
Living The Dream With My System!

Tags: One-Piece, Naruto, Reincarnation, Action, Adventure, R-18, Harem System, Incest. Executing orders mechanically, a soldier from a secret unit died during a dangerous mission. However, that wasn't the end for him as he got a second chance by God, allowing him to reincarnate in fiction word he know from his youth. Swearing to himself that this time he won't make the same mistakes again, this time he will live only for himself, to be the most powerful he can be so he could achieve true freedom and bed the most beautiful women out there! The MC will be reincarnated in One-Piece with a system, there will be powers from one-piece, naruto, and dragon ball series. And to a certain extent, this can be considered a wish-fulfillment story. Also, MC will not magically become stronger and learn everything from chapter 1. He will learn through experience and hard work like normal people. (Except for some stuff that comes naturally to him.) I don't own one-piece, naruto, or dragon ball.

CouchPotatoDandy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs


Walking through the forest, he once again remembers how he fantasized a few years back about burning the entire forest to get a massive amount of experience points.

'Sigh, too bad it won't work' early on as he started to experiment how the system works, he found out that he will get exp only when the killed target is within a certain range of himself, if he's too far he won't get anything. it appears the system has to be in close range to absorb the target's energy and convert it to experience points.

He really hoped that as he gets stronger, the system range will increase correspondingly as well. after all, he can't always be in close proximity to his kills, and if he's too far it will just be a waste of good exp..

Looking around, Eragon finally felt that he is starting he put his previous life skills to use. as a soldier in the special forces, he was taught how to survive, track, and kill in the wild jungles. He carefully surveyed his surroundings and quickly found traces of some small animal.

Soon a white rabbit appeared in front of him, he quietly advanced toward that rabbit, getting closer and closer without it noticing.

Just as the rabbit noticed him and started escaping, his body suddenly erupted with a weak amount of chakra, throwing his knife as fast as lightning


In a beautiful arc, the knife flew through the air, nailing the rabbit to the ground.

[Ding, you gained 5 experience point]

"It seems the decision to hunt in the forest was the correct one, It's so much easier now with chakra" looking at the amount of experience points he got, Eragon knew he was on the right track. compared to fishing, the amount was a lot more. Previously, when he tried hunting in the forest without chakra, he ran around in circles wasting an entire day trying to catch one freaking rabbit…So much different from now.

He lifted the dead body of the rabbit, walked towards a stream nearby, and started to peel off the skin. Doing these types of things was quite natural for the previous him, now was no different. He figured that since he skipped breakfast today he might as well grill this one before he moves on, he couldn't stand the feeling of this hungry stomach anymore.

Moving around and gathering dry twigs, he got an amount enough for a small fire. taking out the lighter and some seasoning from his backpack, he quickly started to grill the rabbit.

Eragon wasn't really worried the smell would attract wild predators since he was only in the outer region of the forest where it wasn't that dangerous, deeper inside was another story.

He ate all the rabbit meat completely in a short time. Surprising even himself, although he always had healthy appetite since he was training daily, he still couldn't eat an entire rabbit usually, and even after that meat entered his stomach, he was still not really full.

'I didn't expect cultivating chakra consume this much energy from the body 'while thinking he continued to eat the snacks he brought from his home, trying to reach the full capacity of his stomach.

"*burp*…finally full."

Only after he was full did Eragon continued deeper into the forest looking for another something to hunt.

Quickly finding his next pray, Eragon's exp started to rise very fast, quickly rising to dozens of experience points after a few hours.

Opening the system, Eragon contemplated which skill will help most to increase his farming speed.

Name: Eragon Kaynan

Age: 10 (34)

Experience points: 170

Learned Skills:

[Chakra level 2 (85/300)

As the skill level progress, relevant Sub-Skills such as 'Chakra Control', 'Ninjutsu', and more will be awarded.

+10% Increase to all physical abilities such as strength, speed, endurance, vitality and the five senses]

Learning Skills: {living } {battle} {Energy}

Eragon gave it some thought, then he decided to buy the skill [Running], he figured that since the skill level continued to rise as he uses it more, running is the most used one.

Besides, safety comes above all else, his speed while hunting has to be fast enough to get him out of dangerous situations.

[Ding, new skill learned]

[Running level 1 (0/100)

+5 passive increase to your normal running speed and stamina]

After buying the skill Eragon prepared for another headache, which pleasantly didn't come.

'oh? it seems only the first time hurts, figures' releasing a sigh of relief, he felt a warm current flowing from his core to the rest of his body.

Concentrating on the knowledge he got, Eragon started running around the forest while getting accustomed to his new speed.

[Running + 2 exp]

[Running + 1 exp]

'Just as I thought, it was a good choice' gleeful, he continued running around the forest until he found his next prey, a wild boar.

Not slowing down, he quickly got close to the boar and throw his knife accurately towards its vitals.

Unexpectedly, the boar managed to shift slightly, missing its vitals. Feeling its life in danger the boar started running top speed with the knife still deep in its fat skin.

'oh, no, you won't' determined not to lose his knife on this first day, Eragon exerted his chakra to the maximum and chased full speed after the escaping boar, but as time passed, the distance between them only got further and further away.

Slightly hesitating, Eragon put his remaining exp in [Running], just barely leveling it up.

[Ding, Running level 2]

[Running level 2 (2/400)

+10 passive increase to your normal running speed and stamina]

Immediately feeling a warm current washing over his body, his speed increased again, finally managing to keep up with the boar.

Eventually, it seemed the boar lost too much blood as its speed started decreasing allowing Eragon to catch up, not giving it another chance he immediately threw his last knife, ending its misery.

