
4. F, L, E

"Stay away from him if you can, if you can't FLE, Face it, Live it, Enjoy it ha ha ha"

Amira's answer to Dzi who complained about her inconvenience to know Sahal. Dzi shook her head. She knows the only way she can get away from Sahal is to stay away from him. Avoiding and abusive language is blocking all access. However, Dzi's heart did not reach him.

"I still have a heart, Sist"

She still has the heart and feelings of pity for the boy who just appeared. A misstep tarnished her pride. She didn't want to be said as a girl who was overly receiving little attention from a boy she just met

"Then FLE is better. Sincerely live because maybe God is testing you with him. "

Dzi scratched her head. She admitted that everything Amira said was true. There is nothing in vain from what God destined for mankind. She immediately confirmed her sitting position and opened her laptop, trying to find access to and from the house so as not to meet Sahal.

Dzi looked around her house from the CCTV cameras that he installed in every corner of her house. There was a back door that she could use to get out but she did not know whether the access linking the back door to the road behind her house was safe or not when she passed it.

"Huh, why is it this complicated? I really can't act what it is to Sahal. God !! Is it my fault that you made you send him to me? "

Dzi scratched her head again and tried to get up. She walked along the back yard and opened the fence. Her eyes widened in amazement at the beautiful scenery presented before her.

A very nice playground, where there is an access road that connects one alley to another and will eventually take it to a very busy highway with vehicles going back and forth.

"Oh My God. Why did I just know there is a beautiful scene like this? Even though I've lived for over a year? "

Dzi is back soon. After confirming that she was able to memorize all the paths. She stepped into the living room and brought her scoopy into the kitchen through the halls of her house. She immediately locked the house and got on her motorbike to the back garden.

"Why are you going this way? too dangerous for new people to cross here, Dzi "

Dzi is stunned. She looked at the owner of the voice who was warning her. She shook her head at what she was seeing. Sahal, the man she wanted to avoid, was sitting on one of the chairs in the garden behind her house with a seductive smile. He really enjoyed his role. Follow Dzi wherever she goes.


"Ha ha ha, why are you surprised? Are you trying to avoid me? "

Dzi shook her head. She couldn't tell the truth about Sahal at this point. what she wanted avoided him, but what if she were honest with him? Of course he will be disappointed and put her on the black list, as the person he hates the most.

Why are you here? Aren't you. . . .? '

Sahal shook his head. He knew Dzi would avoid him from Deandra, his assistant and friend who always helped him find information about the people he wanted. Sahal really enjoyed the surprise of Dzi at this time. The beautiful face of the girl who had just been bothering him last night, made him really feel very nervous. He'd love to pinch Dzi's oval cheeks if only he wasn't struggling to win her heart.

"I'm free anywhere. Just like you who are also free to carry your motorbike through which way. "

"W-what do you mean?"

"I know you are looking for an alternative way that can make yourself comfortable, right? So do I. I'm looking for the most comfortable place to spend my time when I'm outside the house like this time. Oh yes, I think this park is perfect for us to sit down to spend our time. "

Dzi shook her head. Her hand that had been shaking from the start is now trembling even more as she is holding back the intense fear. She doesn't know who is the man who started to disturb her calm, but she is sure that Sahal is not just any man. He must have people who are ready to help all his interests.

"I am sorry I have to go now."

"O, alright. I'll also leave here if you don't want to sit with me. "

"It's not that i don't want to sit down with you. I'm in a hurry. Assalamualaikum'

"Waalaikum salam"

Sahal looked at Dzi with laughter still on his lips. He was genuinely happy to make her miserable and desperate.

"I know you really want to avoid me, Dzi. You must feel uncomfortable because I always follow you wherever you go. Ah, what a lovely girl. Sigh, but why am I attracted to you? "

Sahal sighs. He remembered the arranged marriage between his parents. His mother said she would marry the daughter of his parents' best friend named Saifi. But he had absolutely no interest in taking Saifi as the one who was going to accompany his life.

"Saifi. I'm sure she's not as attractive as my Dzi. She is adorable. Very cute"

Sahal immediately took his cellphone and tried to contact Deandra.