
Second kiss

The man's beautiful brown eyes was still on her without any fail.

Maya stared the man. Her heart was pounding.

The stare was broken by the sound of the car.

Daniel parked the car in front of them. Maya quickly moved Ethan towards the car, when suddenly Ethan pushed her towards the car door and blocked her with both of his arms.

Maya was confused.

Ethan slowly removed her mask and throw it away.

Maya didn't move, she simply stared the man in front of her. She was mesmerized by those eyes.

A second later Ethan smashed his lips on her.

Daniel was still inside the car and was witnessing it all. He just wished them not to do anything else while they were still out.

Ethan slowly puts his hands on her waist and pulled her more close to him.

Maya was not sure about the situation but she dared not to move.

Ethan deepened the kiss. At this point Maya pushed him away as she couldn't breathe.

She quickly grabbed his arms and opened the gate of backseat where she laid him down.

"Daniel move out!!! " She shouted.

"Aisha, are you sure you could drive back home??? " Daniel asked while handing her the keys.

" I can!!! Thanks!!! " Maya quickly pulled the keys and started driving.

Although she wanted to ask a lot of questions to Daniel, her mind was filled with questions but this wasn't the correct time.

She wanted Ethan to be safe at the first place as he was already drunk and bearly knew what he was doing moreover she didn't have her mask anymore so it was better to head back home.




After 20 minutes they reached.

Maya quickly parked the car and grabbed Ethan.

Ethan was still dizzy, he barely could stand.

Maya quickly opened the gates and carried him straight to his bedroom.

She visited his bedroom for the very first time.

She quickly settled him down on his bed.

She then moved toward his feet and opened his shoes.

Ethan was still starring at her.

"What??? What are you looking at???? " Maya slowly raised up and asked.

Ethan smiled.

Maya didn't know what to do. She placed her hand on her head and said "sleep!!! " Before smiling back.

As she was about to leave, Ethan grabbed her arm and pulled her.

Maya fell on his bed and within no time he was on top of her.

He still had the smell of alcohol mingled with his own smell.

"Ethan what do you think you are doing??? " Maya asked.

Ethan didn't gave any response instead he started kissing her again.

Maya didn't break the kiss. She was not sure why she liked him kissing her???

Ethan slowly made his was to her neck.

Maya wanted to stop him but something inside her liked it.

She was going through a huge trouble.

After a moment she realises that there was no more movement.

She then observes that Ethan was fast asleep.

His face was embedded on her neck, one hand held her hand and other her waist.

Although she liked looking at the man's sleeping face but was scared to build a connection with him.

She tried to push his body so that she could finally leave but learn that the man grabbed her strongly enough not to let her go.

His body language was as he wanted to make her stay.

Maya didn't wanted to disturb his sleep so she stayed that way for the time being.

It was almost 4 o'clock when Maya's sleep was disturbed by the sound of phone ringing.

She quickly picked up the phone from Ethan's pocket.

"Hello!!! " Maya spoke softly.

"Aisha!!! You are still awake??? Did you reach home safely??? Did Ethan do something??? " Daniel asked in a worried tone.

"Yes and no... Bye!!! " Maya hung up the call. She was not in a mood to answer any question.

She noticed that she slept with Ethan. She at least thanked God that nothing happened between them. By this time Ethan had already loosen his grip over so she simply got up and covered him before she left.

She had to control her sudden emotional urge... Maybe hormonal urge.

She went back to her room.