
Life Simulator System in a Cultivation Novel

Bloodsniper · Oriental
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32 Chs

Ch-27: First Blood

As soon as Bai Chenyu and Mo Xiao stepped outside the city walls, Bai Chenyu's heart throbbed with excitement. He was eager to explore the lands beyond the sect. They flew for some time until Mo Xiao found a suitable location and landed. Bai Chenyu looked around curiously, discovering various types of trees and plants he had never seen before in his previous life or read about in the novel.

It felt like entering a whole new world, with a tremendous change in the atmosphere. Back at the sect, the atmosphere exuded a sense of safety and competitiveness. However, here, Bai Chenyu could sense the blend of nature and an underlying feeling of both life and death.

Suddenly, a loud noise echoed in the surroundings, snapping Bai Chenyu into full alert mode. His eyes darted around as he observed the unfamiliar surroundings.

"What was that sound?" Bai Chenyu looked back at Mo Xiao, his voice tinged with nervousness.

"We're not the only ones here, Chenyu. Besides beasts that can easily overpower cultivators, there are also fellow sect members and rogue cultivators in this wilderness. Anyone can enter to hunt beasts for their cores. You have to be careful because cultivators, driven by greed, can pose more danger than a beast. Remember that," Mo Xiao explained with a stern voice, causing Bai Chenyu to nod solemnly. He was well aware of this danger, recalling from the novel that Su Chen faced greater threats from humans than beasts due to the treasure he possessed.

"There is a 1st Rank monster approaching from 545 metres," Mo Xiao said, and Bai Chenyu instantly surveyed his surroundings but did not find a trace of any monster as the distance was very large.

"Master, how can you see that far?" Bai Chenyu knew how he could see that far but did not mention it. His intention was to remind him that he had yet to teach him a crucial technique, which he had forgotten to teach, and indeed Mo Xiao remembered.

"Oh, now that you mention it, I forgot you don't know how to use your Qi to trace enemies," Mo Xiao exclaimed as he remembered that he had forgotten to teach Bai Chenyu a crucial technique.

"Qi trace, how do you do it?" Bai Chenyu asked Mo Xiao.

"The technique is called Qi Tracing. It is a common technique that every disciple knows how to utilize. You spread your Qi to sense the enemies or someone approaching. It works like some kind of field; if someone enters, you can sense it. The higher the rank of your Qi, the further you can spread your Qi," Mo Xiao explained and was a bit embarrassed he forgot about this.

"Master, can you teach me?" Bai Chenyu asked excitedly, to which Mo Xiao smiled.

"Hmm, I was about to teach you anyway but forgot due to the shock you gave me these days," Mo Xiao smiled wryly. He tapped Bai Chenyu's forehead, and Bai Chenyu's body trembled as the technique got imprinted in his memory.

[You have learned Qi Tracing]

A line of text appeared in front of Bai Chenyu, visible only to him, once he mastered the technique.

Bai Chenyu spread out his Qi, and Mo Xiao was a bit shocked when he felt the expanded range of his field. After Bai Chenyu spread his Qi, he could indeed sense a monster approaching – a 1st Rank.

1st Rank monsters were on par with Cultivators at the Peak of the Mortal Ascension Realm. They required multiple Cultivators of the Mortal Realm to defeat due to their stronger bodies compared to humans. However, this problem could be easily solved by wielding a high-ranked weapon or using the right technique.

"Right, take this sword," Mo Xiao handed him a temporary sword for Bai Chenyu to use with his technique. Bai Chenyu accepted the sword from Mo Xiao and waited for the monster to arrive.


Bai Chenyu tightened his grip on his sword as he faced a ferocious-looking blue wolf with a horn on its forehead. Drool dripped from its mouth as it stared at Bai Chenyu. To be honest, Bai Chenyu felt a bit scared for a moment. In his past life, an 11-year-old confronting a carnivorous monster would have meant a grisly death. Even an adult would struggle, not to mention that the monster in front of him was stronger than those in his previous world.

He quickly calmed himself down, remembering that he wasn't just an ordinary 11-year-old. He was a cultivator with powerful techniques and weapons, and his master was by his side.

The wolf's red eyes locked onto Bai Chenyu, radiating a murderous intent and revealing its sharp, razor-like teeth as if poised to tear him apart.

Bai Chenyu observed the wolf sprinting towards him, its powerful legs causing the ground to shake with each step. Bai Chenyu took a deep breath as he got ready to take action

Suddenly, a dark light emanated from the sword, grabbing the wolf's attention. It stared at the black glow, its instincts warning it not to approach. It was on the verge of retreating when Bai Chenyu's voice rang out.

"Death Strike," Bai Chenyu uttered, pulling the sword out as if drawing it from a scabbard just a bit. A distinctive clicking sound echoed, and the dark light instantly disappeared.

As soon as the voice rang out, the wolf's head separated from its body instantly, and its lifeless form slumped to the ground, staining the earth with blood.

"Haha, as expected of a Chaos Rank technique! Congratulations on your first kill, Chenyu," Mo Xiao congratulated Bai Chenyu. He observed how Bai Chenyu overcame his hesitation and swiftly dealt with the monster. Mo Xiao was certain that someone unfamiliar with killing, other than Bai Chenyu who was so young, would likely be shivering in fear and unable to carry out the act. The Chaos Rank technique played a crucial role, and Mo Xiao believed Bai Chenyu would have faced a few difficulty killing it 

"Thank you, Sect Master," Bai Chenyu said with a smile, feeling satisfaction from achieving his first kill in the cultivation world.

"Alright, grab the core and put it in your storage ring. Also, collect the corpses; you can sell them later," Mo Xiao instructed Bai Chenyu. Bai Chenyu followed the instructions, removing the core from the body and placing it in his storage ring along with the corpse.