1 Chapter 1 : The Generic Dying Isekai Novel

So, do i need to explain after that title?

Yeah basically i died because of a truck-kun and then got killed while im at 18.

But hey! here is a difference okay, for some reason i can't remember my past gender at all! Well, maybe because this novel is about a freaking rock that makes the author didnt want me to have a gender or something but here i am at the forest now, i cant really see at all, i can only feel a breeze of wind slowly moving me towards a crowd of something.

Wait... i can hear too!

I can hear a sound of a person talking...




Yep! i can't recognise the language, can't be helped.




Ah! he is moving towards me in a fast speed!

Whoa that is really fast!

*dap* *dap* *dap*






Oh i hear something! in my head

[Level up!]

Wait.... Oh i can see now!



As i open my eyes i saw a dead body hitting his head at a rock in front him. I kinda feel bad but also disgusted at it. "It wasn't my fault!" i said, since i try to convince myself that i'm not killing a person. I better get out from here. After that level up, now i can use a skill called [Roll] which can make me move a bit.

After a long walk (well you can say it's roll not walk) i found some small and weird insect like monster, it kinda looks like a grasshopper but it can't hop (lol). So i thought maybe i can kill some of them to gather some level.






It feels like weeks or maybe months since i come to this world and im still killing some grasshoppers thingy but still not leveling up, this is getting really weird, so i try a new method and start to kill a bigger insect small thing that i found in this forest which i think represents dragonfly so much but wait for it.... IT CANT FLY! i can't believe how stupid this world is but, oh well im here to kill them so i kill them. But then after i kill it with my [Roll] skill i immediately [Level Up]!

It seems i can talk now


Whoa i can really talk! and it sounds too girly but almost like a little boy (you know what im talking about).

"Ah somethings pop up!"

[You can now [Evolve] to a more advanced being, please proceed to choose what you wanted to be]

Well, even you say that there is only 1 choice there and it's |Golem|. I know this will coming but isn't this choice too narrow? I want to be a cool Skeleton Undead or Dragon, not a Golem... but, well it is what it is i guess.

"I choose |Golem|"

[You have choosen |Golem|]

[You can now use all of this skill below]

[Transformation], [Roll], [Harden], [Self Heal], [Enchanced Arm], [Hide], [Recharge], |Earth Magic|

Hmm... from the looks of it, all of it looks pretty normal and basic, but why is the |Earth Magic| is the only one that have a different brackets ("[ ]")? Maybe it's to differentiate a common skill and basic skill, i don't know.

After that level up i tried my transformation skill and the skill is really great! i can imitate anything, so i tried to look like a human as good as i can.


"Ah this body looks good, the face not weird and my body can freely move"

I don't know if i make a human girl or boy so i'm just gonna look like both of them.

"Next, let's try my magic"

When i tried to cast my skill i saw human cargo, there are a lot of them there, maybe 20 of them, but 15 of them is outside. Wait... why are they pointing the knife at the cargo? AH THAT IS A BANDIT! Maybe i should try to cast my |Earth Magic| there.


After i point my [Pit] at the target, a massive pit has been made and all of them is buried alive. It felt like it was a dream i really killed human there not just the bandit, but also the innocent one, i've never felt so disgusted at myself like this, i cant imagine it myself.


Thanks for reading my first web novel! i hope you like it! I've been wanted to make a web novel from a long time, and here we are! Also, sorry if my grammar or my English is bad, I'm from Indonesia so, English is not my main language.

So... yeah, once again thanks!

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