
Chapter 6: Friends

Wren pov

I gritted my teeth as I glared at the car that was disappearing down the corner of the street.

"Who was that?" my friend May asked glancing over at the direction I was looking. She was a petite blonde with chocolate brown eyes and a smile that revealed a slight dimple in her cheeks. We first met in fifth grade at arts competition where I participated in a poster competition and she in dance. Both of us placed second in our respective categories and I guess we must have bonded over that fact. It was our good fortune to find we went to the same school and thus our friendship bloomed.

"Nobody," I say smiling down at her. "I thought it was some weird pervert or something," I told her as I hooked my arm in hers and dragged us towards the school. With her petite frame and my tall one we were well known in the school for being the odd duo. Cute May and gloomy Wren. I don't know how I could be described as gloomy but kids these days are too hard to understand.

"So, you told me Wes is back. Well? What does he look like now? I bet you he's grown even more handsomer, right?" she asked shaking my arms, her eyes wide with excitement.

"I don't believe that's how you say it," I told her, deliberately evading her questions.

May pouted as she tugged on my arm. "You still haven't answered my question. How does he look now? Like, just okay or drop your panties because daddies hot!" she asked with a gleam in her eyes.

I knew I shouldn't have told her my annoying neighbor was coming back. May has had an unusual obsession with Wes ever since she saw him the first time she came over to my house. She acts like everything he says and do is worthy of worship and it doesn't help that Wes revels in her devotion. He knows I find it annoyingly cringe and does it out of spite. Ugh, now he even lives in my head.

"Hey, you're not planning on keeping the info all for yourself, are you? He's really hot now, huh? He was basically an Adonis before he left so I'm sure the gem has only become more valuable. I knew it!" she exclaimed at my hesitation with glee and clapping her hands.

I didn't want to admit it but Wes was indeed a lot more handsome now even more so than he was before. Dammit if he'd come back looking like a pudgy fat pig it would've made disliking him easier but even I was not immune to a pretty face. I mean those well-defined pecs, slim waist and well tapered muscles I saw in the morning nearly had me drooling like an idiot. He was the definition of a manly man. And just earlier as he leaned forward I can't believe I hungrily took in his appearance. Why did his hair smell so good? Why was his eyelashes so long? Why did his lips look so soft and invit-wait wait wait what?!


May stared at me in horror, her hands over her mouth. "What the hell! Wren? Why'd you slap yourself like that?"

I stared at my hand which was turning red. No doubt my cheek would be the same color as well. I refuse to have these thoughts. That bastard left me high and dry without even an explanation or a call to say he was okay. I would not forgive that so easily. "Ahh, I don't know," I mumbled, trying to shake traitorous thoughts from my head. I can't believe what I was even thinking. May's disease was rubbing off on me.

"So, I'm still waiting for confirmation you know?" May said looking at me expectantly.

I grimaced. "Fine, he's hot okay. So hot he has his head up his ass from all the people drooling over him I'm sure." May squealed at my answer before skipping towards our classroom with me in tow.


Wes reached his destination and parked his car. Gone was the playfulness from his features and only a cold aloof expression remained. He made his way over to the elevator and pressed the button.

As soon as the doors opened up he was met waiting right outside. The man was just a few feet shorter than him but had a much thicker and powerful build. He had brown hair swept expertly to the side and a baby face that had no business belonging to such a body.

Leon pushed up his glasses as his mouth broke out into a grin. "Wes, you're finally here."

Wes pushed past him and made his way into the large spacious office. It was moderately furnished with a dark décor. A large oak table occupied the space on the right with the floor to ceiling windows right behind it.

Taking a seat on the sofa in the middle, Wes turned his face up to Leon's still smiling face.

"Stop smiling. It doesn't suit you," he stated.

The smile on Leon's face disappeared and he snorted as he sat opposite from him.

"Now why would you go and say that. Can't I be happy to meet my best buddy after so many years?"

Wes took off his jacket and leaned back into the sofa, closing his eyes. "We saw each other two days ago."

Leon shrugged with a laugh. "You can't count video calling as seeing each other. That's absurd. So what do I owe this pleasure? Hmm? Please tell me you're here to shoulder some responsibilities. This media company was your idea from the start. I feel so used to be managing it on my own when you're the actual head. I'm…I'm beginning to feel caged. This space," he gestured to the overly large office, "…it's becoming too small for me. I want to go out and see the light. Feel the breeze under my skin and-"

"Don't be so overly dramatic. You feel caged? Ha!" Wes couldn't help but sneer. Leon was anything but caged. He was as free spirited as a bird.

"Oh, what's this? I sense something amiss in the air. Did something happen? You don't look too good," Leon could tell something was bothering his friend. His earlier jovial attitude turned grim.

Switching into a sprawled position, Wes covered his eyes with an arm. "It's nothing. I just have a lot to think about."

"Hmm…doesn't seem like nothing to me. You never did strike me as a person with lots of thoughts. Pray tell what has our CEO is a bind."

Wes glared from under his arm before straightening to a sitting position.

He looked at Leon for a few seconds before speaking. "Leon, we've been friends for nearly twelve years now. I chose you as a friend out of the countless others so I know you aren't entirely useless." His words made Leon gape at him in shock but Wes didn't care and continued.

"How can I stop a marriage from happening without offending anybody?"

See you all next time.

Alani_Foreigner07creators' thoughts