
The Tribulation: Part 1

It's time, my final three years are up. I must survive through this event, if I survive this one I know I can beat the others. But, it's still a terrifying feeling, knowing that if you make one misstep, your life is over. More than that, it's the feeling of failing your loved ones, unable to see them ever again. That kind of emotion is awfully sobering. This family is the first I've had in eons, I don't want to lose them now. I don't think this is the first time I've felt this... agonizing ache in my chest. It may not be the last time either, who knows what the future holds.

Beyond my fear and worry though, is another, more powerful emotion: Excitement. I've been waiting for this moment, the anticipation for what's coming has been building my entire life. When I focus on the thrilling feeling, I hear my heart beat strongly within my chest, as if to say: Come and fight. The air in the room seems to shudder, as the excitement I feel grows more and more. Through Aura Vision, I can see my Aura fiercely blazing around my body, preparing for the fight.

"Son, be ready, it's coming soon. Just know, we love you." Dad's usually boisterous voice seems to echo with a tinge of sadness. I know he only fears the worst case, and hopes for the best. He can't do anything to help me, as I'll be battling my body as it rips itself apart. Whatever words of encouragement he could offer would fall upon deafened ears. I can hear the cries of my mother outside my door, she cannot bear the thought of losing her first-born while her second is on the way. As my father leaves, I begin to focus on my heartbeats. Ba bump, Ba bump, Ba bump, Ba bump, Ba bump, Ba bump, Ba bump, Ba bump.

Slowly, a feeling of dread begins to root in my stomach. As it gradually blooms, so to does the excitement grow further. It's coming and it isn't going to give me any real warning. And the air begins to turn cold against my skin. The chills running down my spine and the hot electricity coursing through my veins.

I open my eyes, it has begun. My torture has arrived.



DAMN. I CAN'T EVEN BREATHE, THE AIR IS LIKE RAZOR BLADES. My heart feels like it's exploding, my muscles are being shredded.

It's hard to even think straight, my brain's on fire.

My bones are being pulverized into dust.

My blood, it's boiling and freezing at the same time.

My teeth are buzzing, my eyes feel like they're going to melt.


Oh God. I'm coughing up blood.

My stomach is twisting into knots, my nerves are being fried.

Is this some sick fuck's idea of a joke?

Gah, I can't let them hear my agony.

Keep it all in.

Breathe.. nope still hurts.

This is my own personal hell, isn't it? Deprived of air, in eternal torment.


I can do this, I just have to get through the portion which targets my soul.


Oh God, I think I can feel it.

I feel like I'm slowly becoming ash, but strangely, it doesn't hurt.

It's oddly comfortable, like I'm drifting into sleep.

I feel like if I resist it, it's going to hurt.

So... why would I?

Mm, it's kind of liberating, like my burdens are slipping away.

'We love you'

Dad? Oh shit, I almost lost myself. What a blunder, anymore and I really would have died. Lett's go Tribulation, you'll have to do better than that.

Did somebody turn up the heat?

Oh fuck, couldn't lull me to death so now you're going to incinerate my soul? Dammit, would you just give up already! You're more obsessive than my mother!

This is becoming an annoyance, just fucking end already. How long has this been going on anyways? An hour? Two? Possibly even three? It feels like it's been an eternity since this all started though. I haven't been able to hear anything for a while, is everything alright? Huh? The pressure that's been suffocating me from the beginning is fading.

I think it's finally over, I wonder how this has changed my body? Have I grown at all or did I become more handsome? I don't really understand the mechanics behind the Tribulations, but from what Dad said, it boosts your physical and mental strength exponentially. So if that's true I should have become much stronger and more durable compared to before. I'm going to check my body out in the mirror.

I notice more definition in my muscles, approaching the 'sculpted' level. My skin seems to have become a bit fairer, which is a bit disappointing because I really liked my nice tan. I'm also slightly taller, maybe an inch. Well, I'm getting closer and closer to maturity. Let's test just how strong I am now. It'll be easy to gauge with a simple punch, with my full strength of course.


Oh shit, that's a lot more force than I would have guessed. Had anything but air been there, they probably would have died or been destroyed. I shudder at the thought of what I could do with a weapon. Now that I think about it, what about my Aura?

Turning on Aura Vision, I see that it has grown considerably thicker, almost tangible. I think I could blanket the city if I released it. The armor I manifest from this improved Aura would rival adamantite in durability and be completely weightless. I wouldn't make weapons from it, as they'd be hard to wield, since I wouldn't really be able to gauge the proper strength to strike with. Physical blades are much better, they have weight and feel good to swing.

I'm just now realizing I'm completely naked, my clothes were shredded by my struggling. I should get dressed before leaving my room. Perhaps my civilian clothes? They'll do, since I'm just going to tell my parents I'm leaving. I don't want to bring along any high class clothes, they'll just be a burden to explain to others. I've got plenty of proper adventuring clothes, the kind that are made super durable.

Let's check if I've got everything I need. "Open Sesame" I speak the keyword to Alliaster, the godly storage ring. Bedrolls, check. Anvil and tools, check. 200 Bottles of Aura Water, check. 3 years worth of emergency provisions, check. 2 years of saved allowance as emergency funds, check. I think that's the major stuff out of the way, anything else I'm missing isn't a necessity. I think I'm ready, just a slight nervousness is fluttering around in my stomach.

"AAHHH!" I hear a woman's cries and my heart sinks. That scream sounds like my mother! Shit, I need a sword!

Okay, so the reason there was no upload yesterday was because I was debating on how to do this little scene. I decided on splitting into two parts with each telling a different perspective. So this is from Lugh's POV, next is the third person, where I focus on both Allisia and Durge. I hope you're okay with this, it was kind of spontaneous on my part.

As Always,

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