
Life in cultured world make me wonder, Is this good ?

becoming something that you desire is good in many way, because you can feel them in first person. While enjoying life is either hard or easy as people speak despite they have many reason to tell you how to do it, No, life doesn't work that way. in this "Cultured" World where everything you see and Anything you feel is Questionable yet morally speaking is not. As long is enjoyable and "Fapable" is all good. =================== Hello, This novel using a translator because my first language is not English so in this description of the novel i tried using my minimum Vocabulary that pop up out of my vein. Yeah, you already guess it. This Fanfic i will share the "Cultured video" not the "Number". Maybe some of you asking what happened to other fanfic , This site limiting my update on that fanfic because some uncultured people get offended by "loli". I dont mind at all, after all everything in this novel is imagination of a reader trying to make a story. so yeah, I will try not to approach a loli (a literal child not that petite type girl) one, but don't judge me because of some "Cultured Video" tag that is weirdly fuck up , i just taking their character despite i already have a milkshake on them (Stroking genital with compassion and love). Anyway, Thank you for reading also, the schedule is not consistent because my work schedule and university make my update was slow. Either way, if you looking some "Daily dose of video recommendation" Come on in, I will share it with you. if you looking for story, i'm so sorry for inconsistency of plot or some not build up character or shitty mc. because writing novel is a hobby not my passion at all. so thank you for your attention Ps. This novel contain NTR, Because you know some of this cultured Video has many NTR included either good NTR or bad NTR(Either is Plot or Art).Im taking their Female Character as story building also alter their background reason(Or should i say Cultured Video Plot)without changing their personality in their original Cultured Video. As vanilla enjoyer like i am, I honestly wish that some of you cultured people who didnt Enjoy or despise NTR. Skip this novel, I mean it. Anyway if you looking some kind a Sauce for Cultured Video, Check Author Thought. ill leave the sauce there. As master Oogway says, If there is a hole there is a goal. If the daughter cant be breached the mother you shall reach.

Shaywalloppp · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
18 Chs


On a sunny morning in front of the academy gate, where several disciplinary committees and student councils stood to check on incoming students, and some familiar teachers were also guarding there.

I heard the sound of a fierce motorcycle not far away, I darted casually in the hustle and bustle of the city then I arrived in front of the gate then I entered casually, I parked this motorcycle in the teacher's car park, anyway some teachers don't have cars.

My motorcycle became the main spotlight because it was imported, I didn't mind that they wanted to take pictures of it.

I took off my helmet and tied my hair, I put the helmet on the trunk of the bike and took my bag.

"Hey freak, your bike is cool" It's rare that Onoura cares about me, gotta be careful about this.

"Thank you class rep, I appreciate your praise" Onoura then approached my bike and kicked it, there was a loud sound of someone hitting a metal wall.

Onoura held her sore leg and looked at me with tears in her eyes that almost came out, I just smiled and left here because I was being chased by the discipline committee students.

"SOGA TATSUO, come back!" I was already running as fast as I could to class, I was immediately hugged by Rinka on the stairs.

"You're on a Harley? My dad loves Harleys, bring it home later" I put Rinka down and nodded to her.

"Sure, Uncle will definitely scream with joy when his dream bike is in front of his eyes" Rinka giggled at this, because Rinka's father was a Harley motorcycle fan from long ago, a bike from when he was still dating Rinka's mother but the bike was sold for Rinka's maternity expenses so Uncle missed his old bike a little.

"Soga Tatsuo!" Rinka and I looked at the gap in the stairs and saw some of the discipline committee chasing me, I excused myself from Rinka.

I reached the classroom and jumped to the ceiling like spiderman, the disciplinary committee members entered the classroom.

"Is Soga Tatsuo here?" All my friends looked at me and I gave them the code to shut up, many shook their heads and pretended to be stupid.

"Go find him" All the discipline committee members left, I landed on the ground and sighed.

"Thank you, as my gratitude, please take this cake" I gave all the friends here a stuffed cake, they ate it and some screamed hysterically.

"It's delicious, did you make it?" I nodded and at least I was able to get along with all my friends, some Gal and gyaru I also got along with, no matter if they thought I was weird or hated me like Onoura, they were still my friends and I had to inevitably behave well.

We sat back to our respective seats and saw that Onoura was not present, rather she was in the medical room. her own fault kicked my Harley Motorcycle, pure steel kicked.

"Onoura Rikka....where is she?" Mrs. Hanamori looked at me, I looked back at her. Mrs. Hanamori believes me apparently.

"Onoura is in the medical room, she accidentally kicked the iron pole" Mrs. Hanamori nodded and she asked about our progress, or the impression of learning for this week.

"Tatsuo, how is your wound? Has it healed?" some of my classmates looked at me, I looked at Mrs. Hanamori.

