

After Centuries of research about technology, many technology evolution happened. Now a days humans always refer using technology and Vitual Reality games are their second word next to the earth.

The most popular game is the [Legend of Heroes], this game contains billions of players, tens of billions of population if you added the NPC's, Five cities and Thousands of Guilds.

The currency of this game can be change to the true wold currency. You can exchange your Game Currency to Peso and cash out in the bank [ World Vitual Game Bank ] [a]. The Game Currency are divided to Five types: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black Gold, Diamond, and if you change it in Peso:

1 Bronze - 10 pesos

1 Silver - 50 pesos

1 Gold - 100 pesos

1 Black Gold - 500 pesos

1 Diamond - 1000 pesos

Players are also divided to Six type of jobs such as:

Mellee Fighter





Swordsman - One handed sword

- Two handed swords

Jhasper Gomez a captain of the A-Rank Guild [ New Worlds Organization ].

In this game the Guild level are divided to four, C-Rank, B- Rank, A- Rank and the highest are S- Rank, the higher the level the powerful and popular the guild.

In his room.... 7:45 pm

" Scram!... Brainless Guild! "Jhasper shouted and anger and punch the wall " I spend 15 years just for that Guild and that Brainless President Fired Me!!" He can't stop cursing his president while talking someone in the phone.

" His just jealous at you because you're the one who's carrying the Guild and not him.... because he can't surpassed you!!" A soft voice of Gilr Comforting him and added. " How ever! I can help you. I will talk with the Guild Committee tomorrow!"

" Don't make that thing!!" He lowered his voice and sat downn at the chair " They all decide with the President to fired me, not mention they are all allie of president don't make your self laughable!!" He explained his thoughts and ended the call

Five hours ago at his Work....

After playing the game his phone ring, when he picked it up it's a call from President Johnson [Guild Leader].

" Good morning Guild Leader!!. What do you need from me!?" Jhasper politely asked as he walked closer to the window to get some air.

" I need to tell you something!! Mmhm!! it's urgent!!" As he said he ended the call.

After 2 minute Jhasper came at the office of the Guild Leader. When he enter the room he saw six person, it's the Guild leader and the Five Guild Committee. As he saw them he politely bow and the Guild Leader asked him too sit.

After a while no one speaking and silence covered the room, it make Jhasper irritated and start to asked, " President may I ask why you summoned me here!?" He politely say and the President make him shocked at the next scene.

His president placed a folder of paper in the table as he say " We no longer need you here!! We already get another person who suited your position, this is your retirement documents, your no longer a member of this Guild... You can pack your belongings and move quickly!!" He pointed at the paper and let Jhasper read it.

While reading the documents a disappointed face of Jhasper can be seen and at deep inside of his President his heart are laughing at joy.

At the documents it saying that Jhasper is no longer a member of the Guild he will get 5 milion pesos and a house worth of 12 million pesos as a compensation.

J meaning:

[a]. Word Vitual Game Bank - this is the bank where you can exchange and redeem your Game Currency to Peso.

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