
Leon's Odyssey

" Leon's Odyssey: In a world besieged by monstrous gates, Leon Blackwood, a fallen scion from a wealthy lineage, hungers for a shot at rewriting his life. Upon becoming a 'Player' in humanity's last stand, he's neither hero nor savior, but a man seeking personal redemption. Unexpectedly thrust back 30 years with newfound powers from a phoenix and an ancient dragon, Leon battles his inner demons and the brutal present. Armed with a future's worth of knowledge, he navigates a perilous journey to reshape destiny, facing deadly dungeons and dangerous decisions along the way."

Diori · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

The Night of Discovery

When they arrived at the house, Leon's mother, Charlotte, was in the kitchen preparing lunch. Despite their wealth and the ability to have a dedicated family cook, Charlotte cherished cooking for her family during their special moments. She often said, "A mother's kitchen is the heart of the home," emphasizing that her efforts in the kitchen were central to creating a warm and loving family environment. She poured her heart and soul into her cooking.

As Alexander and Leon entered, they were greeted by the delightful aroma of her culinary creations.

Alexander asked, "Honey, what's for lunch today?"

Charlotte replied in a somewhat teasing tone, "Oh, look who decided to come home. I was starting to wonder if I still had a husband. I've been here all morning cooking, and you didn't even check in on me."

Alexander responded, "I genuinely thought you were fine, dear. You know you can always call if you need me, right?"

Charlotte retorted, "Call you? Really? Shouldn't a husband just know when his wife needs help? Can't you surprise me?"

While she spoke, she was chopping onions vigorously. When she mentioned "surprise me," she chopped the onions even more forcefully and turned to look at Alexander.

Alexander tried to soothe her, saying, "Honey, don't be upset. You know I love you, right?"

Charlotte, still a bit annoyed, replied, "Love me? You have a funny way of showing it, don't you?"

Sensing the tension, Leon attempted to slip away, but Charlotte noticed him.

Charlotte called out, "Where do you think you're going, mister? Why didn't you come and help Mommy too? Were you having fun at the pier fishing and bonding while I slaved away here?"

At that point, the onions' souls left their bodies, given the violent chopping.

Leon, empathizing with the unfortunate onions, said to himself, "Amitabha, I will remember your great sacrifice today, Mr. Onion, and I'll make sure to enjoy the food later. May you be reincarnated as a more fortunate vegetable in your next life."

Charlotte remarked, "Oh, so you're not responding now?"

With Charlotte's attention now on Leon, Alexander subtly gestured to his son to take the fall and that he would make it up to him later. Leon, realizing the possible repercussions, locked eyes with his father and addressed his mother with an innocent look.

Leon said, "Sorry, Mom. Dad suggested we have some father-and-son bonding time, just the two of us." He exaggeratedly emphasized the word "two" to redirect the focus onto his father.

Alexander gazed at Leon in disbelief at the clever betrayal. Charlotte redirected her attention to her husband.

Charlotte teased, "Well, would you look at that, honey. If I didn't know any better, it seems like you were trying to avoid me. Did you get cold feet after your suggestion this morning?"

Alexander, acknowledging his defeat, retrieved his secret weapon: a beautiful necklace he had bought for Charlotte, planning to give it to her on her birthday. He always kept it close for moments like this when he needed to smooth things over.

Alexander said, "Honey, don't be mad. I wanted to surprise you. In fact, it was Leon's idea to come back late to make it a surprise."

Leon watched in amazement as his father artfully spun his words, temporarily forgetting about the consequences of his own betrayal.

Charlotte became delighted and asked, "Oh, darling, you didn't have to. Is this the necklace we saw that time? I thought you weren't paying attention because you seemed busy."

Alexander craftily responded, "How could I not pay attention to my beautiful wife and her likes?"

Charlotte and Alexander began flirting with each other, and noticing this, Leon attempted to sneak away a second time. However, his mother caught him once more.

Charlotte called out, "Leon."

Leon responded, "Yes, Mom."

Charlotte suggested, "How about you go get your brother? He's been playing video games all morning. Tell him to take a shower and come down for lunch, you too Leon go take a shower and come down for lunch. It'll be ready in an hour or so."

Leon agreed, "Yes, Mom. I'll let Ethan know, and then I'll take a shower."

Charlotte replied, "Good, and you too, honey. You should freshen up."

Alexander concurred, "Yes, dear. I'll go have a shower as well."

Alexander kissed his wife, and him and Leon both started heading upstairs. As they ascended, Alexander turned to Leon and playfully warned him, "Traitor."

Leon denied, "No way, Dad. I knew you had it all under control."

Alexander, still amused, playfully pointed at his own eyes and then at Leon's, saying, "I've got my eye on you."

Leon continued to praise his father, saying, "Common, Dad. You're the greatest businessman. I knew you had a plan for every situation. You're smart, handsome, fit, and rich – you're perfect."

Alexander basked in the compliments and commented, "Oh, my son, you're absolutely right. Dad has a way of handling every situation."

They reached their respective rooms. Alexander remembered his promise to call Jork to inform him about the morning meeting, while Leon was left with the task of notifying Ethan that lunch was ready.

Leon knocked on Ethan's door, but there was no response. Leon thought to himself, "What's he doing in there? Watching something he shouldn't be? Porn maybe? It would be awkward to walk in on my little brother in that situation." He knocked a few more times, but there was still no answer, so he cautiously opened the door.

To his surprise, Ethan was fully engrossed in a video game, wearing noise-canceling headphones.

Leon watched his brother having fun and thought, "Look at him, enjoying himself. This time, I'll make sure to protect you and everyone." Observing the game, Leon realized it was a popular title he used to enjoy in his past life. Given his prior expertise and connections, he had learned various tricks, hacks, and game exploits. He had even met some top players and received coaching tips.

Leon tapped Ethan on the shoulder and startled him.

Ethan exclaimed, "Whoa! You almost made me pee myself. Why didn't you knock?"

Leon lightly flicked Ethan's forehead and responded, "I did, but guess who had headphones on and couldn't hear me knocking until I entered your room?"

Ethan, now more alert, retorted, "Touché. So, what do you want?"

Leon proposed, "Mom wants you downstairs."

Ethan grumbled, "Man, can't she wait until I defeat the dungeon boss? It took me 3 hours to raid this dungeon solo and if i go now i can't complete it and won't get the rewards. "

Leon responded, "Nah don't think she will wait, you don't want her to come and get you now do you?"

Leon looking at his brother Ethan disappointed he bargained, "How about this: I'll teach you a trick on how to beat the dungeon. Afterward, you can speed-run it and set the world record in just 30 minutes."

Ethan's eyes lit up with interest. "Really? But you don't even play video games anymore."

Leon explained, "Okay, here's the deal. If I can teach you how to do it, and you complete it in 30 minutes, you owe me a favor. Deal?"

Ethan agreed, "Deal, but if you can't teach me or I don't complete it in 30 minutes, you owe me a favor. Do you accept?"

Leon grinned, "Look at my cute little brother trying to bargain. Sure, you've got a deal on our brother's bond."

Ethan added, "Sure, deal, on our brothers' bond."

Leon encouraged Ethan to head downstairs to their mom and promised to remind him later to teach him the trick on how to beat the dungeon in 30 minutes. As Ethan descended the stairs, he called out, "Mom, you called?"

Leon couldn't help but smile as he listened to his brother making his way downstairs. "Look at him go," he thought with a grin.

Deciding it was his turn, Leon whispered to himself, "Alright, time for me to get cleaned up."

Exiting his brother's room, he strolled back to his own, a sense of accomplishment in his step. Today had been a productive day. He had successfully laid the groundwork for securing the funds he needed to kickstart his plan. While he hadn't revealed every detail to his dad, he'd shared enough to pique his father's interest in Leon's idea.

As he prepared to step into the shower, Leon remarked to himself, "Well, that was eventful. Time to wash up and head downstairs."

Leon shed his clothes and entered the bathroom, located conveniently within his room. As the water cascaded over him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. It was akin to a child playing with their favorite toy. In this moment of relaxation, he playfully called out, "Status," causing his attribute bar to appear.

Typically, all humans possessed standard attributes set at 1.00. However, Leon's attributes were now above average due to his awakening. Of course, exceptions existed, like bodybuilders or elite athletes in sports such as marathons, who could have higher-than-normal attributes in their respective fields. Leon hadn't fully explored the extent of his newfound strength or any other attributes yet. He still saw himself as somewhat weak and hadn't fully grasped the unique situation he now found himself in.

After glancing at his status bar for a few moments, Leon commanded, "Close," making the bar disappear. He finished his shower, exited the bathroom within his room, and changed into simple attire. Something about his room felt oddly smaller today, but he shrugged it off, muttering, "Oh well."

Leaving his room, he met his father, Alexander, on the stairs. Leon greeted his father with a smile and inquired, "Ready for Mom's lunch?"

Alexander responded, "You little rascal. I've also spoken with Jork; he should be here in the morning. I've instructed him to set up an account in your name and deposit one million to start."

Leon was surprised by how swiftly his father had taken care of things. It had been less than an hour since they'd discussed it, and everything was already sorted. He remarked, "That was fast."

Alexander replied, "Indeed. Don't disappoint me, Leon. I had planned to give you a few years to enjoy your youth before involving you in the company. But now that you've volunteered, I won't go easy on you. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility."

Leon couldn't help but tease, "Are you quoting Spider-Man lines, Dad? That almost gave me goosebumps."

Alexander chuckled and said, "I thought I could get away with it, you little rascal. But you understand the gist, right?"

Leon nodded and assured, "Yes, Dad, I understand. I'll do my best to meet all your expectations."

Alexander added, "Good. Jork will be here in the morning, so make sure you get enough rest tonight."

Leon responded, "Certainly."

Alexander continued, "Alright, let's head downstairs; your mom is probably waiting for us."

With that, they both descended the stairs to find Charlotte waiting for them. Upon their arrival, Ethan was busy setting the table. His mother had prepared a feast, including cottage pie, steak, garlic bread, and more. Leon pitched in to help his brother set up the table. After finishing lunch, Ethan spoke up eagerly, "Leon, come on, let's go! You promised to teach me, remember?"

Leon replied, "Yeah, yeah, I won't forget. Let's clear the table and then get started."

Charlotte, curious, asked, "What are you two up to?"

Ethan explained, "Leon said he's going to teach me a secret way to beat the dungeon in TSO Dungeon Raid Online. The world records are 2 hours for a group raid and 4 hours for a solo raid."

Charlotte, intrigued, remarked, "Oh, really?"

Ethan beamed, "Yeah, but Leon said he'll teach me how to do it in less than 30 minutes. That would be a world record for both solo and group raids!"

Alexander chimed in, "Wow, Leon, that's quite a promise. Your brother Ethan has high expectations from you now."

Charlotte, concerned, questioned, "Darling, shouldn't you be telling them not to play too many video games? I know they're just bonding as brothers, but too much gaming isn't good for them, don't you think?"

Alexander considered and replied, "That's true, but it's their summer holiday. Let's cut them some slack this time. Besides, Leon will be pretty busy soon, so let him relax for a bit."

Charlotte relented, "Okay, if you say so."

After helping Leon clear the table and load the dirty dishes into the dishwasher, Ethan kissed his mother on the cheeks, bidding her goodnight. Leon did the same, and they both headed off to Ethan's room.

The sun's gentle rays filtered through Ethan's bedroom curtains, casting a warm morning glow. Determination radiated from Leon's face as he entered, closely followed by Ethan. Leon reached for the gaming console controller resting on Ethan's bed.

As they approached Ethan's computer desk, anticipation filled the air. Ethan settled into his chair, eyes wide with excitement, ready for the gaming challenge ahead.

"Today's the day we make gaming history, Ethan," Leon declared confidently, a glint in his eyes.

Ethan's face lit up with a mix of excitement and determination. "Do you really think I can do it, Leon?"

"Absolutely," Leon affirmed, taking a seat beside the computer desk. He placed the controller on the desk and fired up TSO Dungeon Raid Online. "But to conquer 'Fugat Grouppo' in under 30 minutes, we need a flawless strategy."

Leon dove into the first part of their meticulously crafted strategy, intricately detailing the nuances of the dungeon. He vividly described the challenging mobs, each with its unique abilities, and meticulously marked the positions of concealed traps ready to ensnare the unprepared. His voice resonated with confidence as he unraveled the secrets of the labyrinthine dungeon.

"These traps," Leon emphasized, his tone filled with the weight of countless gaming experiences, "are the bane of most players, Ethan. They're cleverly designed to exploit any misstep. But not for us. We've got a secret weapon."

Leon proceeded to reveal their first exploit—an ingenious method of detecting and disarming traps that few players had mastered. He explained it patiently, ensuring Ethan grasped every subtle technique, from identifying faint telltale signs to the precise angle for disarming a trigger. Together, they practiced, Ethan gaining mastery over this critical aspect of their strategy.

Hours passed as they refined their trap-disarming skills, Ethan's determination growing with each successful attempt. Leon's guidance was unwavering, encouraging Ethan to visualize each step, turning the trap-laden corridors into a chessboard where they were the undisputed masters.

By the time they completed this phase of their training, Ethan's confidence had swelled. He knew that with Leon by his side, they had already unveiled a key element of their strategy that would give them the edge in the perilous depths of 'Fugat Grouppo.'

The room had transformed into a sanctuary of gaming expertise, and Leon's mentorship was turning Ethan into a formidable player ready to embark on a record-breaking journey.

As the sun's warm glow persisted, Leon effortlessly transitioned to the second part of their strategy, addressing the formidable mobs inhabiting the depths of 'Fugat Grouppo.' He spoke with the authority of a seasoned gamer, sharing insights into each creature's unique abilities and the tactics they would employ to overcome them.

"These mobs, Ethan," Leon began, his voice a steady beacon of guidance, "they're not your average foes. They've got abilities that can catch even skilled players off guard. But guess what? We've got a plan."

Ethan leaned closer to the screen, soaking in every word. He was determined to grasp the intricacies of this strategy just as he had with the traps.

Leon delved into specifics, recounting tales of epic battles with these creatures, weaving vivid descriptions of their appearances and powers. He painted a mental picture of each mob, allowing Ethan to visualize their looming presence in the dungeon's shadowy corners.

He detailed their unique abilities—the lightning-fast strikes of the Shadowstalker, the venomous spews of the Corruptor Serpent, and the ethereal duplications created by the Phantom Illusionist. Leon then revealed their exploit—a way to disrupt these abilities, turning the tide of battle in their favor.

With unwavering patience, Leon explained the precise timing required to interrupt a Shadowstalker's deadly flurry of attacks, the specific antidote needed to counteract the Corruptor Serpent's venom, and the subtle signs that betrayed the Phantom Illusionist's real form amidst its clones.

As they practiced, Ethan learned to anticipate each mob's moves, seizing the initiative to neutralize their threats. He became proficient in recognizing the intricate patterns of attack and knew precisely when to strike back, rendering the once formidable mobs significantly more manageable.

Hours flowed by, but Leon's dedication to their training never waned. He knew that understanding and mastering the mobs was the linchpin of their strategy, and he was determined to impart this knowledge to his younger brother.

By the time they concluded this phase of their training, Ethan had grown from an eager novice to a discerning strategist. He was ready to face the challenging mobs of 'Fugat Grouppo' with newfound confidence, armed with the knowledge and skills imparted by his mentor.

In the softly lit room, they had transformed the virtual mobs into adversaries to be respected but not feared. With the second part of their strategy firmly in place, they were one step closer to their goal of breaking the dungeon raid world record.

Leon seamlessly transitioned to the third part of their strategy—their secret weapon, the hidden shortcuts that would shave precious minutes off their record-breaking run through 'Fugat Grouppo.' He spoke with the quiet assurance of a master, imparting knowledge that few players possessed.

"These hidden shortcuts, Ethan," Leon began, his voice holding the weight of countless hours spent exploring the labyrinthine depths of the dungeon, "are our ace in the hole. They're the passages that players don't even know exist, let alone utilize. But that's about to change."

Ethan leaned in closer, hanging on to Leon's every word. He understood the importance of these shortcuts and their potential to revolutionize their raid.