"So far so good, but the scar I told you yesterday, it takes 3 months to close completely" Several students looked at Mrs. Hanamori who nodded.

"Wound? Your body is normal" One of the gal girls asked this, I took off my shirt and their expressions changed 180 degrees. some closed their eyes because of the horror of my wounds, some almost fainted.

"I didn't know, I'm sorry" I nodded and covered my wound with my shirt again.

"It's okay, don't be afraid of me. Now let's just be friends as usual" They smiled at my smile that I made here an innocent smile that they could see everyday.

Onoura entered the classroom and we saw her with a bandage on her leg.

"Insolent freak, I didn't know your bike was pure steel. look what you did to my leg" Onoura showed her injured leg, I giggled at it.

"Blame yourself for kicking my bike, if you were well-behaved and well-intentioned. maybe the misfortune you received today would not have been possible" Some gal giggled at Onoura, Onoura immediately sat down and Mrs. Hanamori shook her head at our behavior.

We went to the art room where the next lesson would be held, I sat at the back.

"My name is Takamine Asahi. Here I will teach art, please try painting this" I looked at a model of fruit in a plate. I drew it quickly with great accuracy, after finishing I tried drawing where I saw the view of my room shrine with a pond and a cherry tree that made a good view, I painted quickly and accurately as if this painting was a portrait.

Ms. Takamine took this paper canvas and looked at me who was cleaning the brush.

"Join the art club, Tatsuo. Your painting can be considered fantastic" Fantastic? Don't be like that Mrs. Takamine.

"Just a moment" I stood up and took the large special canvas here, and placed it in front of me.

"Ms. Takamine, please excuse me. Can you smile" Ms. Takamine looked at me and smiled. I nodded and made a fantasy-like painting.

Where Ms. Takamine in a beautiful dress is sitting on a tree on a hill with her sweet smile looking at the horizon, then I painted another one where Ms. Takamine is smiling in winter at the end of the balcony of a temple holding hot chocolate milk.

The last one is where I painted all the faces of my classmates with Mrs. Takamine sitting in the middle, all these paintings are like portraits and I can't even tell if this is a photo or a pure painting.

I handed this painting to Mrs. Takamine and I tidied up all the things I used.

"I put my heart and soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process because a smile will forever be remembered in the mind but the mind will eventually forget the smile. rather than the smile being lost I immortalized it in the painting, so smile Ms. Takamine" Ms. Takamine looked at the painting in her hand and shed tears, Oh no. I didn't expect Ms. Takamine to cry.

"The freak makes women cry" I looked at Onoura with a disappointed look, Onoura made trouble with me again, why don't you just become a discipline committee.

"Thank you, I'll keep this" Mrs. Takamine kept the painting of herself on the hill in this room, and the other one she will take home.

"Tatsuo, paint us" I smiled seeing some of my friends enthusiastic, I nodded and ordered them to style as they wish.

<Making someone happy>

[Singing skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Air Specialty vehicle, Take?]

[Body Specialty, Take?]

Air? I don't want a fighter here. Body skill only.

Multitasking body skill, a very good skill I can do different jobs at the same time. it's very helpful and I can do it.

I tried it, I painted and played the bamboo flute that I picked up here.

The sound of this music became a beautiful sound in the corridor and even this music room, my left hand playing the flute and my right hand painting my friend. I can divide my focus easily.

only side effect is that I get tired easily if I don't have sun and moon breathing, now I can do all of these easily at the same time

"Multitasking? Tatsou, join the art competition in 7 days" I finished my painting and my melodious music playing, I handed this over to my friend and he was very happy.

I wonder if that's exactly where our Eroge should have entered the Convention. I hesitated but ah never mind just try.

"Alright Mrs. Takamine but I have a requirement for that" Mrs. Takamine was happy until she wanted to hug me, I held her body because this is not good if other students see.

"Tell me what your requirements are, I will fulfill them" I smiled and whispered something to Mrs. Takamine, Mrs. Takamine was ready and agreed.

The lesson is over and I go to the teacher's room with Mrs. Takamine, many teachers who see Mrs. Takamine's painting are amazed and even jealous.

"Tatsuo, can you paint me?" Mrs. Hanamori looked at me who was making a transaction with Mrs. Takamine.

"I'll do it Mrs. Hanamori, after I finish my business with Mrs. Takamine" I finished and painted Mrs. Hanamori sitting on the porch of the wooden house dressed like a mother knitting a scarf for her.

This painting is very lively like I'm showing the future, I only see Mrs. Hanamori's future which this painting is proof of.

"So beautiful, are you getting more and more talents? Be the Council President, I'll support you fully" I thought, being the Council President with the Disciplinary Committee and student council members hating me? I'm like walking into Heina's lair.