[Ding, you gained 30 experience points]

'Hoff~Hoff' Gasping for breath, he felt the investment was definitely worth it, this was the largest amount of experience he got since coming to this world at once.

Reclaiming his knives, he Immediately started skinning the boar, putting its meat in his backpack. while he was chasing the boar, he noticed he got too far into the forest. so not wanting to stay a moment longer than necessary, he left as soon as he finished.

Looking at the sky to calculate the time, he decided it was time to head home as he already achieved his objective for the day.

Along the way, he killed another rabbit as it started to get really easy to catch them.

while moving, he went through the system interface to see if he can get another skill, until suddenly noticing a skill that wasn't there yesterday.

Learning Skills: {Living} --> [Pleasure - 100 exp]

Easily guessing what happened between yesterday and now to get this skill, he immediately bought it.

[Ding, new skill learned]

[Pleasure level 1 (0/100)

Works only with direct contact with the target.

+5% increase to the target's pleasure sensation when activating the skill]

Reading the skill description, Eragon started laughing out loud not bothering to hide his happiness at all 'isn't this what they call "timely aid"? this skill is just what I need!!' getting his new skill, only made him more impatient to get home earlier.

[Chakra + 2 exp]

[Running + 3 exp]

He was advancing quickly towards the village, not forgetting to always circulate his chakra and move fast enough so that his running skill will be activated.

Eventually, when he entered the village, he made a quick stop at the butcher shop to sell his game.

"you are really here" entering the shop, he could see the Bushy eyebrows gazing at him "so, what did you bring me today?"

Not bothering to say a word, Eragon the approach to counter and spilled its contents for him to see.

At first, John didn't really have his expectations up. But just he looked past the contents on the counter, he was shocked

"is this wild game?? where the hell did you get it?" looking at the amount he could only assume it was from the forest "did you go hunt in the forest?" he asked incredulously, how the hell can a 10-year-old child hunt in the forest?

"Not your fucking business, what I wanna hear is a price offer" not answering, Eragon said in a cold voice.

Suppressing his shock, John started to weigh the meat.

"how about you name your price?" Not giving a straight answer, he asked in return. hoping that Eragon asks for a lower price.

"Considering that meat sales for 35 berries per kilo, and after some bargaining, it could be decreased to 30, I would take 20 berries per kilo" smiling, Eragon answered without even thinking. John always treated him like a 10-year-old child, trying to rip him off unsuccessfully.

"Tch" feeling annoyed, he put the required amount of berries on the counter and took the meat to the backroom.

Taking his money Eragon started leaving without a word, and just as he reached the exit he turns around "here is the deal, once in a while I will sell you meet and if my mother ever hears about it, the deals off" Not waiting for a reply he quickly left.

On his way home, Eragon decided to go through the grocery store, buying some vegetables and other things they couldn't buy previously. The only reason he was dealing with bushy eyebrows is that his family was living in poverty, which pushed his mother to agree in letting him fish since young.

Knock ~ Knock

"I'm home" After he knocked on the door he quickly came in. Put his backpack to the side he entered the kitchen. seeing his mother In the midst of making supper, he smiled relieved.

When Caroline saw Eragon entering the kitchen, she couldn't help but blush, remembering what they did yesterday.

"How was your day?" doing her best to not think about it, she started making small talk.

"It was excellent" a glint flickered in his eyes, guessing his mother have decided to ignore what happened yesterday, he was happy to oblige, for now…

"Mom, you won't believe what happened while I was fishing" putting an excited expression he started making up a story "while I was fishing a kind old man came saying he was hungry, so I let him eat some grilled fish and when he was done he actually gave me 500 berries!!" taking the money John gave him, he put it in front of his mother and quickly running to get his backpack, he also took out the groceries and one rabbit he kept.

"W-What?" stunned, she watched Eragon put things on the table. reaching her hands to take the rabbit, she felt tears welling up in her eyes. it's been months since the last time she had meat.

Looking at his mother crying, a surge of pity rose in his heart. Eragon was determined to treat her well in the future. Since he came to his world he only had Caroline taking care of him, and to Caroline, he was her sole Kin.

Apparently, all of their relatives died in a pirate raid 11 tears ago, before Eragon was even born. Caroline had to start working at a young age, as a tailor. The villagers will give her some berries for fixing their torn clothes.

"Don't cry mom, the old man said he will come again sometimes later, you don't need to be worried" Trying to cheer his mother up, he guaranteed it won't be just this once.

"You are right" wiping her tears she looked at Eragon's grin, as a huge smile also spread on her face "I bet you are hungry, go take a shower while I'm cooking " quickly taking the groceries she skillfully started to make meat soup.

"aright" seeing his mother finally cheered, he left to clean himself.

A few minutes later, Eragon returned with his hair still wet while a sweet aroma started to spread around the house, arousing their hunger.

Guru~ Guru~

"Is it ready?" drooling, he asked.

"yes, it's ready" she giggled at her son already sitting at the table swallowing his saliva, Caroline poured him a plate of stew.

Starved, they quickly finished one serving and started a second. Finally, when they were full they patted their belly, satisfied.

Cleaning the table, Caroline told Eragon to go to bed.

"yes, mom" Eragon obediently went to his room, easily entering cultivation state.

[Chakra + 2 exp]

[Chakra + 3 exp]

After a few hours, Eragon opened his eyes, standing up. Exiting his room he started walking towards his mother's room with a glint in his eyes, determined not to let yesterday be a one night stand.