscles and masculine jawline moved while he hit a particular note, his expression when singing romantic words while looking at her…

Hana had to consciously hold herself back from jumping his bones and tearing off his clothes. Not because she didn't want to do lewd things with him, but because she didn't want to ruin the current atmosphere they had going on now. For some reason, she was enjoying herself more just talking and doing non-sexual activities with him more than what she thought she would enjoy if they were doing lewd things instead.

It was a first for her, and Hana loved such a feeling.