"Mrs. Hanamori, I'm flattered for your offer, but my impression in the student council and discipline committee is already bad, being the president of the student council is practically a slap in the face for the current members, it's ironic" Mrs. Hanamori covered her face because it's true, how naughty am I? this is tame me to be honest.

"Alright, whatever club you want to choose, I'll support it, don't forget to participate in the Olympiad understand, wait. You didn't have a Convention at that time, how could you do that?" I looked at all the teachers here, even though there were a few that weren't there, I used shunpo to create, 3 to 4 images of myself and they could interact with each other.

"I can do this Ms. Hanamori, but the side effect is that my body will be under severe stress. but for the sake of Ichisakura pride I am willing to put up with this" All the teachers were amazed by my talent and some gaped, my shadow returned to my body and I looked at Ms. Hanamori who sighed even more.

"You're a ninja? What now? Onmoyuji? Monk? Show me everything." I used the power of Onmoyuji which can summon talismans and Ripple which makes my hands shine like gold to all the teachers here, Mrs. Hanamori closed her face.

"Go back to class, I'm getting dizzy" I giggled and went to follow Ms. Hagiura who happened to be heading to my class.

"Ms. Hanamori, you have a student who is versatile and has Onmyouji bloodline, I want to be her homeroom teacher" Several teachers laughed at Miria's joke, Hanamori was still looking at her beautiful painting.

"But the stress I'm receiving is bigger than you guys because of Tatsuo's unpredictability, I'm so worried about him getting hurt again, He already doesn't have a family he can warmly embrace at home nor friends who think of him like a normal kid here, I'm afraid he's become a punk who's more of a headache than all the C class students" All the teachers nodded at Hanamori's assumption, I sat down after Mrs. Hagiura taught Science physics to us.

I listened and tried to check out the various schools in Tokyo but I'm not interested in transferring because this school is already fun.

"Tatsuo, are you tired?" I saw Mrs. Hagiura looking at me with a worried look.

"No, I apologize for my daydreaming behavior, please continue the lesson" Mrs. Hagiura continued her teaching until the break bell rang.

I left the class to go to my usual place, I arrived and saw the same group of cats from yesterday now they brought a new army.

Luckily I brought more food than usual, we ate together and I saw the silent girl come and sit next to me eating with me.

"Welcome, my name is Soga Tatsuo" This girl just nodded, and ate casually. No response is fine as long as she's comfortable.

The cats finished eating and immediately played with me, I touched them with Ripple and they were immediately tame and adorable.

Rolling around in the grass they even let me stroke their bellies, which usually cats will immediately scratch anyone.

This girl tried to do what I did and got bitten on the hand, I reflexively took the hand and looked at the wound. I heal it with Ripple because I don't have a medicine box right now.

"Be careful, don't just touch it can be dangerous" I have treated this girl's hand and picked up the cat that bit this girl's hand.

"Naughty, naughty, naughty" I squeezed the cat's cheek gently, the cat bit my hand gently.

"Hosokawa" I turned my head and saw that the girl had already left, her name is Hosokawa I will remember it, although she is quiet but her expression is predictable.

I then continued playing with the cats until the bell rang. I returned quickly before I was caught by the disciplinary committee.

"Hey" I was caught off guard by one of the discipline committee members, I dodged this girl quickly.

"Wait!" I jumped from the first floor to the third floor and got into the window.

"Fyuh, the fastest elevator is jumping apparently" All my friends shook their heads at my behavior.

"A Freak is A Freak after all" I ignored Onoura's teasing, and sat in my seat.

I then waited for today's teacher who was an English teacher, I didn't know which teacher would teach this, because he was never in the teacher's room.

Then a teacher came in with a face that was not happy at all.

"My name is Miyako Ruka, I teach you English. I don't want to hear your excuses for being undisciplined" I sighed and this woman had a problem, she sucked at maintaining relationships.

"Hey, your name is Tatsuo Soga isn't it? I heard from another teacher that you're a genius, try this now" I stood up and went to the blackboard, this was junior high school English, I'm literally from America and I can do this.

I wrote formal and informal sentences throughout this paragraph with ease, using Japanese as explanations and so on.

"Can I sit down, if you have a problem with something please don't take it out on someone" I then sat back down with an exasperated Mrs. Miyako.

"You meet me later in the teacher's lounge" I sighed, I was just giving you advice because of your problem why did you bring this up personally.

"Okay I'll be there, Mrs. Miyako" Miyako folded her hands and explained my writing on the board. I was looking at the ceiling.

What will uncle say about my bike?

No sauce, Some of the character in here appear in Visual novel or game but not in cultured video, because this is hentai world basically partial of that Visual novel and Game, some of character i will add, some i dont, for plot purpose and fap purpose.

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts