
The Master

Lewis was typing something on his laptop. He had already returned to his house and was busy with some documents and stuffs.

Lewis perspective

'So Miss Maya!!!! " I laughed.

I am the game master. I know everything from the beginning.

This is all my plan!!! I know Maya is with Ethan, and Liam is helping his brother.

I went to my bedroom and unlocked one of my cupboards.

"See Maya!!!! I have so many pictures of you!!! "

"I saw you first!!! Even before Ethan, and from that moment I knew you were mine!!! "

I took the photo and pinned it in my clipboard.

My clipboard had everything planned.

" Oh Maya!!! You should have understood this.... I am using all those rich people to secure our future!!! "

"What do you think I am doing with Veronica or Lana??? I am just using them for my own benefits!!! "

I took the picture of Veronica from my clipboard and placed it on the other side.

"And you Miss Veronica!!! You think I don't know that you are my old enemy's faithful daughter!!! Ha! Well the papers you are looking for won't be here!!! But it's good having some fun with you!!! "

"And my dear lana, you are just the prop I am using to keep Ethan away from Maya and also take up all your property!!! "

"So let's see how far you can run Maya!!! At the end of the day you need to return back to me!!! And I am gonna do this!!! "

I stepped aside and looked at my clipboard.

"So everything is sorted out!!! I know what I am doing!!! "

My clipboard looked some what like a detective's clipboard for solving crime mysteries, and I am the detective for this mystery which I already solved.

I already found out Maya's new phone number and all I have to do right now is to call her and within no time she would be here!!!

I locked my bedroom and went downstairs, when I heard somebody ringing my door.