
Chapter 11 - Insight

{11} - Izumi Midoriya: Insight

Izumi leapt onto her bed, her face plunged into her pillow. It was just minutes past midnight. She just returned from Smith-sensei's School. She'd spent most of the Lecture ranting to her sensei, but he didn't seem to mind.

For once, she felt a little tired, the manic energy that'd driven her for so long having simmered down to a low-rolling flame. 

Because she'd done it. She'd gone out and became a Hero. Not an official one, but she hardly listened to the government after she uncovered all the dirty dealings they'd done in secret. And more than that, she'd managed to pull her mother away from Japan as well. Brought her to a safer place.


[-Analysis Lv 100*-]

[Increases Intelligence and Skill growth by {500%}, Increases Intelligence by {200%}, Increases information uptake by {1000%}, Increases Exp gain of Skills by {400%}, Gives the User instinctual knowledge over the current situation.]

*The Skill has reached Max Level. 20,000 Student Exp to Evolve

Her -Analysis- had reached its Max Level just a few days before, and she'd been sitting on whether or not she should spend her Student Exp for it. She had just over 20,000, and she'd been saving it to Evolve her -Engineering- instead, but she found herself frozen on the decision.

Because she could feel it. 

The [End] was coming.

She wasn't blind. She'd seen the moment of panic that flashed in Smith-sensei's eyes when she mentioned that she'd moved away from UA. It'd gone away just as quickly, washed by amusement instead.

But she could infer. The reason she became a Student was to divert the Apocalypse of this world. It wasn't a stretch to think that Smith-sensei had known everything about her, about how her world was destined to fail.

She didn't fault him. They were all entitled to their secrets. And besides, he still took his time to teach her, to Lecture her.

She took a deep breath. She had an idea on who it was that she needed to bring down. She was a Support Student, so she was spared most of the drama that'd been taking Japan by storm. The League of Villains, the deaths of several UA students, the appearance of the Quirk-Destroying drug, and more.

The Villains were getting bolder. They attacked the people even in daylight, swarming in droves. The Heroes remained stalwart, but her -Analysis- coldly told her that it wouldn't be long before they'd be overwhelmed.

It was another reason that pushed her to commit that Purging. She needed to buy some time for the Heroes while she readied the most powerful Iron Suit she could.

She would need it. 

When Class 1-A was first attacked by the League of Villains, something inside her mind had clicked. That 'Nomu' creature All Might captured, and that weird guy with hands all over his face—her -Analysis- had gone haywire and demanded she search for more information.

It wasn't easy. She spent weeks combing through the internet, breaking through encrypted files and bypassing firewalls. She even got the -Hacking- Skill for her endeavors.

And she found it. All for One. A Villain that All Might defeated nearly a decade before. He possessed a Quick that could take Quirks and use them as he wanted. That 'Nomu' had multiple Quirks.

It wasn't hard to put two-and-two.

That was why she wanted to Evolve her -Engineering-. Against a foe like that, a monster that'd lived for over a hundred years—she needed the best of the best. A Suit so powerful it could crush any Quirk All for One would bring to their confrontation.

Except she had a problem. 

As advanced as I-Island was, it was nothing compared to what Tony had. Nor did her world have any Magic. She couldn't create some of the more esoteric Suits Tony had made. At best, she'd be able to make the Mark 85; a suit made entirely from specialized nanobots.

And as much as it hurt her pride, she wasn't Tony Stark. That man was brilliant beyond the years, his Intelligence so great it dwarved even those of gods. Once, she'd asked her -Analysis- if it could estimate his Intelligence stat, and her Skill had ruthlessly stated that his Intelligence would be in the thousands.

She wasn't brilliant enough.

And then the opportunity to evolve -Analysis- came.

"What's life without a little gambling?" She whispered, as her finger hovered over the 'Yes' option. "That's what you told me wasn't it, Smith-sensei?"

Her finger moved forward. The prompt lit a bright blue. 20,000 Student Exp disappeared.

And her mind exploded.

Ideas that seemed impossible suddenly made sense. Thoughts she kept buried sprung to the forefront. Her senses sharpened several folds. 

She took a breath, and suddenly she couldn't stop thinking about the air kinetics of the air she just took in, of the molecular composition and its temperature. She glanced at her hands, and she couldn't help but marvel at how complex the folds of keratin that formed her nails were.

[-Absolute Insight Lv 1-]

[Increases Intelligence and Skill growth by {510%}, Increases Intelligence by {205%}, Increases information uptake by {1100%}, Increases Exp gain of Skills by {410%}, Gives the User instinctual knowledge over Reality, Gives the User instinctual insight over how to achieve Victory.]

Well, she'd say that was a worthy investment.

She practically shot up from the bed. The manic energy she'd lost had returned with a vengeance, and she found herself incapable of staying still. Her foot tapped against the floor, and her fingers itched to do something.

She ran out the door before she could even think.


She let out a manic laugh.

[Extremis Injection (Purified)]

[A serum filled with a modified strain of Extremis, purified and empowered by nanites. When used, grants the Skill -Extremis Infusion-]

It started like this,

Annoyed at her weak Physical stats, and inspired by the Extremis she'd seen from the third Iron Man movie, she'd worked to create a purified version of Extremis. Something that would boost her body without turning her into a living bomb.

But she was no biologist. She'd always been one for physics, and her love of engineering had stemmed from it. Biology had never stuck with her. She'd tried her best, but she could hardly remember anything about metabolic pathways or the function of cells.

-Absolute Insight- spat on that previous issue. 

She learnt everything this world had about biology and genetics in just a week. 

It took just a week to engineer the best nanotechnology this world would ever see. She could make her suit whenever she wanted.

It took another week to create the purified strain of Extremis.

Another manic laugh bubbled past her lips. She felt a little loopy, and she'd no doubt scared a few of her fellow scientists away. But then again, she hadn't slept at all! Nearly a month without sleep! It wasn't an accomplishment, but her coffee-addled brain saw it as one.

Now, she needed to follow protocols. Perform a few tests to see if her purified Extremis did everything she wanted it to. Test if there were any side effects to-

"Woops." She said, her grin wide as she injected the serum into her arm. "Too late for that."

Then came the pain. Or at least that was what her -Absolute Insight- told her. She could barely feel anything by this point. She'd stayed away for too long.

She watched as bright orange began creeping up her arm, reaching to her shoulder and spreading across the rest of her body. A warmth began rising in her, and it only grew as time went by.

It grew and grew and grew, and then it stabilized. The roaring flame died down, instead burning evenly in the depths of her chest. She took a breath, and the air that left her lungs was sizzling. The world warped from the heat.

[-Extremis Infusion- has been Achieved!]

[-Extremis Infusion Lv 1 (0%)-]

[Increases Strength, Endurance, Agility, and Skill by {10%}. Reduces incoming Fire Damage by {0.5%}. Reduces all incoming Damage by {0.25%}.]

Her manic grin became almost insane. 10%! An increase of 10% at Level 1! She really outdid herself this time!

And more than that, hadn't Smith-sensei complained about his body being too weak to handle his new Skill or something? She wasn't sure if she remembered right—she felt like she was high right now—but if she remembered right, then she could present this new purified Extremis as a gift to him.

She giggled. She couldn't wait to see how he'd react.

But more than that, she was now ready. She had her nanobots. She had her new understanding in Biology. She had her new -Extremis Infusion- to empower her if her Iron Suit happened to fail.

She was [Ready].

The first on that last?

She needed to pay the Yakuza a visit.

Folks, you have no idea how hard it is to stop myself from turning Izumi into a tyrant. It's a daunting temptation.

Ventus889creators' thoughts
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