
Gearing up to make friends and enemies

It is 04:50 and the base is quiet, as quiet as a fully active military base in an active warzone can be. The subtle sound of diesel engines in the distance and a helicopter taking off for a night patrol is the only real sound that can be heard. Anthony coming from the city is quite used to these sounds in the background and does not wake, even as the helicopter circles right overhead as it proceeds with its mission.

"wake up ladies! Time for a warmup! PTs and on the parade grounds in 10 mikes! Lets move ladies, why aren't you dressed yet!?" the voice of the Sergeant wakes them all up as the bright yellowish glow from the globes light up the room like a sunrise from out of nowhere.

'this is it, my first day. I still canmot believe i slept so soundly on this uncomfortable little bed' Anthony thought as he tied his boot laces.

After what felt like two hours of running, push-ups and jumping exercises the troops were instructed to proceed to the mess hall for chow. A small clock on the wall, white face, black hands and a slight dusty silver colour showed the time to be 06:00. For some reason Glade wasn't hungry but he knew from his experience in basic that he will need his strength.

"The following of you proceed to the Armory! Standton, Abrams, Ferrell, King, Mills, Smith, Hernandez, Lee! 10 minutes!" As they finish their meals in a hurry the officer continued calling out names and orders.

'The armory? So soon? I didn't expect to be given any gear yet. I taught there would be more training and conditioning involved'

As the men stand in line infront of the armory they are called in one by one.

"Glade." The soft voice of a man sounds from inside. 'Here we go.'

"Welcome to Afghanistan Private" Anthony is greeted by a man clearly in his early 40s with the physical appearance of a small bodybuilder. "The following equipment will be provided for you and it it will be your responsibility to take care of it and come here in your free time if any items need to be replaced or your firearms serviced. You will be personally responsible for the cleaning and upkeep of your firearms, dont get killed out there because your gun jams from all the dust. Two sets of full uniform including, two sets of combat pants, two sets of combat top dress, one pair of combat boots, one pair of tactical gloves, one ballistic helmet, one ballistic vest containing full kevlar and ceramic plates back and front, one combat belt, four sets of socks, your various badges including your country of origins flag, your blood type and medical alergies." The items get placed in a duffle bag as Glade signs.

"The following firearms and accessories will be provided to you, keep them clean Private. One AR15 Model 3 with one 25 round magazine, ACOG tactical scope with 4X zoom, shoulder sling, one tactical flashlight with firearm mount, One Glock 19, two magazines with a magazine capacity of 15 rounds each, One pistol leg holster." the varios weapons and items get placed infront of Galde and he inspects them and signs.

'This is it, reality is setting in'

"you will not be issued with any ammunition at this time, please proceed to your bunk and get dressed in full combats then proceed with your firearms to Hanger 7, that is the one at the far right from your bunk." The Armorer instructed.

All geared up and on his way to Hanger 7 Anthony gets some time to reflect on his surroundings. He sees a large runway infront of him and on the other side only two buildings, an air traffic control tower and what seems like a store room of some kind, probably for emergency firefighting equipment it seems. To his left, three large hangers, two smaller buildings, the armory where he was before is one of them. A double story building with the American flag on both sides, maybe the officers quarters or some offices? There are some large tent like structures where he can see soldiers loading and checking their weapons preparing to go on a mission. Next to that three bunkers similar to the one he has been asigned to. To his right there are wide open spaces, many vehicles and aircraft are parked. Four more hangers, one where he can see an aircraft being serviced as he passes. Nobody seems to notice him walking and staring, he is feeling a bit alone walking to his deatination. As he passed Hanger 6 he saw the aircraft that brought him and the others to the base. One of the engines has been removed. 'i wonder what is wrong with it, luckily it didn't break while we were flying' Anthony thought withna slight chuckle.

Ariving at Hanger 7 Glade sees King standing there already. 'good to see a familiar face' he thinks.

"Welcome gentlemen. Today you will al be on guard duty. You will each be assigned to a seasoned officer that will brief you on what os expected of you. By tomorrow I would expect you to know already. Load up your firearms, grab two extra magazines for your primary firearms and pick up your coms, proceed to the gate where you will receive further instructions, you have 15 minutes. That will be all" the comanding officer instructed.

The men do as instructed and without a word they just glance at each other from time to time.

Upon arrival at the gate Glade is approached by a man of smaller stature thab the rest. He has a clean haircut with a beard that looks like it has been exposed to the elements for quite some time but it is well kept and neatly trimmed. "Good morning Private Glade, my name is Collins, I will be showing you around today."

The next few hours Anthony is showed numerous things from the operation of vehicle checks, perimeter patrols, threat identification and communication procedures.

The sun begins to set as Anthony and Collins do shift change with the next group of officers and trainees.

Taking off the heavy ballistics and equipment aftee 12 hours in the hot sun feels like a ton of weight lifted off of his shoulders. Being his free time Anthony decides to go outside the barracks and join the other troops. A very welcome sight as some of them have meat on the barbecue, laughing and even drinking beer. 'this feels like home, nothing better after a long day than a braai and a beer' he thinks to himself.

As Glade approaches the soldiers around the fire he is greeted by King with an ice cold beer. "So how was your first day?" King asks.

A smile appears on Anthonys face, he takes a sip of the bland American beer, he is used to stronger beers in South Africa. "Hot..." Anthony replies.

Both men start laughing and the conversation soon picks up and they both talk about the day they had. A friendship seems to be brewing, maybe even a brotherhood.

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