Leon, with a sense of nostalgia, described the discovery of each hidden passage—the thrill of finding a crack in the dungeon's walls, a concealed lever, or an illusory barrier. He recounted tales of daring leaps of faith into the unknown, each discovery fueling their belief that they could indeed conquer 'Fugat Grouppo' in record time.

He explained the critical factor—timing. Leon emphasized that hitting these shortcuts at precisely the right moment was the key to their success. Each shortcut was a portal to another part of the dungeon, but they needed to synchronize their actions with clockwork precision to maximize their benefit.

As they practiced, Ethan learned to recognize the subtle cues that signaled the presence of a hidden passage—a slightly discolored brick, a faint hum of magic, or the distant echo of footsteps. He grasped the intricacies of timing, understanding when to initiate a leap of faith or activate a hidden lever to seamlessly transition from one area to another.

The room became a sanctuary of exploration, with Leon guiding Ethan through the discovery of shortcuts that promised to redefine the way players approached 'Fugat Grouppo.' Their coordination improved with each attempt, and their movements grew more synchronized.

Hours elapsed, but Ethan's dedication to their training remained unshaken. He knew that these shortcuts would be his trump card, allowing him to bypass the most treacherous sections of the dungeon and reach his goal in record time.

By the time they concluded this phase of their training, Ethan was transformed into a navigator of hidden pathways. He possessed an uncanny sense for locating shortcuts, and their synchronization was impeccable.

They had turned the once-mysterious passages of 'Fugat Grouppo' into their personal shortcuts to glory. With this third part of their strategy firmly established, they were poised to break records.

Leon smoothly transitioned to the fourth part of their strategy—a meticulous approach to equipping Ethan's character with specialized gear. He spoke with the precision of a blacksmith forging a masterpiece, emphasizing the importance of damage output and risk mitigation.

"Ethan, now it's time to gear up your character," Leon began, his voice carrying the weight of countless hours spent poring over in-game items and equipment. "The right gear can make all the difference between victory and defeat in a dungeon like 'Fugat Grouppo.'"

Ethan's eyes gleamed with understanding. He knew that equipping the correct gear was pivotal to their success.

Leon delved into the specifics, describing each piece of gear they had meticulously chosen for this raid. He started with the weapon—a blade with intricate runes etched into its surface. "This is one of our aces," Leon declared, his voice filled with confidence. "It's imbued with fire magic, and you know what that means."

Ethan nodded, recalling their discussions about some mobs and mini-bosses being weak against fire. The weapon promised not only increased damage but also an elemental advantage against their adversaries.

They moved on to the armor, discussing its enchantments and defensive properties. Leon explained how it would help Ethan endure the dungeon's deadliest attacks, reducing the risk of defeat. "Remember, Ethan," he emphasized, "a live player can adapt and win; a defeated one can't."

Accessories came next—rings and amulets that enhanced Ethan's character's mana pool, allowing him to execute more spells and abilities with precision. They discussed the significance of every piece, the synergy between them, and the balance they struck between offense and defense.

As they equipped each item, Leon guided Ethan through the intricacies of customization. They fine-tuned the gear's properties to complement their strategy further. Ethan marveled at the attention to detail, understanding how these choices would impact their raid.

The room transformed into a makeshift armory, with Ethan's character now equipped with a set of gear tailored to their mission. Each piece had been carefully chosen to maximize damage output while minimizing risk. Leon's guidance had transformed these items into a potent arsenal.

Hours passed, but Leon's dedication to their training never wavered. He knew that the right gear could mean the difference between success and failure, and he was committed to ensuring Ethan was equipped for victory.

By the time they concluded this phase of their training, Ethan felt a newfound confidence in his character's abilities. He knew that their gear was not just equipment but a manifestation of their strategy—a powerful force that would propel them toward their record-breaking goal.

As evening settled in, Ethan and Leon stood ready, their characters adorned in gear that was both a testament to their preparation and a symbol of their determination to conquer 'Fugat Grouppo.'

Leon transitioned to the fifth and final part of their strategy—a critical element that would exploit the dragon boss's elemental weakness. He spoke with the authority of a seasoned strategist, detailing their ace in the hole.

"Ethan, this is where our strategy takes a turn toward brilliance," Leon began, his voice infused with excitement. "You see this weapon?" He pointed to a blade with intricate runes etched into its surface. "It's imbued with Frostbite Venom Magic."

Ethan's eyes widened with anticipation as he absorbed the significance of the weapon's enchantment. He understood that this magical infusion was their answer to the dragon boss's weakness.

"This, my friend," Leon continued, "is our secret weapon. The dragon boss at the end has a vulnerability to ice and water. We're going to exploit that weakness with Frostbite Venom Magic—a poison magic developed by combining ice and water elements to create a venomous substance. It's particularly harmful to fire-based creatures like our dragon boss."

Ethan nodded, his excitement matching Leon's. He could already envision the dragon's elemental fury being tempered by the chilling effect of their weapon.

Leon moved on to skills, emphasizing those that would play pivotal roles in their strategy. He explained each skill's purpose and how they could be used to exploit vulnerabilities in the dungeon's mobs and boss. Their conversation evolved into a detailed analysis of Ethan's character build, ensuring it was finely tuned for the raid ahead.

As they discussed skills, Leon stressed the importance of timing and synergy between abilities. "Remember, Ethan," he said, "it's not just about having the right skills; it's about knowing when and how to use them. Timing can be the difference between victory and defeat."

They concluded their discussion with potions, their limited yet invaluable resource. Leon emphasized their potential to turn the tide of battle. "Potions can be game-changers," he noted. "We've got a limited window for using them, so we must use them wisely and strategically."

The room transformed into a hub of preparation, with Ethan's character now armed with a weapon that embodied their elemental advantage. He had a clear understanding of which skills to employ and the importance of timing and coordination. Potions stood ready, their potential to tip the scales in their favor acknowledged.

Hours passed, but Leon's dedication to their training never faltered. He knew that their final strategy component was the linchpin of their success, and he ensured Ethan was well-prepared for the dragon boss's icy wrath.

As they concluded this phase of their training, Ethan was filled with newfound confidence. With the weapon imbued with Frostbite Venom Magic, a carefully selected skill set, and the knowledge of potion usage, he felt like an unstoppable force.

In the softly lit room, as the night grew darker, Ethan and Leon were ready to embark on their record-breaking quest through 'Fugat Grouppo.' They were armed not just with weapons and skills but with a strategy meticulously crafted to conquer the dungeon's challenges.

Ethan stood resolute at the entrance of the Fugat Grouppo dungeon, his game character equipped with the imbued blade and a mind brimming with strategy. The dungeon, once a daunting challenge, had become a familiar territory after the extensive training he had undergone with his elder brother, Leon.

The moment of truth arrived as a familiar pop-up message appeared on the screen: "You are about to enter the Fugat Grouppo dungeon."

Ethan's determination burned brighter than ever as he grasped his controller, ready to embark on a journey that would shatter the dungeon's records. He felt a sense of confidence coursing through him, fueled by the countless hours of practice and guidance from Leon.

"Remember everything I taught you, Ethan," Leon's voice echoed in his ears, a reassuring reminder of their meticulous preparation. "This is it."

With those words lingering in the air, Ethan took his first steps into the dungeon. The familiar traps that had once been his bane were now easily navigated, thanks to his honed skills. He moved with precision, disarming them effortlessly, just as he had done during their training sessions.

Encounters with challenging mobs became opportunities for Ethan to showcase his mastery. He attacked with calculated precision, targeting their vulnerabilities and exploiting weaknesses. The mobs that had once posed a significant threat now crumbled before him, victims of his honed combat skills.

The secret passages, concealed shortcuts that no one knew about, were unveiled and utilized flawlessly. Ethan's timing was impeccable, and he traversed these hidden routes with ease, bypassing the dungeon's most perilous sections.

Potions, the strategic lifelines they had discussed at length, were consumed judiciously. They rejuvenated Ethan's character at crucial junctures, ensuring he remained in peak condition for the challenges ahead.

His character's gear, meticulously chosen and customized, optimized for maximum damage output while minimizing risk. It transformed every encounter into a carefully orchestrated dance, with Ethan leading the way.

The first part of the two-part dungeon fell before him, the clock displaying a mere 15 minutes—a testament to their preparation and Ethan's newfound mastery.

As he progressed deeper into the dungeon, the anticipation of breaking the record gripped him. Every step, every encounter, was a testament to their dedication. Leon's guidance had transformed him from a novice player into a seasoned expert.

Ethan continued his journey through the Fugat Grouppo dungeon, determined to set a new world record for both solo and group raids. With each passing minute, he inched closer to their goal, armed not just with gear and skills but with the unwavering support of his elder brother, Leon.

Ethan's character stood resolute at the entrance to the final boss chamber, the imbued blade crackling with Frostbite Venom Magic. The final leg of his journey through the Fugat Grouppo dungeon was about to commence. The digital world shimmered with anticipation.

The pop-up message appeared on the screen, its presence heightening the tension: "You are entering the final boss room."

Ethan's heart pounded with a mix of excitement and trepidation. He knew that this was the moment he had been training for, the culmination of their efforts to break the dungeon's record.

The chamber before him was vast, a cavernous space with towering stone pillars that seemed to touch the ceiling far above. In the center of the room, bathed in an eerie, ethereal light, stood the formidable dragon boss—a creature of pure elemental fire.

The boss was a colossal presence, its scales gleaming like molten lava. Its eyes blazed with the fury of a thousand infernos, and it let out a deafening roar that echoed through the chamber, shaking the very ground beneath Ethan's character.

The countdown timer appeared in the corner of the screen—only 15 minutes remained to defeat the dragon and shatter the dungeon raid record. The pressure was on, but Ethan was undeterred.

With a determined look, he rushed forward, his character dashing toward the dragon boss. The battle had begun.

The dragon's attacks were relentless. It unleashed torrents of searing flames that swept across the chamber, leaving trails of scorching devastation in their wake. Ethan's character deftly dodged and rolled, narrowly avoiding the deadly inferno.

The imbued blade crackled with Frostbite Venom Magic as Ethan's character closed the distance. He struck with precision, delivering blows that sent icy tendrils snaking across the dragon's fiery form. The boss roared in agony as its scales frosted over.

The battle raged on, with Ethan's character and the dragon locked in a deadly dance. The boss unleashed a devastating tail swipe, sending Ethan's character tumbling across the chamber. The timer continued its relentless countdown.

But Ethan was relentless too. He used a potion to mend his character's wounds and pressed on. With each strike of the imbued blade, the dragon's fiery fury waned. Its attacks became more desperate, but Ethan's mastery of the dungeon's intricacies allowed him to anticipate and evade each assault.

The dragon summoned pillars of flame that erupted from the ground, creating a blazing maze that threatened to engulf Ethan's character. With deft footwork and precise timing, he navigated the fiery labyrinth, his health bar dwindling but his resolve unwavering.

Finally, as the timer ticked down to its last minutes, Ethan's character delivered the decisive blow. The imbued blade plunged deep into the dragon's heart, and with a deafening roar, the boss crumbled in a blaze of fiery brilliance.

The victory screen flashed, displaying a record-breaking time: 29 minutes and 57 seconds.

Ethan had done it. He had conquered the Fugat Grouppo dungeon in under 30 minutes, setting a new world record for both solo and group raids.

As the digital world celebrated his triumph, the room was filled with a sense of accomplishment. Ethan had not only beaten the dungeon but shattered its records, all thanks to the unwavering support and guidance of his elder brother, Leon.

As night enveloped the world outside, they basked in the glory of their achievement. The Fugat Grouppo dungeon was no longer an insurmountable challenge but a testament to their determination and skill, all made possible by Leon's guidance.

Ethan couldn't contain his excitement as he snapped photos of the screen displaying his triumphant completion of the dungeon, smashing the previous record with a remarkable time of 29 minutes and 57 seconds. "My buddies are going to be insanely jealous when they see this!" he exclaimed, his fingers flying over the screen to caption the photos.

With the images captured, he began typing out a message to accompany them. "OMG, Guess What, Mates! 😁 Hey everyone! So, today was a massive day in the gaming world (at least for me)! 🎮 I just crushed the record for the Fugat Grouppo dungeon in TSO Dungeon Raid Online! 🐉⚔️ It was SUPER intense, and I had my big bro Leon helping me out (he's the best coach ever). We did it in like 29 minutes and 57 seconds! That's INSANE! 🔥🏆 The dragon boss at the end was tough, but with the Frostbite Venom Magic, we totally owned it! 🌨️❄️ I can't believe it, guys! Thanks to everyone who cheered me on, and shoutout to my bro for being the best coach EVER! 🙌 Now, time for some celebratory ice cream! 🍦✌️ #NewRecord #GamerLife #BroPower"

As he posted the message along with the photos, a sense of accomplishment and pride washed over him. This was a moment to savor.

Leon, ever the supportive elder brother, chimed in, "Don't forget you owe me one now."

Ethan replied with a grin, "No problem, bro, just let me know."

Leon nodded and added, "Alright, tough guy, just remember."

While Leon and Ethan exchanged these words, Leon's gaze drifted to the wall clock. It was nearly 6 PM, and he couldn't help but marvel at how quickly time had flown by. He turned to his brother and suggested, "Hey, let's head downstairs; it's time for dinner."

Ethan, still engrossed in his phone, replied with an absentminded "Sure."

Together, they made their way downstairs to join their parents, who were enjoying some quality time together with glasses of wine while watching a movie.

Leon greeted them, saying, "Hey, Mom and Dad, you guys okay?"

Their mother, Charlotte, responded warmly, "Yes, love, are you two okay? You've been holed up in Ethan's room for hours playing video games. I've already made dinner; your dad and I have already eaten. You boys go ahead and grab something to eat."

Leon and Ethan both expressed their gratitude with a chorus of "Thanks, Mom."

Their father, Alexander, added, "Okay, boys, after you eat, don't forget to brush your teeth before bed."

Leon nodded, affirming, "Yes, Dad."

With that, Leon and Ethan enjoyed their dinner and then made their way back upstairs, leaving their parents to their movie night.

In his own room, Leon took off his shirt, realizing that he had stained it while eating. As he stood in front of the mirror, he couldn't help but notice a change in his physique. It was more defined and toned than he had ever seen it. With a hint of disbelief, he flexed his muscles and exclaimed, "Whoa, is this really me? No way. I look ripped."

His curiosity piqued, he decided to put his enhanced physique to the test. Donning a tracksuit, he ventured outside, letting the cool evening air wash over him. He told his parents, "Mom, Dad, just going outside for some fresh air and exercise."

His father, Alexander, replied, "Okay, kiddo, but don't wander too far."

Leon assured them with a smile, "Sure, see you in a bit."

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a shimmering silver glow over the serene Cornwall beach. Waves gently shared their secrets with the shore, and stars knowingly winked from above. Leon stood on the sands, relishing the cool breeze caressing his skin. Something within him had shifted, igniting an insatiable curiosity.

"Alright, Leon, let's put this newfound power to the test," he whispered, a spark of excitement in his voice. He was about to explore the full extent of his extraordinary abilities, which he'd recently discovered were five times that of an average person's.

The moonlight transformed the Cornwall beach into an otherworldly realm, painting long shadows across the sand. Leon, charged with newfound strength, couldn't resist the urge to challenge himself. His gaze fixated on a colossal boulder nearby, a testament to nature's might.

Most would never dare to move such a colossal rock, but for Leon, it was an irresistible dare. A sly grin crept across his face as he approached it with unwavering confidence.

The boulder, an ancient sentinel with skin-like texture, taunted him, daring him to defy nature's laws. Leon's heart raced as he prepared to act.

With a deep breath, he harnessed the surging power within, the power that had lain dormant until now. His muscles bulged, veins crackled with energy, and determination blazed like a guiding star.

Every ounce of his being focused on a single, Herculean effort. The world around him blurred as he pushed himself to the limit. The boulder, once immovable, quivered beneath his touch. The ground shivered as it defied gravity, lifting off the sand.

Triumphant, Leon set the boulder down, his victory marked by a heavy thud that seemed to resonate with the earth itself. He caught his breath, aware that he'd just defied the laws of physics.

