
Life In Ancient Times With My Little Moon Wives

( mature content ) ( life became more colorful after I met them ....... Lin yu'an ) a famous modern chef, wine maker and also a boxer who had mastered the internal energy and was known as the mysterious shadow fist, was transmigrated into an ancient world, a world were there was an existing third gender called moons, worst of all, he was about to become a father! Lin yu'an: I only wanted to sleep! the original was kicked out of his house by his greedy grandparents to a broken down house at the foot of the village mountain with his five moon wives, Lin yu'an: tsk! the original was definitely an idiot, the original was a lazy drunker who mistreats his moon wives, Lin yu'an: if I ever have a chance to meet him , I'll improve my boxing skills with his face! traped in the body of a trash like this, Lin yu'an promised to protect his new family and for that he had to become so powerful that no one would be able to hurt his people! ...... book cover is not mine, all rights reserved for the original owner/owners!

Ira_Savvy · LGBT+
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8 Chs

helping out a moon in labor

Chu yuan and Yan zheyun sat down opposite Lin yu'an as he served the food,

no matter how courageous they were they had never had a meal with their husband before and was slightly nervous although they tried to hide it,

Lin yu'an could clearly see past that mask but remained calm which to them firmly added to his weirdness today as they couldn't understand why he had readily agreed to father Lin's suggestion of having them eat with him when he had always hated the idea of being in a confined space together with

them except when he forced himself on them or hit them,

after serving them with the egg drop soup he made, Lin yu'an also served himself,

the chicken he brought out of his space was made only for yanfeng's meal and the eggs were gifted by auntie shi to his father,

picking up the spoon he began eating , Chu yuan and Yan zheyun also followed his lead and began eating ,

scooping up a spoon of the strange food and hesitantly tasting it, a warm sensation immediately spread through their bodies,

the richness of the food made them close their eyes for some seconds to full enjoy it,

' so delicious! '

spoon after spoon , they couldn't stop themselves forgetting they were supposed to maintain a nice image in front of their husband,

they literally gulped everything down like gluttons ,


the spoon hit the empty plate , bringing them out of their daze,

Lin yu'an chuckled looking at their shocked faces, immensely feeling the pride of a chef at having his little husbands enjoy his food so much,

" here, if you're still hungry feel free to serve yourselves" Lin yu'an said to the two embarrassed moons ,

the two moons looked at themselves and tactically understood themselves,

simultaneously, they both reach out to dish out more food for themselves,

why waste it if he was willing to give them? eat it all!

Lin yu'an simply chuckled and shook his head understanding their thoughts,

After eating , Chu yuan and Yan zheyun packed the plates,

" leave the plates there I'll wash them" Lin yu'an casually said , the two moons froze " what's wrong with him?" Yan zheyun whispered,

" he must've hit his head really hard" Chu yuan whispered back

" tsk! you two realized that I can hear you right?" Lin yu'an raised his eyebrows at them but paused his lips after seeing their frightened pale faces and realizing what he had said ,

as someone who had been in the top of his career and without family or friends to communicate with, he was not used to being familiar with someone and even his assistant who was relatively close to him was still his employee who had to do what he said,

Lin yu'an only knew two types of communicating, the business communication and fist communication, he didn't know what affection meant especially not to traumatized people ,

" mhm... nevermind" he cleared his throat avoiding their eyes just then jinhua walked in and he heaved a sigh of relief,

" a'yu how did you know how to cook so well?" jinhua asked with a smile on his face,

Lin yu'an's muscles slightly tensed but his face remained expressionless,

" hm , I learnt in my free time " he said casually as he took the plates from jinhua's hands to wash them,

the older moon was silent obviously not believing him,

well even he didn't believe himself as the original was a total lazy idiot that had never done anything other than going to the tavern to fool himself to stupor ,

just when he thought he would be busted, jinhua smiled and nodded " feng'er liked it a lot , he said he feels warm and comfortable after eating it and is a lot more energetic now" the other two moons sighed in relief hearing that , Lin yu'an nodded, of course he had used a large amount of his internal energy to cook for his new family,

although he couldn't heal them all at once this much could reassure yanfeng wouldn't die during childbirth,

" he isn't crying as much anymore, thank you!" jinhua said seriously , Lin yu'an smiled " no need for that, after all they're my little husbands.. "

" ptttf!" he heard a scoff beside him, both him and his father's eyes snapped towards them but their faces were so innocent looking that Lin yu'an almost doubt his own hearing but he didn't blame them,

" ehem, a'yu it's already late , I have to go" jinhua said making Lin yu'an frowned,

" go? go where " he asked confusedly, jinhua raised an eyebrow " I live with the big family, forgotten? haha you should go rest if you're tired" he laughed

" I'll be leaving now you guys should come call me if yanfeng's condition gets serious "

" yes father" Lin yu'an smiled stiffly , he had forgotten jinhua didn't live with them but together with the Lin family,

Chu yuan and Yan zheyun followed jinhua out to see him off,

he quickly finished what he was doing and left for his room which was a bit bigger than the other room where his husbands where huddled ,

he sighed laying on the animal skin bed while looking up at the broken ceiling , he would have loved to just go to his space but he was afraid something might happen to Liu yanfeng while he wasn't here,

he didn't know how long he stayed like that before hearing screams coming from the other room ,

it was so loud that he was sure all the neighboring villagers would hear them,

he immediately jolted up, as soon as he came out of the room he saw Liang ruhan , he looked pale and anxious,

" what's wrong?" he asked

" well.. husband yanfeng's labor got serious , brother bao and brother yuan left to call father" Liang ruhan explained in shame, moons were supposed to know how to help other moons give birth but him and his brothers knew nothing about it as they had been too busy trying to survive instead of learning from the other moons in the village ,

Lin yu'an didn't say anything and simply rushed towards the room where Liu yanfeng was , the sight in front of him was so disturbing that even Lin yu'an who had always called himself heartless couldn't help feeling anxious,

Liu yanfeng was laying down with his protruding stomach, his face was covered with both sweat and tears while biting his lips , Yan zheyun was anxiously standing beside him trying to comfort him which didn't seem to work very much,

" husband?" seeing him Yan zheyun was surprised,

Lin yu'an gave a quick nod before squatting beside the bed " hey easy, easy , don't bite yourself anymore okay?" he tried consoling him,

this scene would've been comical to anyone in any other situation seeing a fierce looking man trying to console someone but right now they were all too worried to even get surprised,

nevertheless, Liu yanfeng couldn't stop himself at all as he felt his eyes blurred due to his weakness, Liu yanfeng knew he couldn't fall asleep at the very least he had to give birth to his child and make sure he or she was okay before falling asleep so even though he heard the cooing voice that told him to stop biting his lips he didn't stop,

seeing it wasn't helping, Lin yu'an looked between the protruding stomach and Liu yanfeng's face and his gaze hardened,

" here bite this instead" prying open his mouth Lin yu'an put a piece of clean clothes for him to bite on,

" move" he gently said to Yan zheyun

" huh?" the little man was stunned yet his body subconsciously followed instructions his eyes followed Lin yu'an as he took position between yanfeng's legs , his eyes widened immediately ' no way.. was he gonna...?'

" listen to me a'feng , let's get this done and over with okay?" Liu yanfeng nodded " no matter what do not sleep !" he nodded again and Lin yu'an's eyes softened " you're going to be a great father" he said Liu yanfeng's eyes that were half lidded immediately snapped open,

" now push!"

and this day marked it the first in history for a man to help out a moon in labor!


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