

Auteur: Revenge1_
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What is Liife

Lisez le roman Liife écrit par l'auteur Revenge1_ publié sur WebNovel. ...


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天使般的容貌,上帝亲吻过的脑袋。冰冷的面容下是一腔热血,警校第一名,根本算不上是给她加冕。 从未与人有过纷争的亲姐姐离奇去世,林嘉迤发誓这辈子定要找出真相。 诡异案件一件接着一件,林嘉迤莫名被老队长塞进了特殊案件处理组。 美其名曰,有这天分,别天天跟小毛贼霍霍你的青春! 这里的每一件案子,都在刷新林嘉迤的三观。   “有些人能感受雨,而其他人只是被淋湿...”    跟着特殊案件处理组,林嘉迤和她的处理组组员一起,遭遇重重难关。   待他们查明真相后,似乎总有人在背后推波助澜....   她日日忙着穿梭现场,抓获真凶。 “这位少爷要不是看您真是IQ246的天才又是犯罪学博士,我真的请您出去告你xxx了。”   “四方挑事人,八方诡辩案,抵不上林嘉迤一个字,一句话。咱这就左转去隔壁办公室自首去。”   “爷,你当初撂下家里的担子来局子里不是为了你的梦想吗?”   “或许?我是为了谈情说爱?”    清贵男子偏头一笑,胜过人间无数烟火。   (专注破案和撒糖,提醒观看的读者,本书存在合理BUG,推理小说只为抓凶不为帮凶。   言情小说只为存在,不为合理。请勿纠结,身心双洁,安心入坑。)      

浪里小瓢虫 · Général
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252 Chs

It Started with Slime

First off let me say that I have seen some stories here that don't have great English, that is totally fine, however if it something that bothers you I can assure that I am a native English speaker and therefore my writing in English will be of that standard. With that said there are some great writers here and if English is not your first language you are still doing great! An alchemical experiment gone wrong results in our MC - It does have a name now but that would be a spoiler... This story follows a Slime that surprisingly has some level of consciousness and there is more to it than meets the eye. Slime is just the beginning of course as it struggles to improve itself and works hard to grow and become strong just to suvive its harsh new reality. There is a lot more going on under the surface than meets the eye and only time will tell if your MC is strong enough to make it through and come out stronger on the other side. This is story with a Monster Protaganist, I am not going to be using any profanity nor include any sexual content, there will be violence and fighting description. If you are not seeing updates on this story for a while it is not that I have stopped writing, you can read more on the various platforms where this book is available, including Royalroad, Neovel and Wattpad! Thanks so much! Cover by: Faren Discord: https://discord.gg/eDuZaEAAqG This story is published and available on Royalroad, Webnovel, ScribbleHub, Wattpad, Neovel, Novel Online, Booknet and extra chapters on Patreon!

Keval_Shah_Audio · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
207 Chs


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