
Bright ideas can Bring a Good Plan

This island is weird as f*ck, there's a lot of mutated monsters and I know that it's not just those two, there must have a lot of it. I must inform them that we have a little time to spare and get out from this crazy island.

At the river...

Christopher: so what did you see from the top of those mountains bud?

Me: not good news guys! (While putting my arrow at my back), we need to out from this island as soon as possible.

Jenny: ehh?.. but there's a big ass octopus out there!

Me: no choice but to kill it!

Aaron: whoa..whoa... hold your horses there... even you have ability boy but that's a like a final boss living near a novice village in a game!

Arnold: he is right boy, why so hurry this time?

Me: well... it's a bunch of ants coming in our way.

Christopher: uhh... haha..(he chuckled) just a bunch of ants got to get scared you bud?...

Arnold: oi..don't tell me that!

Me: mm!... that's right its mutated ants, maybe 2 meters it,s height...

Christopher: ohh.. man... don't tell me it's an army of ants?

Me: yup... you nailed it! there are thousands of ants out there...

When I told them that there are mutated Ants they already have a grim expression but after telling that there are thousands of them, I can see their desperation on their faces.

Me: enough with that will you guys... I know that these will gonna be hard for us but we will try our best to go home. I know we have still many things to do in our life and yeah this is our last bet! Even we will die out there at least we tried our best.

Aaron: your right brat... let's do this!

Elena: what's the plan little cap?

Me: Elena and Jenny get as much as water as you can get in the river.

Jenny: why do we need that? Isn't that harmful to us?

Me: yeah it is... it's liquid methane, and it is coming from the ant's... I really don't know how that chemical gets on this island and there's a lot of it! so Aaron makes barell since there' s many bamboo trees in here and Jenny and Elena after Aaron made it put it slowly... don't drop it ok!

Jenny: got it!

Elene: aye aye captain!

Kinda annoying every time they did that.

Aaron: what are you gonna do about it, if my guess is right isn't methane can cause combustion?.... oi oi oi... don't tell me you will use it as a mini bomb!...

Me: well... if it's according to my plan if used it as a trap... we can blow that sh*tty monstrous bastard! ' but I really hope that it will work'

Making a plan for a people who d

Arnold: so what we do boy?

Me: we make a 3 meters metal spear, maybe at least 5 of it.

Christopher: uhh.. a spear?

Me: yeah... you will guys know another secret move that my teacher taught me, it's kinda complicated to explain it so no more questions ok? Even I asked my master about it but didn't answer me.

I have to say I have no choice but to lie to them.

Aaron: mmm... interesting

Me: wait for a second... if make a noise, those mutated ants will attack at us!...

I almost forgot the effect if we try to make a bomb

Christopher: damn... bad idea...but if we don't kill that thing, those ants will still chase or attack us!.

Me: no choice but go with the plan, we make a big draft for us... so ill make those 5 spears and two of you Arnold and Chris will make a raft for us.

Arnold: so we use wood for it?

Me: no... just use bamboo we need to make it faster and also make it two layers... just in case. And also Jenny and Elena, if you've finished the task what I give you first... find some food.... oh does anyone of you guys have experience about butching an animal?

This island is really bountiful of resources and if it's the civilized area it will be greatest tourist spot for any adventurers and also if anyone who's lost there's still food that can be identified but some of them are not familiar because of mutation. From what I remember there's a type of a plant that is carnivorous but I didn't see it and if it's mutated we're f*cked.

Arnold: I can

Me: nice!... I just hunted a boar and a deer, butcher it first old man, after you finished it help Chris make the raft. Also, Chris any ideas about our raft?

Christopher: I got this bud... uhh... where can you find metal in this.... ( I look at the sea where we can see a lot of metal scraps from the crashing site)

Me: Forging!

I have remembered that there's forging area in that village, they even make metal knives, nails, etc. I can't really imagine how they able to create those things even they are away from civilization, it's really a mystery for me.

Never in my past life, I had to take some decisions to other people. It's really unexpected to me that I made decisions like this, maybe because of high intelligence stats that's why I can make great decision-making. It's like the instincts that I need to lead them so we can survive this crazy island.

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