

Hello there, my name is Ken, and I'm a man shackled by the chains of corporate servitude, yearned for liberation from my monotonous job. Day after day, I found myself trapped in a soul-draining cycle, longing for a taste of freedom. The fluorescent lights and drab cubicles became a symbol of my confinement. My heart yearned for something more, something that would ignite my passion and bring fulfillment to my days.

The routine meetings and endless paperwork stifled my spirit, leaving me suffocated in a sea of conformity. With each passing day, My desire for escape grew stronger. I dreamed of breaking free from the clutches of my corporate overlords and embracing a life of purpose and excitement. Thoughts of pursuing my true passions, following my dreams, and seeking personal fulfillment consumed my every waking moment. Driven by an insatiable hunger for a life of authenticity, I vowed to take a leap of faith.

I would summon the courage to pursue my dreams, even if it meant stepping into the unknown. The path to liberation would be daunting, but the allure of a life lived on my own terms was too enticing to ignore. ln the depths of my soul, I knew that the time for change had come. With determination burning in my eyes, I began to lay the groundwork for my emancipation. The journey ahead would be difficult, but I was ready to face the challenges head-on.

I vowed to break free from the chains of corporate servitude to seek a life that resonated with my true self. I would no longer be confined to the suffocating walls of my office. One fateful night, consumed by exhaustion, I ventured across the road to a nearby store in search of a revitalizing coffee. As I stepped onto the asphalt and a radiant light coming closer to me it was a truck, the truck hit me causing me to flew away and died.

l feels so comfortable because I felt the coldness in the groud, I soon realized that the ground beneath me trembled. With trepidation, I cautiously opened my eyes, only to behold a rocky landscape adorned with vibrant crystals of various hues. The air crackled with energy as I surveyed my surroundings, taking in the surreal beauty of the crystals that seemed to pulsate with life.

However, my awe was swiftly interrupted by a sight that sent shivers down my spine. Towering before me were two colossal monsters engaged in an epic battle that reverberated through the dungeon. The first was the Crystalian Anaconda, its iridescent scales gleaming in the flickering light. Its opponent, the mighty King Orc, stood defiantly, bellowing with unyielding fury. The ground trembled beneath their thunderous clashes, threatening to swallow my whole. In this perilous realm, I realized that my reincarnation had thrust me into a world teeming with danger and unimaginable creatures, a world where my survival would depend on my wits, courage, and the choices I would make henceforth. Amidst the titanic clash between the Crystalian Anaconda and King Orc, a surge of exhilaration coursed through my veins. Unable to contain my excitement, I let out a booming shout,

"This is awesome!"

Startled by my own exclamation, I unintentionally struck the sharp rock above the battling monsters, causing it to shatter and rain down upon them, ending their fierce duel in an instant. The sudden silence was broken by a mysterious voice that resonated throughout the cavern.

"Congratulations, Ken. You have ascended from Level 1 to Level 525."

I stammered,

"Who's there?"

"You have earned the titles of Crystalian Slayer and Demon Orc Slayer. Furthermore, you have been rewarded with 525 points. These points can be allocated to enhance your stats. All your stats rose from 1 to 100."

I was shocked when the voice exclaimed,

"Evolution is now available from Echo Monster to a DeathBringer. Cancel or Continue?"

Startled, I sprinted towards the crystal, only to confront my monstrous reflection. Overwhelmed, I cried out,

"Whaaat! Why am I so ugly!? As far as I remembered, I was a good-looking guy! Man, I guess the so-called reincarnation is real after all.. huhuhu"

I, after regaining my composure, I asked the voice to repeat the question. After carefully considering my options, I chose to continue with the evolution. As soon as I made my decision, a wave of intense pain surged through my body, causing me to scream in agony for what felt like an eternity. The excruciating torment seemed to stretch on for nearly an hour, testing my endurance to its limits. But just as I thought I couldn't bear it any longer, the pain subsided, and a newfound energy coursed through my veins. The transformation was complete. I could feel the immense power radiating from within me, as if I had become an unstoppable force. The mysterious voice echoed once again, announcing,

"Evolution from Echo Monster to DeathBringer is successful. All your stats have risen from 100 to 950."

I stood there, stunned by the revelation. I marvelled at my heightened strength, agility, intellect, and other stats. It was as if I had been reborn into a being of unparalleled might. I clenched my fists, feeling the raw power surging through my muscles. I, brimming with curiosity and a desire to test my newfound powers, ventured deeper into the dungeon. As I turned a corner, I came face to face with an astonishing sight—five towering Crystal Golems. These colossal creatures surpassed even the Crystalian Anaconda and King Orc in size, leaving me in a state of shock and awe.

A mixture of excitement and trepidation coursed through my veins as I contemplated my next move. Determined to push the limits of my abilities, I reached for a rock, its shape resembling my clenched fist. With a surge of adrenaline, I hurled it at the nearest Crystal Golem, unsure of what to expect. To my astonishment, the rock pierced through the Golem's crystalline exterior with ease, causing it to crumble and shatter. A triumphant laugh escaped my lips as I realized the extent of my power. I confidence surged, and I eagerly declared my intent to vanquish them all,

"I'll destroy all of you! HAHAHAHA!"

The Crystal Golems, normally formidable adversaries, now seemed no match for my enhanced strength. My heart raced with a mix of excitement and anticipation as I prepared to face these colossal creatures head-on. My newfound powers granted me an exhilarating sense of invincibility, and I relished the opportunity to put them to the test. With unwavering confidence, I lunged at the nearest Crystal Golem, my fists crackling with energy. My strikes landed with devastating force, shattering the towering creature into countless fragments.

The other Crystal Golems, recognizing the threat before them, retaliated with massive swipes and thunderous stomps. Undeterred, I danced gracefully between their attacks, my movements a blur of pure agility. Each blow I delivered was precise and calculated, exploiting weaknesses in their crystalline armour. Golems fell one by one, their shattered forms littering the dungeon floor. As the last Crystal Golem crumbled beneath my mighty blows, a sense of accomplishment washed over me.

My power had proven itself, surpassing even the mightiest foes I had encountered thus far. I laughter echoed through the dungeon, a mix of triumph and exhilaration. The once seemingly invincible Golems fell before me, their shattered remains strewn across the dungeon floor.

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