
Lonely King With Cheat Abilities

Den was your ordinary boy, a little introverted but he was happy with all he had. But being betrayed by his love and best friend, also his sister and schoolmates made him suffer. Someday, the game of entities, the beings with unlimited power, suddenly fell upon their world. Den was chosen to be the successor the Fallen Queen, the enemy of the entities , will he become OP? This is the story of a tragic boy became the OP Chaos Rank Hunter with various abilities.

DaoistQ6iVlt · Fantaisie
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47 Chs

The Loner - the last trial

System: Starting to transport "Player - Den" to his original dimension according to the request of the Morph(The Queen of the fallen XENO). System Warming - the player doesn't have enough AP(authority point) to perform complete transition, redoing the progress, the player will be teleported to the nearest dimension with his original world. Warning! (The place where player will now be transported to, is a Fallen World #31503, where environment is very hostile for the human species, good luck on the way, Dear Player). Starting transition in 3, 2, 1.

Den's surrounding was suddenly filled with light, too bright that he can't see nothing what in front of him, but with the same goal in his mind, to return to his original and to find out what the Queen mentioned before she disappeared, with the sudden sound "Boom", he started to see thing slowly and clearly,

Den: Where Am I? Am I on earth?

The surrounding was filled with desert, lava and the sky is pitch black, with visible stars all over the horizon. While Den being confused about where he is, he saw the three moons up in the night sky, now his mind is as clear as day, this is not earth. This is the final trial. Suddenly, the huge creatures appeared behind Den trying to eat Den, as a whole. Den avoided that attack by instinct as if his body was used to being in danger, and that was the first monster in his way, expect from creatures on EXANIMIS. That monster has a weird shape almost alike that of a wolf back from earth. It is the huge grey wolf with almost 2 meters in height and as he bared his fangs towards his prey, the grey wolf was staring at Den as if he was looking at his dinner, while dripping his drools from his teeth.

It suddenly jumped and bit Den's neck, but Den blocked using his left hand. And then Den tried to knock out that monster but it was too strong even for Den to be overwhelmed when he is only using his strength. Most of Den's skills are in cooldown period,

Den used Drain skill(active) to deal extra damage but as he only have 10MP because of not awakening state, he can't use that skill too much. Den used a nearby stone as a weapon but he didn't do anything much with that, as the battle went longer, both of them became tired and the wolf was getting weaker while Den was getting heal from every damage his made against the wolf. Finally, after a long battle, the wolf suddenly gave its all, into its jaw and legs and tried to bit Den into pieces. Den also exhausted and couldn't dodge that move, so he had to use both of his hands in order to grasp the upper and lower jaw of the wolf, "You can't never win, I have to return to my family, I can't die yet, even the fate forced me to" . As Den's battle rage went over the bar, his blood rage skill activated, making every blood vessels from his body went wild and his barely broke the wolf's neck with his bare hands only using his strength.

Low ranked monster (Lone Grey wolf) - a type of monsters in a fallen world, it is corrupted and born from the greed and rage of dark abyss. It is 2 meters in height and big enough to handle five awaken men easily. It's whole body is covered in hard scale making hot weapons like firearms useless against it. It's jaws can even chew the parts of the mini cars as if they were nothing.

Name - Lone Grey Wolf, Rank - Low Rank<rank D>, Ability - Speed Boost(D+), Silence Steps(D), Power Jaw(D). It can hide its presence to ambush it's prey from the back and it has very strong jaws and teeth to chew everything. The nightmare for the hot weapons armed individuals.

After killing the lone grey wolf, Den heard a "Sound of the notification", "Beep", "What is this?", From the system?

System: "Congratulation, You are the first one to solo hunt a lone grey wolf in this fallen world", "Unlocking achievement <Solo Hunter of Grey Wolf>, by unlocking this achievement, each status will get one plus when you encounter Species of wolf as enemies. Achieve Skill "Silent Steps(D)(active), Speed Boost(D+)(active)". " "You will get ranking points(RP) to increases your basic status, and experience points(EXP) as a reward, Sy3T#em fa#ilu9ure - You are currently not awaken, all your EXP and RP will be converted to AP(authority point), ranking system is currently not available and monster loots will not be collected automatically."

1000000(EXP)=1(AP), 1000(RP)=1(AP). (Reward for killing one grey wolf(D) - 100EXP, 2RP).

