
11. Therapy for Raharja

Arriving at the treatment room, Raharja was moved to a divan.

"Alhamdulillah, finally Papa was able to lie down."

"Yes, Ma. At least this can make me more relaxed and can loosen Papa's tight muscles. "

"Where's Saifi, Pa? Mama is sure she has fought for this. "

"Hopefully she will immediately enter Ma. She's a good girl. "

"Yes, Pa. Had that bad boy Khalid not gone, he would have met Saifi today. But it is your child's habit to always leave without saying goodbye to me. "

"You also shouldn't be overly imposing your own will. Learn to be a gentle mother. "

"I want to be gentle, Pa. But it feels incredibly difficult. Your son always has a reason to make me angry. "

"It's easy to get angry with you. But Allah prefers a wise person who can control his emotions without having to blindly "

"Saifi? Have you come? "

"Yes, ma'am. Earlier I called the therapy department and asked them to bring you here to get treatment quickly considering your weak condition. "

"Thank you for the help, dear. May Allah reward all this help. "

"Amen. Oh yes, I brought two therapists who happened to have their working hours running out. They will try to check your deviation. They are doctor Fatah and doctor Widodo. "

The two men who had been standing behind Dzi nodded then carried out Dzi's orders obediently.

"Good afternoon sir. I, Fatah, will try to make a diagnosis on your body based on the visuals of your legs and spine. But before that, let's pray and ask God for healing because in essence we only help, and the right to heal rests with Allah alone. "

"Bismillah, I will start from seeing the visual of your feet."


Fatah checks carefully under the supervision of Dzi. Nancy just looked at the process without comment. She hopes that her husband will get well soon and be able to return to his normal activities.

"Visual the feet close both of them, with the loose touchpoint on the leg, Ma'am."

"Ok." Dzi replied while observing Raharja's feet.


"Scoliosis back."

"Please continue!"

Nancy observes Dzi. In her heart, she was sure that the girl in front of her was not just a cleaning service employee. Although not said directly, Nancy can read the intelligence and intelligence of the girl in front of her well. But again, she didn't dare to think too far.

"Do a Booster!"

Fatah and Widodo nodded. The two men deftly bent Raharja's legs and supported his head in Widodo's lap.

"This hurts, sir?" Raharja shook his head.

"At this rate?"

Once again Raharja shook his head. Fatah almost gave up when he caught Raharja's arm, then turned to look at Dzi.

"The second type of entry is sufficient energy booster stage two."

"Fine, Ma'am."

Fatah carries out Dzi instructions. Shaking her legs up and down and holding them in the middle made Raharja grimace in pain.

"Repeat one more time."

"Ready, Ma'am"

Raharja prepares to receive the same therapeutic measures to get the next stage of energy. His face, which was originally pale, now gradually turned red. His chest, which was tightened up and down, now seemed to be breathing a little more regularly.

"How, sir?"

"Hah, thank God it feels a little comfortable, dear."

"Alhamdulillah. Even the slightest change, please be grateful because from this gratitude may Allah add His blessings again. "

"Amen, God willing."

"Now continue therapy!" Ask Dzi while looking Fatah and Widodo.

"Ok, Ma'am."

Dzi instructs Raharja on what and how he should act in therapy.

"Clamp your feet and hands, please fight in the opposite direction. This action will open the twists in your pelvis and secondary bones. Biidznillah"


"Take it easy and don't be surprised."

"I gave the signal, the count of three starts at one. . . two. . . three."

Raharja moves according to Dzi's direction, who is now not only looking at Fatah and Widodo's therapy activities. She took Raharja's hand and took action. "



"Lie back, please!" You feel the pain is getting worse or more comfortable."

"Alhamdulillah, the body that was tingling is now a little comfortable."

"Alhamdulillah. We continue to do the therapy. This time, add strength. "


This was followed by the therapy performed by Dzi, Fatah, and Widodo. Dzi sat on a chair in the corner of the room with Nancy while watching Raharja continue the action inside the room

"Thank you, Saifi. Thanks to your help, you look stronger now. "

"You're welcome, ma'am. This therapy is the active one. We help direct the patient while doing his daily therapy at home. I regret that when you do therapy like this, there is no family party, especially the children who accompany you. If earlier there were your sons who were present, they could guide and accompany you when doing the movements. '

"Well, it is

I told you earlier Khalid is stubborn. He wants to win alone and usually leaves without saying goodbye. "

"Hopefully in the future, you can recover as before, even become stronger, you. If we look at it now, you look better. Stronger in walking without the assistance of a wheelchair. "

"Yes, Fi. Thank you, O Allah. Thank you"

Dzi walked to the refrigerator in another corner of the room, tried to get the dishes that were in it, and set them on the table close to Nancy.

"Please eat first, Mom !. Although only accompanying your husband, you also need extra energy. "

"Thank you. Don't keep on bothering, Saifi. I am already grateful because you helped us without having to wait any longer. "

"It is my responsibility, ma'am. As part of this healthy house, I am called to give more service to you and the ladies. "

"But, can I ask for help again?"

"As much as I can."

"Does Saifi want to be my companion during therapy? I can not, afraid to make mistakes. "

"Oh, I cannot ma'am? I . . "

"Later, my salary will be higher than being a cleaning service here"

"That's not the problem, Mom."


"I have other duties besides cleaning this healthy house."

"What? Later let me ask your employer to release you and let you work in my house. "

Dzi shook her head. She did not move at all. She tried to get around to avoid Nancy's coercion but suddenly her cellphone rang.


"Yes, true."

"Astaghfirullah, sorry I forgot. Sorry. Okay, then I'll come right away. Once again, I'm sorry. "

"Well, waalaikum salam warahmatullahi wabarokatuh"

Dzi looked at Nancy.

"What is wrong?"

"I'm very sorry today I have an event at the mosque, Mom. I forgot if there was a recitation for women at the mosque in front of my house and I was her Mc. "

"Masha Allah. Then you must go immediately? I'm sorry I have disturbed your activities. "

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I can't stay with you until it's over. "

"Yes, it's okay. Next time, God willing, we can meet again. "

"Insha Allah. Assalamualaikum "

"Waalaikum salam"

Dzi leaves Nancy and goes to Raharja to ask her goodbye. She immediately left the room where Raharja was still finishing the therapy process.