The night was young, and Leon knew that he had only scratched the surface of his newfound abilities.

With his strength proven, Leon sought his next challenge – the looming forest nearby. Its dark depths beckoned, a perfect arena to test his agility.

"Let's see just how nimble I am," he muttered, a confident smile on his face.

As if propelled by an invisible force, Leon dashed toward the forest's edge. His footsteps were lightning-quick, carrying him deeper into the woods. Moonlight filtered through leaves, creating a silvery dance on the forest floor.

Roots, twisted and treacherous, blocked his path like nature's snares. Others might have stumbled, but not Leon. His movements were a mesmerizing dance, fluid and seemingly supernatural. He leaped over obstacles effortlessly, roots barely grazing his feet.

But he didn't stop there. As the forest thickened, his grace grew more astonishing. He scaled towering trees as if gravity had no claim on him, brushing leaves and leaving moonlit ripples in his wake.

Each leap carried him further, defying the limits of an ordinary human. It was as though he'd merged with the forest, moving with supernatural ease.

"Others might stumble over these roots," he mused aloud in the moonlit woods, "but not me."

As he continued his fluid journey, he marveled at the boundless potential of his awakened agility. The world was his playground, and there were no limits to how far he could push himself.

Each jump was a defiance of nature's laws, and Leon reveled in the freedom of his newfound nimbleness. The night was alive with the whispers of leaves and the forest's symphony, and he moved through it with a sense of wonder and grace.

Perched high in a massive tree, Leon surveyed the moonlit landscape below. The forest stretched out before him, a realm of limitless possibilities. With a smile that rivaled the moon's brilliance, he whispered, "I'm just getting started."

As the night progressed, Leon's journey ventured into uncharted territory. He marveled at the newfound strength, uncanny agility, and unyielding endurance flowing through him.

With the grace of a woodland spirit, he descended from his arboreal throne, his feet barely making a sound. Each step carried him deeper into the heart of the woods, his senses alert to every rustle and nocturnal creature.

The forest was a living tapestry, and Leon was woven into its intricate design. He glided through the underbrush, his movements as fluid as a river. Moonlight bathed his skin in liquid silver, reflecting his awakened self.

As dawn approached, Leon decided to return home, his heart filled with wonder and the realization that he had tapped into a wellspring of untapped potential. He made his way back into the house stealthily, thanks to his newfound stealth abilities, and settled into his room to contemplate the incredible changes that had come over him.

Leon now in his room alone, the soft ambiance of his desk lamp casting a comforting glow in the dimly lit space. He sank onto the edge of his bed, his thoughts consumed by the incredible changes that had come over him.

"That's peak, bruv," he murmured to himself. "This is dead mad. I've got to get me 'ead around it."

His eyes wandered to the mirror on the wardrobe door, and the reflection that stared back at him was far from the ordinary teenager he once was. Muscles rippled beneath his skin, contours etched with newfound definition. He couldn't resist but give a quick flex, his grin widening as he examined his transformed physique.

"Look at this, mate," he muttered, addressing his reflection. "I've gone from a regular bloke to... whatever this is. Proper mental."

Leon leaned back on his bed, hands folded behind his head, and stared at the ceiling. "It's not just the strength," he continued, his voice tinged with contemplation. "I can jump like a gazelle and run like the wind. No way it's normal. So this is what it feels like to be x5 better than a normal person."

Running a hand through his hair, he sighed. "This is way greatr than i imagined."

His room was his sanctuary, a place to ponder this bewildering transformation in solitude. He reached for a notepad and pen on his desk, determined to organize his thoughts. "Right then, let's break it down. Super strength, agility like a ninja, and speed that's faster than... I dunno, Usain Bolt on caffeine. I Could say i am no longer a normal human, not even a human anymore as my heart is different a well, i've got the Draconix Heart."

A soft chuckle escaped him at that thought, a mixture of excitement and trepidation coursed through him. "Time to embrace the unknown, I s'pose."

Leon decided it was time to freshen up after a night of testing his newfound abilities. He stripped off his clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water wash away the sweat and grime of his late-night adventures. As he stood beneath the soothing spray, his thoughts turned back to the status screen he had discovered.

"Status," he muttered, and the familiar interface appeared before him, glowing in the misty bathroom.

He focused on the first part:

Name: Leon Blackwood

Level: 1

Race: Human

Class: None

State: Unawakened

Title: Legacy's Ender

"Nothing's changed on here," he mused to himself, the warm water cascading over his body. "Name's still mine, level still 1. Now, I'm at level 1, but imagine how much stronger I'll be at level 2, 3, or even 10. I remember back then; the strongest were level 50. Something to look forward to. Thinking about it makes me happy."

He continued, "Now, the class... There are five major classes. The Warrior, also known as the attack class, excels in up-close combat. They're skilled with melee weapons like swords and axes, and they're known for their physical strength and fearlessness on the battlefield. Warriors charge headfirst into fights, taking on multiple foes with sheer power and determination. Their color code is normally red."

Leon's thoughts flowed like the water around him, "Then we have the Ranger, also known as the range class. Rangers, the experts of ranged combat, prefer attacking from a distance. They master various ranged weapons like bows, crossbows, or even magical projectiles. Rangers are known for their precision and agility, making them deadly marksmen. They specialize in taking down enemies from afar, using tactics and accuracy to hit their targets with lethal precision. Their color code is purple."

"Next up, the Guardian," he said, reciting his knowledge. "Also known as the defense class, Guardians, the protectors of their allies, are the backbone of any team. Armed with sturdy shields, heavy armor, and unwavering determination, they excel at defending their comrades from harm. Guardians are known for their resilience and the ability to draw the enemy's attention, serving as a living bulwark. They are the ultimate defenders, ensuring that their team remains safe while they stand strong against the enemy onslaught. Their color code is blue."

Leon chuckled, "And then there's the Sage, also known as the healer class. Sages are the life-givers of any group, wielding powerful restorative magic. They mend wounds, cure ailments, and offer a vital lifeline to their companions. With their deep understanding of the mystical arts, Sages bring harmony and vitality to the battlefield, ensuring that their allies stay in the fight. They are the guardians of well-being, keeping their team hale and hearty amidst adversity. Their color code is green."

He paused briefly, his fingers tracing the droplets running down his arm, "The Utility Class, also known as the 'Extras.' Utility specialists are the unsung heroes of any team. They bring a diverse range of skills and tools to the table, providing crucial support in various situations. These versatile individuals often excel in exploration, reconnaissance, and resource management. With their adaptability and resourcefulness, they bridge gaps in a group's capabilities, making them indispensable in any quest or challenge. While not specializing in combat, Utility Class members prove that intelligence and creativity can be mightier than a sword. Their color code was silver."

"In the future," he added, "it was all a mess as most people just formed random parties and they used to struggle to defeat a dungeon. So color codes were put in place to help form balanced teams and raiding parties. In the future, many people used to consider the Sage class the weakest, but when they started raiding higher levels, they quickly realized how important the Sage class was."

"But that's that," he continued, "and from what I hear, there are subclasses among the four major classes."

Leon moved on to the next section of the status screen, "Now, for 'State,' it says 'Unawakened.' I presume that'll change to 'Awakened' when the first cataclysm hits, when the first dungeon break happens. Something to look forward to."

"And now, the title," he said, selecting it. A description appeared:

Title: Legacy's Ender - A title forged in the crucible of fate for those who have defied the lineage of ancient beings. By extinguishing the legacy of both the formidable dragon and resplendent phoenix, bearers of this prestigious title are anointed with three enigmatic Growth Mystic Skills, empowering them to reach heights unattainable by others. Additionally, the bearer's attribute points are mysteriously doubled for every attribute point earned.

Leon couldn't believe it to the point that he slipped and fell in the shower. He sat on the stone slab, water droplets trickling down his face. "No way," he exclaimed, "it makes sense now. I was wondering why I have three mystic skills, and the fact that they are growth skills means it's even better. Plus, the x2 multiplier for all earned attribute points... I really wasn't expecting that."

"So," he mused, "the rumors were true; some titles do give you extra bonuses. This is an interesting development for sure."

Leon continued to explore his status screen:


Strength: 5.00

Agility: 5.00

Intelligence: 10.00

Luck: 3.00

Constitution: 5.00

Unused Attribute Points: 0

Water droplets danced around him as he thought aloud.

"According to the information I have from the future and from what I know," Leon began, his voice echoing in the bathroom, "you get your main class when you're level 10. When you reach level 10, your main class is decided automatically. It's based on the skills you have from awakening and your natural talents, which are your attributes, like your Strength, your Agility, your Constitution, or your Intelligence. Your class becomes your main focus as you then try to work your attributes to have a subclass under the respective class."

He tilted his head back, letting the water wash over his face. "Since it's hard to get attribute points from what I heard, people don't normally focus on other attributes outside their class as it will be a waste. And once you use an attribute, you can't get them back. So, people are very strategic when it comes to it and only use them for their own class."

Leon leaned against the shower wall, his fingers tapping thoughtfully. "Subclasses are also automatically given based on the skills you acquire after you've been assigned your main class. When you use your skills often and gain experience, you might unlock a subclass that complements your main class. Normally, at level 20 to 25, you can unlock your subclasses. It's all about how you develop your abilities in the awakening world."

He then delved into specifics, "For example, for Warrior Sub-Classes (For Attack Class Only):"


Attribute Requirements: High Strength (15.00) and moderate Constitution (8.00)

Description: Frenzied warriors who charge into the fray, trading defense for devastating melee power. Fueled by rage, they become stronger as they take damage, dealing ferocious strikes with their twin Axe.

Benefits: Increases Health Points (HP) to 500/500 and Attack Damage by 20%.

Grade: A Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Agility (12.00) and moderate Strength (10.00)

Description: Swordmasters are masterful swordsmen known for their exceptional speed, precision, and finesse with bladed weapons. They also have the ability to infuse elemental power into their sword strikes.

Benefits: Increases Stamina Points (SP) to 500/500 and grants access to advanced sword techniques.

Grade: A Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Agility (12.00) and moderate Intelligence (10.00)

Description: Ninjas are stealthy assassins and masters of unique weapons and techniques. They move silently and swiftly, striking with precision and agility. Their arsenal includes shurikens, kunai, and Katana, and they can employ powerful techniques such as shadow manipulation and elemental jutsu. Ninjas are known for their ability to vanish into the shadows, making them formidable foes in the art of surprise attacks.

Benefits: Increases Mana Points (MP) to 500/500, unlocks access to unique ninja weapons and techniques, and grants Invisibility for a short duration.

Grade: A Rank

Martial Artist

Attribute Requirements: High Strength (12.00) and moderate Agility (10.00)

Description: Martial Artists are hand-to-hand combat specialists with exceptional physical abilities. They are experts in unarmed combat, capable of delivering devastating punches and kicks with precision. Their rigorous training has honed their bodies to near-perfection, allowing them to execute lightning-fast strikes and agile maneuvers. Martial Artists are renowned for their discipline and mastery of martial arts techniques.

Benefits: Increases Stamina Points (SP) to 500/500, unlocks access to advanced martial arts techniques, and grants a chance to evade attacks.

Grade: B Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Strength (13.00) and moderate Intelligence (9.00)

Description: Bladedancers are masters of dual-dagger combat, swift and deadly like assassins on the battlefield. They excel in close-range combat, employing lightning-fast strikes and agile maneuvers to outmaneuver and dispatch their foes. Bladedancers are known for their exceptional speed, precision, and ability to strike with ruthless efficiency. They can seamlessly weave offense and defense, making them formidable opponents in any close-quarters encounter.

Benefits: Increases Attack Damage by 20% and grants access to advanced dual-dagger techniques.

Grade: B Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Strength (14.00) and moderate Luck (8.00)

Description: Stormbringers are masters of dual-wielding hammers, specifically Mjölnar, which allows them to harness the power of thunder and lightning to smite their enemies. Fierce warriors, they are known for entering frenzied states of battle rage, becoming fierce and relentless in combat. Stormbringers strike with the force of thunderstorms, delivering devastating blows that leave their foes shaken and broken. Their unique battle style is characterized by relentless attacks and an indomitable spirit that inspires fear and awe in their enemies.

Benefits: Increases the party's Defense by 15% and grants access to powerful thunder and lightning abilities. Also, their basic attacks have a chance to apply Thunderstruck, stunning the enemy.

Grade: S Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Strength (15.00) and moderate Agility (9.00)

Description: Barbarians are wild and unpredictable fighters. Their unorthodox combat style and agility make them erratic but deadly opponents in battle, especially with their tomahawk in one hand and a sword in the other hand.

Benefits: Increases Critical Hit Rate by 10% and Attack Speed by 15%.

Grade: C Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Strength (13.00) and moderate Constitution (10.00)

Description: Spearmen are warriors who specialize in the art of the spear. They are known for their simplicity and directness in combat, using their spears with expert precision. These warriors excel at maintaining a distance from their foes while delivering precise and deadly strikes. Their tactics involve keeping their enemies at bay and striking with calculated efficiency.

Benefits: Increases Critical Damage by 25% when an enemy's HP is below 20% and grants access to advanced spear techniques.

Grade: B Rank

Leon's exploration of the awakened world continued, this time focusing on the intricacies of Ranger Sub-Classes (For Range Class Only):


Attribute Requirements: High Agility (15.00) and moderate Intelligence (8.00)

Description: Archers are experts in long-range combat, wielding bows and arrows with precision. They can take down enemies from a distance and are known for their accuracy and ability to target weak points. Also, Archers combine archery with magic, infusing their arrows with elemental power and casting spells at range.

Benefits: Increases Critical Hit Rate by 20%.

Grade: B Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Agility (12.00) and moderate Intelligence (10.00)

Description: Elementalists are magic wielders who harness the power of the elements to launch ranged attacks. They can cast spells like fireballs, lightning bolts, and ice shards, wreaking havoc on enemies from a distance.

Benefits: Increases Magical Damage by 20% for ranged spells and abilities, and increases Mana Points (MP) to 500/500.

Grade: S Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Agility (15.00) and moderate Luck (8.00)

Description: Gunslingers are quick-drawing experts who use pistols and revolvers with magical bullets to deliver rapid and precise ranged attacks. They are known for their agility and the ability to dual-wield firearms.

Benefits: Increases Critical Hit Rate by 15% and Critical Hit Damage by 20%. Additionally, increases Stamina Points (SP) to 500/500.

Grade: C Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Agility (14.00) and moderate Constitution (8.00)

Description: Artillerists specialize in mid to long-range magical artillery projectiles. They can cast explosive spells and launch projectiles that deal area-of-effect damage with precision.

Benefits: Increases Explosive Damage by 20%. Additionally, increases Mana Points (MP) to 500/500.

Grade: A Rank


Attributes: High Agility (12.00) and moderate Intelligence (10.00)

Description: Boltmasters are elite archers who wield crossbows with exceptional skill and precision. They are renowned for their deadly accuracy, able to strike targets at great distances with unparalleled efficiency. Boltmasters utilize specialized bolts, each designed for specific tactical advantages, allowing them to adapt to various combat scenarios. They are experts at eliminating foes swiftly from afar.

Benefits: Increases Attack Range by 30% and Critical Hit Rate by 15%. Unlocks access to advanced crossbow techniques and specialized bolt types.

Grade: B Rank


Attributes: High Intelligence (12.00) and moderate Luck (10.00)

Description: Summoners are masters of conjuring and controlling otherworldly entities to aid them in battle. They can summon a variety of creatures, from elemental spirits to powerful creatures. Summoners stay at a distance and direct their summoned beings to attack and defend as needed.

Benefits: Gains access to a wide range of summoning spells, each with unique abilities and strengths. Can summon multiple entities simultaneously. Increases Mana Points (MP) to 500/500.

Grade: A Rank


Attributes: High Intelligence (13.00) and moderate Constitution (9.00)

Description: Necromancers are practitioners of dark magic, specializing in raising and controlling the undead. They possess a unique affinity for death and decay, allowing them to manipulate the life force of fallen foes. Necromancers can summon skeletal warriors, vengeful spirits, and other macabre minions to do their bidding.

Benefits: Gains the ability to raise and command undead minions in combat. Can drain life force from enemies to replenish their health and mana. Increases Mana Points (MP) to 500/500.

