1 Prologue:Her

(First Person POV)

I've never really understood why I didn't like people, ever since I was nine I've developed a disliking for people. My mom says I'm like this because I'm a sociopath, of course I believed her because she's my mom, and because she was studying psychology.

Then I started biting my finger when I turned 11. I soon realized it was because I wanted to hurt people, and as a way to calm myself or keeping myself from hurting anyone I would bite my finger. The strangest thing about it was that I would want to hurt a random person, it would go from me wanting to hurt a random person walking down the street to one of my siblings.

I would also want to hurt my dad, when he would yell at me and my siblings I wouldn't care but I would want to hurt him. I would imagine myself beating him badly, sometimes, a lot of times, I would even kill him. Honestly I liked when he was mad, it was fun and exciting when he would yell and threaten us.

Biting my finger got so bad that they soon began turning darker than the rest of my hand and fingers I didn't bite. It would also start to hurt, sometimes it would go numb after a while of hurting that I wouldn't even feel myself biting myself.

I have been doing this for five years, I'm convinced that I am a sociopath, but also a psychopath. At first I couldn't help but ask myself, 'Could someone even be both a sociopath and psychopath at the same time?', I researched and all. 'Could someone be both?' I still ask myself, I somewhat believe they could but mostly think they can't. Could they?

I am Anastasia Thanatos the girl who befriended her demons.

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