
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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42 Chs

Meeting of Clan 8

when otome heard hitotsume, she nodded and continued about sacred gear.

"then i'm going to explain about sacred gear. it is said this was a gift for the god of the bible to human so they can protect themselves from another being."

hitotsume became perplexed about this story as his doubt is there, he asked otome a question.

"human? another being? is this a fairytale??"

"well hitotsume-sama, we ARE fantasy to human you know. lets me finish my word alright. the god of the bible created this gear with the hope that humans can fight for survival. but I thought that what the god of the bible made is a sham, trash to the real thing."

"otome-san, you shouldn't bad mouth god you know."

"don't worry father. after all, it was true. god of the bible was a con artist that wanted to replicate the real thing. the real thing is the most powerful artifacts that are collected by a certain king in the past. he collected these artifacts into his treasury. after his death, the location of this treasury vanished without a clue. because of that, the god of the bible tried to replicate artifacts. but to no avail. he failed to make the real things that being possessed by the king."

rihan became curious about the identity of this king. then, he asked otome.

"so honey, who is this king?"

"well, my honey is impatient."


"ok, please don't look at me like that ok? the king's name was Gilgamesh, king of heroes from ancient Mesopotamian."

"mama!! isn't that the king from the epic of Gilgamesh that you talk about in history lesson?"

"wow sweetheart, you are a genius. here let me hug you and give you a kiss on your forehead!!"

"mama!!! it's embarrassing."

"aw sweetheart, you are so cute when you are embarrassed."

nurahiyon coughed to otome blatant affection to ryouma. he then urged otome to continue.

"otome-san, you can display that kind of mother's love after this meeting. we didn't hear the important part of your story."

"well, I'm sorry everyone. what is it again? ah yes, that part. Gilgamesh, the ancient king of Mesopotamian was the king of heroes that amassed the treasury that almost infinite along with passage human history. after he died, for some reason his treasure could be found by the great heroes that were going to mark their names to human history. at first, this treasure was the unmanned treasure that was being used by these heroes."

then rihan interrupted otome word with a confused look.

"honey did you said that these treasures were stronger than the sacred gear that the god of the bible made? then why these treasures were unnamed?"

"because these treasures were still a cast that is used to make their legend known. just like a famous blacksmith that wanted to produce the first-class of katana. these treasures were unnamed because their purpose wasn't known to these treasures until their legend was created by respective heroes that wield them. because of that, these treasures had some criterion to their owner. for example was the sword of selection, Caliburn. this sword was to be drawn by the king that going to led Britain to utopia. Caliburn selected lord Arthur Pendragon as his owner later this sword vanished until the lady of the lake bestowed lord Arthur Excalibur as the blade of victory and Avalon as the sheath to protect lord Arthur from all harm."

otome with a fervent look explained the history of the treasure that King Gilgamesh own. nurahiyon saw that had a smirk on his face as he asked the question to otome with a teasing voice.

"Well well well, it seems otome-san is knowledgeable about this topic. I wonder where she is learning all of that? right everyone?"

every member that was in the hall knew the implication of nurahiyon's words. they smirked at otome and rihan when he heard his father word, suddenly he cried.

"'sob' 'sob', to think otome went out to her adventure and yet me, this rihan was worried sick about her when she was disappeared from my sight. 'sob' 'sob'. 'glance'"

when otome saw rihan's eyes, she became irritated at rihan because she knew that rihan was teasing her. she breathed the air slowly to calm her down. but, ryouma with a curious look began to ask the question regarding otome's past.

"oyaji, why mama went out to adventure without telling you beforehand??"

otome became pale because of ryouma's question. she began to look at rihan and shake her head. then rihan saw that and winked at otome. otome had a bad feeling about this but before she could ascertain that. rihan began to answer ryouma's question with glee.

"well ryouma, because your mama was running aw----,!!!!! bluarghhhhhh!!!!"

before rihan said another word, someone just punched rihan on the face and he flew away. wakana saw rihan's body approached her, she evaded with panicked look. then, rihan flew to the garden at the side of the hall and his body hit the tree. then his body just fell to the ground motionless.

because rihan body flew through the sliding door, a young man with blond hair which was black below. with his amber eyes saw the hall with a panicked look. he was wearing a scarf, black in color. He wore an olive-green traditional male's kimono with a blue-green jacket over it, along with traditional straw sandals and bandages around his legs and feet. his head that didn't have a neck was floating from his body saw the surrounding hall to search for the offender. he then shouted to all of the members in the hall and questioned everyone.


then someone approached the young man, it was kurotabo. kurotabo with a blank look on his face held the young man's shoulder as he ordered him.

"kubinashi, you should bring rihan-sama to the infirmary immediately"

kubinashi, the young man became confused with his friend because he ignored their leader, rihan that just attacked by someone. with displease face, he asked kurotabo with a rude tone.

"wow to think that you of all people didn't care about rihan-sama attacker. maybe your failure with guard ryouma-bochama is there huh. but I am kind, so i ask again once more, who is the attacker?"

kurotabo wanted to punch kubinashi but he just let it slide. then kurotabo answered kubinashi question with a serious face.

"well, because rihan-sama said an unnecessary thing to ryouma-bochama in front of mama tigress."

at first, kubinashi didn't understand what kurotabo said. when he saw the front row when the leader of the nura clan always located in every meeting. then he saw nurahiyon that pressed his forehead, wakana that wanted to help rihan but she was afraid of something so she didn't move and shivered, and last was ryouma and otome as ryouma asked question to otome about something.

"mama, what oyaji was saying about running?"

"well in the past, mama ran an errand for everyone in the clan so mama always the overseas to search for the item. because of that, mama's errand became an adventure that increased mama's vision of the world sweetheart, right everyone?"

everyone began to nod repeatedly because they didn't want to end up like rihan and they were scared with otome's aura that she emitted right now.

seeing that, kubinashi began to understand kurotabo's word. then he saw otome's eyes looked at him. with a smile, she began to move her mouth without ryouma's notice.

kubinashi knew what otome said. she said 'you say an unnecessary thing, you end up just like that '.

then with a wry smile, he moved rihan as kurotabo's order. he knew that when concerning ryouma, otome became overprotective that she can resort to violence to protect her dignity as the dainty and intelligent woman in front of her son.

so with rihan out of the picture. nurahiyon then continued the meeting.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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