Grade: A Rank

Spear Sentinel

Attributes: High Agility (12.00) and moderate Strength (10.00)

Description: Spear Sentinels are experts in wielding long spears with unparalleled precision. They excel at keeping their foes at bay, delivering devastating thrusts and precise strikes from a safe distance. These warriors are known for their exceptional mobility and their ability to control the battlefield by repelling enemies with their spears.

Benefits: Spear Sentinels gain increased reach and striking speed with spears, making them formidable in long-range engagements. They have the ability to trip, disarm, or pierce multiple enemies with a single thrust. Their agility allows them to swiftly evade attacks, and they are adept at finding weak points in their opponents' defenses.

Grade: B Rank

Moving on to the nex, Leon delved further into the possibilities within the Guardian subclass (For Defence Class Only):


Requirements: High Constitution (15.00) and moderate Strength (10.00)

Description: Shieldbearers are masters of using shields as versatile tools on the battlefield. They excel in both offense and defense, capable of expertly blocking incoming attacks while delivering precise counterstrikes with their shields.

Benefits: Increases Block and Parry effectiveness by 20%. Grants the ability to perform shield bashes, stunning opponents momentarily.

Grade: B Rank


Requirements: High Constitution (12.00) and moderate Strength (10.00)

Description: Knights are heavily armored defenders who wield swords and shields with unwavering honor. They use their exceptional defensive skills to protect their allies and themselves, making them formidable foes on the battlefield.

Benefits: Increases Health Points (HP) to 500/500. Increases Defense by 20%.

Grade: B Rank


Requirements: High Intelligence (12.00) and moderate Constitution (10.00)

Description: Aegis users are masters of mystical shields, crafting energy barriers that can block both physical and magical attacks. They excel in providing protection to themselves and their allies, creating a nearly impenetrable defense on the battlefield.

Benefits: Increases Mana Points (MP) to 500/500. Grants a 25% chance to completely block incoming attacks.

Grade: A Rank


Requirements: High Intelligence (14.00) and moderate Constitution (8.00)

Description: Safeguards are adept at securing locations and creating magical safe zones where allies can rest and recover in peace. They excel in providing a haven of protection on the battlefield, ensuring the safety and well-being of their comrades.

Benefits: Increases Mana Points (MP) to 500/500. Grants the ability to create protective barriers that reduce incoming damage for allies within the safe zone by 30%.

Grade: C Rank

Elemental Guardian

Requirements: High Intelligence (13.00) and moderate Constitution (10.00)

Description: Elemental Guardians are masters of harnessing the elements to protect their allies. They can create elemental barriers, conjure defensive storms, and manipulate the environment to provide safety for their comrades. Their powers are deeply intertwined with the natural world.

Benefits: Increases Mana Points (MP) to 500/500. Grants the ability to create elemental shields that absorb and nullify elemental attacks, offering enhanced protection for allies.

Grade: B Rank

Colossus Guardian

Requirements: High Strength (15.00) and moderate Constitution (12.00)

Description: Colossus Guardians are towering warriors who wield massive two-handed swords with incredible strength and precision. They are the embodiment of unwavering defense, using their colossal swords not only to block incoming attacks but to counter them with devastating power. Clad in formidable armor, they stand as bulwarks on the battlefield, protecting their allies and absorbing the brunt of enemy assaults.

Benefits: Increases Health Points (HP) to 600/600. Grants the ability to perform powerful area-of-effect (AoE) counterattacks when struck by enemies, unleashing shockwaves of destruction.

Grade: S Rank

Sentinel Protector

Requirements: High Constitution (14.00) and moderate Strength (10.00)

Description: Sentinel Protectors are masters of battlefield control and tanking. They wield a large tower shield and a one-handed weapon, often a mace or sword. What sets them apart is their uncanny ability to draw the attention of enemies, diverting hostile forces away from their allies and onto themselves. Clad in heavy armor, they stand as unbreakable bulwarks on the front lines, absorbing enemy attacks and taunting foes to focus their aggression.

Benefits: Increases Health Points (HP) to 600/600. Gains an aura ability that reduces the damage taken by nearby allies and increases their own threat generation, ensuring enemies target them first.

Grade: A Rank

Warden of Tranquility

Requirements: High Intelligence (14.00) and moderate Constitution (10.00)

Description: Wardens of Tranquility are masters of controlling the battlefield through various crowd control techniques. They wield a combination of a quarterstaff and a shield, allowing them to strike with precision and block incoming attacks effectively. What sets them apart is their innate connection to the elements, enabling them to manipulate the environment and enemies. They can summon roots to entangle foes, call upon gusts of wind to push enemies back, and create protective barriers to shield allies. Wardens of Tranquility are known for their serene yet authoritative presence on the battlefield, calmly directing the flow of combat.

Benefits: Increases Mana Points (MP) to 500/500. Gains access to a range of crowd control abilities, including root spells, knockback abilities, and protective barriers.

Grade: A Rank

Continuing his exploration of the awakened world, Leon learned about the Sages subclass (For Healers Class Only):


Attribute Requirements: High Intelligence (12.00) and moderate Luck (8.00)

Description: Buffers are masters of enhancing the abilities of their allies and weakening their enemies through the art of enchantment. They possess the unique ability to bestow beneficial enhancements on their comrades, boosting attributes like strength, agility, and resilience. Simultaneously, they can cast debilitating spells on foes, diminishing their effectiveness in combat.

Benefits: Increases the party's Strength, Agility, and Constitution attributes by 10%.

Grade: C Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Wisdom (12.00) and moderate Intelligence (8.00)

Description: Clerics are devoted healers with the ability to cast powerful area-of-effect (AoE) healing spells. They excel at tending to wounded allies on the battlefield, using divine magic to mend injuries and cure ailments. Their AoE healing abilities can rejuvenate multiple allies simultaneously, making them invaluable in group encounters.

Benefits: Increases the party's Health Points (HP) and Mana Points (MP) regeneration rate by 20%.

Grade: A Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Wisdom (12.00) and moderate Constitution (10.00)

Description: Druids are nature-based healers who draw their power from the elements and the natural world. They specialize in healing over time (HoT) spells, which gradually restore health to their allies. Additionally, Druids can provide elemental protection, granting resistance to elemental damage. They have a deep connection to the earth, allowing them to summon creatures from the wild to aid in battle.

Benefits: Increases Health Points (HP) and Stamina Points (SP) regeneration rate by 20%. Grants resistance to elemental damage.

Grade: A Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Wisdom (14.00) and moderate Luck (8.00)

Description: Priests and Priestesses are devoted healers with a profound connection to the divine. They specialize in powerful single-target healing spells, capable of swiftly mending wounds and saving lives. Their prayers and invocations can cleanse ailments and grant protection against dark forces. They serve as beacons of hope and faith on the battlefield.

Benefits: Increases the potency of single-target healing spells by 25%. Provides immunity to curses and dark magic.

Grade: A Rank

Ink Mage

Attribute Requirements: High Intelligence (14.00) and moderate Wisdom (10.00)

Description: Ink Mages are unique healers who utilize enchanted ink to inscribe healing spells onto scrolls and tomes. They excel in both single-target and area-of-effect (AoE) healing. Their intricate spellwork allows them to draw upon the magic contained within their ink to mend wounds and cure ailments. The scrolls and tomes they carry serve as conduits for their potent healing magic.

Benefits: Increases the potency and range of healing spells when using scrolls and tomes by 30%. Allows for the creation of temporary magical wards for added protection.

Grade: B Rank

Mystic Surgeon

Attribute Requirements: High Intelligence (15.00) and moderate Wisdom (10.00)

Description: Mystic Surgeons are highly skilled healers who combine the art of surgery with mystical abilities. They are known for their precise and life-saving procedures. Using their deep understanding of anatomy and the infusion of magical energy, they can mend even the most critical injuries. Their surgeries are often accompanied by chants and incantations to ensure the success of their procedures.

Benefits: Increases the success rate of surgical procedures by 40%. Allows for the creation of magical surgical tools and equipment, enhancing their precision and effectiveness.