Den thought "I killed one of grey wolf, with such difficulty but it not only give me EXP or RP but only AP and it is not even 1AP". But after his blood rage skill effects disappeared, he suffered from extreme hunger, so much that it took control over his body and he started to eat the dead, wolf body. Bloody hell, Den body was covered in blood and he ripped off the wolf skin using only his strength. Den used the skin of the wolf as his clothes to cover his waist and butt, he then took the fangs of the wolf to make weapons but Den didn't know how to do one. So, he just decided to use the fangs to stab the enemies with his drain skill and bleeding effect, he thought it would be ok. But it was wrong. After consuming the body of a grey wolf, Den's head went dizzy for a moment but his Survivor(passive) activated and his body didn't feel weird as well as went into any change because the consuming amount not enough to evolve. Den had to live in extreme conditions for day to day, and he had been living in the other dimension where unknown energy radiated from everywhere, so his body became unusual as it had to deal with every single radiation and try to adapt to it. A normal human can't consume a monster body except for the people with Titles such as "Chief" "Gluttony" "Survivor", because if they eat a monster parts, their bodies will reject and they will vomit, or even die in some cases. But without a doubt, monster parts such as its meat, bones and fur are, undeniably, the precious resources for the human species.

A day later, Den was ambushed by the group of silver wolves, with their group leader, silver moon wolf. Den was badly injured by them, as his left hand totally soaked in blood, he killed two of the silver wolves with one of his fangs but that got stuck, and he only got one of the fangs as a weapon. This wolves were very tricky unlike Lone Grey Wolf, and they are much smaller than it as well, but their leader, Silver Moon Wolf has the aura similar to Grey Wolf.

Silver wolves - the kind of wolves that like to like in groups of 15 or 20, each group is leaded by their leader "Silver Moon Wolf", the mutated creatures of silver wolves, when a silver wolf has enough experiences or killed some high ranking monster or came into contact with some dark energy, it sucked that to mutate into higher being "The Silver Moon Wolf".

Name - Silver Wolf, Rank - Low rank<Rank D>, Ability - Power Jaw(D-), Sacrifice(C).

Name - Silver Moon Wolf, Rank - Middle rank<Rank C>, Ability - Group Leader(C), Gluttony(C+),Steel Body(C), Sound Wave(C).

Every silver wolf in the pack, aggressively attacked Den and they all used sacrifice skill to die while biting Den off his limbs. But Den used Drain Skill that healed his wounded parts. Time went by, only 5 silver wolf and their leader left, Den couldn't move an inch, his MP was exhausted, he had no active skills left that he could use. Finally, without no choice, he was left with no choice but to use domination as all other his skills were not enough to defeat the Silver Moon Wolf leader, SMW was staring at him from the distance, it used its skill "Sound Wave", to create loud sound waves from his mouth, Den couldn't hear a thing, all other five wolves, bit Den legs and hands each and they were trying to preventing Den from moving, finally, Silver Moon Wolf jumped on Den, using its skill, "Gluttony" to consume everything.

Shit, Live today or tomorrow, Who cares? I die today or live tomorrow. "Domination"

Den hairs turned grey, and the surrounding of Den became pitch black, "The Domain of The King", all the wolves including silver moon wolf were swallowed by the darkness and it turned into the Den pawns. His pawns last time from EXANIMIS were creatures died after one hour because Den doesn't have enough AP to keep them as his underlings and MP to summon them when need.

Now, his MP is expended a bit and his AP increases by 1 after killing all the Silver wolves so he can keep the Silver Moon Wolf as his underling but he had to cancel all other 5 silver wolves to do so. Cancel the 5 silver wolfs and converted them into APs.

System message - Rewarding for surviving from the attack of a group of silver wolves and killing them, you will receive 1AP in total. Silver wolf get only100 EXP each, after converting to AP point, you still need more 997,900 EXP to get 1AP point.

Den breathed heavily, "How much longer does it take for me to go back to my home world?", "I wonder, is my family ok?" "I need to get stronger quickly, pass this hell alike trial and have to go back to my home world." "Whatever this shitty world thrown upon me, I will take it all and survive". But while Den was thinking like, that, there was a creature as big as a building, slowly crawling from the volcano. As its mouth glittering with boiling lava, with its eye bright red, it was waiting for the worthy opponent, the fallen ruler of the fallen world, "Crimson Serpent(Higher Ranked Monster)(Rank A+)".

Name - Den(Earthling)/ Age - 28/ Gender - Male

Main Titles - (unawaken)(unknown)/(King of the Fallen XENO)(cursed)

Status - Not awaken yet, Level - None

Brain - 23/(locked)

Agility - 20/(locked)

Detoxification - 29/(locked)

Strength - 19/(locked)

Physic - 21/(locked)

Luck - 1/(cursed).

RP(2 remaining), AP(100+1), MP(120).

Skills(passive) - concentration(level 0), blood rage(level 1), Iron Will(level 1), Survivor(level 2), Drain(level 2), (locked), (locked)....

Skills(active) - Domain Authority(Domination)(level 0), Fear(level 0), Drain(level 2), Speed boost(level 0), Silent Steps(level 0), Chaotic Commander(level 0), Dimensional Pocket(level 0), (locked), (locked),....

Warning, the player is currently not fully recognized as the awaken player, some services of system will not be available. Basic status will only be shown in general.

As Den carefully listening to the system and was busy with trying to survive in this fallen world, the earth is in chaos, as the gods long awaiting game became to start in every parts of the world...