
Rumors spreading

When Joseph mentioned something about rumors going on in school, John knew that it wasn't going to be good so that's why hurriedly asked.

"I..I" Joseph stammered.

"Why are you hesitating?, go on and tell me. I'm not that fragile" John pressured him.

Joseph took in a deep breath and said " Is like this, there are rumors going around in School saying that you stole from your Uncle and he chased you out of his house and as a result of that your girlfriend dumped you when she found out"

When John heard it, he was all furious and his fist was clenched tightly and he knew without a doubt who had spread such a rumor "Jacob after framing me up, you still won't let me go. You had spread such false rumors to tarnish my reputation but don't worry I'm not the same John as before. I'm going to make you regret it" John said to himself.

"John? John are you there?" When John went all silent, Joseph became worried and called his name.

"Yes I'm here?" John answered.

"John was going on? What's the issue going on about you taking your uncle's money?" Joseph questioned.

"Sigh, I'm on my way to school now and I will tell you about it when I get there" John answered.

"I don't think is a good idea about you coming to school today" Joseph tried to advise John.

"That's not happening. I'm going. I know those rumors are not true so I can't allow it interfere with my studies and life right?" John said.

"Are you sure?" Joseph asked again.

John just smiled lightly and reassured him by saying "yes I'm sure, don't worry".

"Ok we will be waiting for you then" Joseph said.

"Yes" John said and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, the smile on John's face disappeared and was replaced by an angry and frightening expression.

When James saw John sudden change, he knew that something was wrong, so he asked "is there something wrong young master?"

"No. Is just that some flies have decided to keep on bothering me. Let's go and take care of it". John said calmly. But within that calmness there was a storm brewing from within him and James could see it and he just kept quiet.

When John came out of his hotel suite, he met Oscar outside his room. The moment Oscar saw John, he rushed to him and said "Mr Lewis I'm sorry for the embarrassment that happened to you yesterday. Is our carelessness that such a thing happened to you and I've already taken care of those guards as you requested"

John looked at him and he could see that he was nervous, so he just said "that's good. Like I said yesterday I'm giving you a chance. I don't want what happened yesterday to happen again in the future not just to me but to any other person that comes to this hotel irrespective of how the dress. We don't want bad publicity now do we?"

"Yes yes I will make sure it never happened again" Oscar nodded his head and hurriedly said.

John smile and patted him on his shoulders "that's good"

As John said that he left with James.

When Oscar saw John leaving, he breath a sigh of relief and wipe the sweat that was dropping from his forehead.

When John came out of the hotel and was ready to take a taxi to go to school , James Suddenly said "let me drive you to school young master"

"What's up with the young master thing, just call me John. And do you have a car?" John told him and asked.

James just nodded and didn't say anything regarding the young master issue but he still said " yes and that's the car" and pointed towards a direction.

"That car?" John asked

James smiled and said "yes"

John was surprised because the car James pointed was a Rolls Royce Phantom.

"Okay let's go". John said

When they got to the car, James went to open the backseat for, John just shook his head and smiled and asked "what's that for? Never mind I will take the front seat". John said that and went to the co-pilot seat and James sat on the driver seat and they drove towards the school.

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