Grade: B Rank

Voodoo Witch Doctor

Attribute Requirements: Moderate Intelligence (10.00) and moderate Wisdom (10.00)

Description: Voodoo Witch Doctors are healers who blend traditional medicinal knowledge with the mysticism of voodoo magic. They create intricate totems and talismans that serve both protective and offensive purposes. Voodoo Witch Doctors can heal wounds by channeling positive energy through their totems, and they can also curse their enemies, causing them to suffer from various ailments. These healers are highly attuned to the balance of life forces and are revered for their unique approach to healing and harm.

Benefits: Increases the effectiveness of totem-based healing and curses. Totems offer protection against one life-threatening damage per battle.

Grade: C Rank

Guardian of the Vital Barrier

Attribute Requirements: Moderate Wisdom (10.00) and moderate Constitution (10.00)

Description: Guardians of the Vital Barrier are healers with a profound mastery over protective magic. They specialize in creating potent barriers that can shield themselves and their allies from life-threatening damage. These barriers act as a last line of defense, absorbing a single instance of catastrophic harm and preventing it from affecting the protected target. Guardians of the Vital Barrier are known for their swift reactions and their ability to keep their comrades safe in the direst of circumstances.

Benefits: Creates a protective barrier around the healer or an ally once per battle, absorbing a single instance of life-threatening damage.

Grade: S Rank

As Leon contemplated the various healer paths, he couldn't help but appreciate the diversity of skills and abilities that could be harnessed in the world of awakening. He knew that the choices he made would significantly impact his role in future battles.

Next, he delved into the Utility subclass:


Attribute Requirements: High Agility (13.00) and moderate Constitution (9.00)

Description: Rangers are masters of wilderness survival and adaptability. They excel in utilizing the environment to their advantage.

Benefits: Increases Movement Speed by 10% in outdoor environments.

Grade: C Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Agility (13.00) and moderate Constitution (10.00)

Description: Pathfinders are skilled in exploration and tracking. They can detect hidden paths and creatures with ease.

Benefits: Increases Perception by 20%.

Grade: C Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Agility (14.00) and moderate Intelligence (9.00)

Description: Hawkeyes have an enhanced field of vision, enabling them to see distant details and enemies. They are masters of reconnaissance.

Benefits: Increases View Distance by 30%.

Grade: C Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Agility (12.00) and moderate Luck (10.00)

Description: Trickshots are experts in unconventional ranged tactics, using traps and gadgets to outwit and outmaneuver their opponents.

Benefits: Increases Trap Damage by 50%.

Grade: C Rank


Attribute Requirements: Moderate Intelligence (10.00) and moderate Agility (10.00)

Description: Inventors are ingenious engineers who thrive on creating experimental devices, gadgets, and weapons. They are known for their innovative minds and their knack for inventing unique contraptions that can turn the tide of battle. Whether it's crafting a portable turret or a healing device, they always have something up their sleeves.

Benefits: Increases Intelligence by 15%.

Grade: B Rank


Attribute Requirements: Moderate Intelligence (10.00) and moderate Luck (10.00)

Description: Alchemists are skilled potion-makers and masters of elixirs. They brew a wide range of concoctions, from healing potions to explosive mixtures. Their deep knowledge of ingredients and their expertise in alchemical arts make them invaluable in providing support and creating tactical advantages on the battlefield.

Benefits: Increases Luck by 15%.

Grade: B Rank


Attribute Requirements: High Intelligence (12.00) and moderate Constitution (8.00)

Description: Enchanters are skilled magical crafters who have mastered the art of imbuing items with mystical properties and enhancements. They can enchant weapons and armor to make them more powerful or grant unique magical effects. Their expertise in manipulating magical energies allows them to provide valuable support to their allies and enhance their capabilities in battle.

Benefits: Increases Magical Defense by 15%.

Grade: B Rank


Attribute Requirements: Moderate Intelligence (10.00) and high Wisdom (14.00)

Description: Horticulturists are individuals with a profound connection to the natural world and a green thumb that can bring even the rarest of plants to life. They excel in the cultivation of a wide variety of flora, from medicinal herbs to exotic and magical plants.

Benefits: Increases Plant Growth and Manipulation Abilities by 20%.

Grade: B Rank

The world of awakened abilities was proving to be incredibly diverse, and Leon's excitement grew as he considered the numerous paths that lay before him.

He had spent 20 years as a courier, and during that time, he had gathered a wealth of information about the awakened world. Rumors and tales about awakened abilities, classes, and subclasses were part of his everyday life, whether they're meant to discredit or praise. Before, it was just useless information, but now, it's a treasure trove.

Guilds were eager to secure young talents with higher class ranks, believing they had the potential for greatness. However, some low-rank classes possessed higher-leveled skills, and some classes even had skills from other class. These anomalies were called irregulars." Irregulars were a hit-or-miss in terms of their future development, adding an element of unpredictability to the awakened world.

Curiosity about his own class and subclass began to pique Leon's interest. He wondered "what will my class be, or my subclass. Well, it's something to look forward to, I guess."

Leon then moved on to the next part of his status.


Orius: Level 1

Mana Clone: Level 1

Draconix Heart: Level 1

"Oh man, I was out exercising, and I didn't even check my skills yet. I need to get used to them before everything starts. But the problem is, how can I restore my mana points? Health could be restored through conventional means like visiting a doctor, and stamina could be regained through rest, mana posed a unique challenge... Without access to portals or mana-restoring potions, I can't recover my mana. Isn't this a dilemma?

My mana pool stood at 220 points, with Orius costing 20 MP and Mana Clone requiring 40 MP for just one clone. To test both skills, I'll need 60 MP, leaving me with 160 MP. Let's put off training with the skills for now. I need to save as much mana as possible, as when the cataclysm starts, it will be disadvantageous if I don't have enough."

Satisfied with this line of thought for now, Leon had gone through his status screen more thoroughly than usual. While some aspects were speculations and guesses, he was content. The only way to confirm everything was to wait for the cataclysm to start. For now, he was prepared and ready to do everything he could to get ready for the first cataclysm.

After finishing his shower, a knock on the door indicated his father's guest. Leon overheard his father, Alexander, conversing with Jork.

Alexander: "Hey Jork, you're a bit early. I thought you'd be here by midday."

Jork: "Yes, sir, but there was an earlier flight available, so I took it. How are you doing today, sir?"

Alexander: "Great, really. But come in. Like I mentioned to you, Leon had some ideas that he wants to venture into the business world of the company, and you should guide him well, okay?"

Jork: "Yes, sir. But if I may, Sir Leon is just a young lad. What would he know of the business world?"

Alexander: "That's what I thought at first, but his presentation was good. In fact, it was so good I thought it was done by a veteran. He has a promising future, and as my future heir to the company, it made me happy that he is already this well-versed in the business world. Seems he takes after me. Hahahah, that sneaky lad. I wonder when he became this mature."

Jork: "Seems you have high hopes for him. So, I have done what you have asked. I have established a separate business account for Leon, and I have also funded it with the £1 million initial investment from you, as you told me. The bank I chose for him was Lloyd's Bank. I believe this should be a great start."

Alexander: "Efficient as always, Jork. That's why you're my right-hand man, apart from being my P.A. Great. Also, keep an eye on Leon and make sure to report back to me and keep me in the loop."

Jork: "You praise me too highly, sir. I am just doing my job, and certainly, I will always keep you in the loop."

Alexander: "Good. I'll go get Leon so you both can get acquainted, and he can discuss the next part of his business plan with you."

Jork: "Yes, sir."

Leon could hear the conversation between Alexander and Jork clearly, thanks to his enhanced senses. His father Alexander made his way upstairs and towards Leon's room. He then knocked on Leon's door, which Leon opened.

Alexander: "Oh good, you're already up. Come downstairs, Jork is here, kiddo. I want you both to get acquainted."

Leon: "Yes, Dad."

With that, Alexander went back downstairs, and Leon closed his room to get ready. Leon marveled at his newfound heightened senses, realizing that he could hear conversations and even heartbeats from a distance if he focused on it. His enhanced hearing was a result of the night's training. He hurriedly put on clothes—a black hoodie, cargo pants, and white trainers—as his father had asked him downstairs to meet Jork, who would help him delve further into his business plans. With that, Leon descended downstairs to meet Jork.