
Lookism: Pornhwa

Basically, what if Lookism was a pornhwa? Daniel discovers he now has a second body and takes full advantage of it. A/N: At the start, Daniel is still socially awkward, but as he meets more girls, he starts to become more confident and has more rizz. Caution: This is a Harem story, so MC will be more of a scumbag and has purely physical relationships with girls. NTR-haters rejoice, there will not be any in this story. I'm only writing this because I am bored at work and I wanted to practice writing romance and R18 scenes. There is going to be more 'plot' than actual plot, so, just a heads up. I created a new account to post this story because I didn't want my previous works to be associated with this story. Maybe one of you can guess who I am from my writing style.

PeakCulture · Anime et bandes dessinées
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72 Chs


They took separate cabs home after washing up. Sophie had been reluctant to part with him, and had hugged him tightly for 10 minutes like she wanted to imprint her smell on him before letting him hail for a taxi.

When Daniel reached his neighbourhood and pulled out his wallet to pay for the taxi, he nearly cried as he only had a few thousand won left after paying.

The moment he went into his apartment, he took off his clothes and fell asleep immediately. His consciousness faded before reawakening in his original body.

Now that he was back in his short and chubby body, Daniel could immediately feel the immense hunger pangs in his stomach as well as an unbearable pressure in his bladder.

He almost couldn't get used to the short legs he now had again after being in the tall Daniel's body for the entire day.

After emptying his bladder, he cooked some instant noodles to fill up his empty stomach that was growling the entire time. 'Lucky I brought some food from home. Otherwise I might have had to starve tonight.'

While slurping down the hot, delicious but admittedly unhealthy instant noodles, Daniel thought that living like this was not going to be sustainable. His mother was sending him money for food and other expenses, but it was always meant to accommodate one person. Now that he two bodies to feed and clothe, it wasn't going to be enough.

He was going to have to get a job, he realized. He had 24 hours of free time every day, since his consciousness could be transferred between his two bodies. While one went to school in the day, the other could work at night without being tired at all.

What kind of jobs had night shifts? He looked up night-shift jobs in his local neighbourhood on his phone. There were actually plenty of job posts looking for night-shift workers, since it was an unpopular time slot to work after all. Convenience stores, warehouse assistants, gas station attendants, fast food cashier, etc.

He directly applied for ones with the highest salary. The highest of them was 20 thousand won an hour as a warehouse assistant, but the job description seemed to make it seem like it was a really physically demanding job, so he was reluctant to take it.

The next highest paying was working as a gas station attendant, which paid 15 thousand won an hour. Doing some quick maths, Daniel thought he could make around 3 million won a month if he worked for eight hours every day.

It was quite a large sum for a high school student, but Sophie had casually spent a little over a million won on clothes for him, a third of what he could earn working for an entire month… rich people really treated money differently, he thought.

There was also another option. Daniel glanced at the sleeping body of his new self. A handsome face, long legs and muscular physique. Like the noona at the uniform distributor had suggested, he could try becoming a model as well. And it seemed like the pay would be a lot higher than working part-time at a gas station.

If he worked as a model during the day, and then at a part time job at night, he could make a lot of money…

Daniel smacked his cheeks with both hands, 'I need to work hard and make lots of money! In the end, all that matters in the world is good looks and money. With my other body, I already have the first, so now I have to work hard for the second! Then I can let mom have a comfortable and relaxing retirement…'

After filling his stomach, Daniel thought about what he was going to do for the rest of the night. He thought about going for a walk to digest the two bowls of instant noodles he had ended up devouring, but also thought it might be dangerous to walk around this neighbourhood alone in the middle of the night.

He didn't have a computer either to entertain himself with. And as he looked at his phone, he had a horrifying realization - 'Ah! I forgot to reply the girls again!'


The next morning, Daniel left his house at 10.30am in his brand new clothes – white sneakers he wore yesterday, a pair of slim fit joggers, baggy striped t shirt that showed off his broad shoulders and the expensive beige outer coat Sophie bought him.

He had spent the previous night in his original body looking up for things to do with all the extra time he now had on his hands. He couldn't start working yet, since he only just applied for the position, so he had a lot of time available.

There were plenty of suggestions online, like learning an instrument, learning a new language, learning how to cook, etc. A lot of those things needed instruments or tools which he didn't have. Exercising was something he could do for free, though he wondered what would the point be if he already had a perfect looking new body already.

Then as he was browsing online videos to look for something, the weird recommendations algorithm recommended a channel that had 0 subscribers to him. But it looked interesting because the channel was called 'ehrgkrTkdna', like someone had just randomly slapped the keyboard for their channel name.

Curious, he clicked on it without really knowing why himself. He was rather amused thinking that he might be the first person to discover this channel that had 0 subscribers. Daniel was surprised to see a long list of videos on the channel.

'There are strangely a ton of videos?? And they are all around an hour long!' Looking at the upload dates of the videos, he also realized that the content creator posted his videos consistently every week. All the videos had single digit views, and they all also had random English letters as their titles like the channel name.