
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Chapter 26

Chapter Twenty-six: Strongest tier 0's

"Alright that's good enough you too" Lyla called over Lucien and Janet over as they were training with each other. "Alright Tomorrow you guys are getting your first awakening stone and then you'll have your test by yourselves so get dressed and rest up because your gonna need all the strength you can get to survive your first awakening" lyla spoke to the pair who were both drenched in sweat ,Janet was wearing a black sports bra and bum shorts that held to her figure tightly but unrestrictive while Lucien was shirtless with his body glistening in the light, his pecs were pumped and his flat muscle-less belly was now bearing a strong six pack seemed to be sculpted by a mad artisan hell bent on making the personification of the perfect abs, every single muscle in his body screamed with power and both him and Janet's bodies were adorned with scars ranging from their bellies to their necks and their legs, showing how rigurous their training regimen was.

Going out to shower in their rooms Lucien and lyla bid farewell to each other and arrived at their dorms, while Lucien was in the same dorm Janet had upgraded to a different complex within the girls dorm rooms and was now situated high on the rankings ten below the legacies as people called Zakiels batch of exchange students. In the shower Luciens mind wandered and he took a glance at his status bar and a proud smile appeared on his face

[ Name: Lucien blackstin]

[ level 14]

[Title: none ]

[ race: Advanced human (body of the forge)]

[ EXP : 0/200 ]

[ Class : legacy inheritor]


Health : 15000/15000

Mana : 16000/16000


Endurance: 157

Strength: 128[+5]

Intelligence: 29

Agility: 16[+10]

Stamina : 50[+ 7]

Charm : 20

vitality : 13

Attribute points: 2

Skill points:



quick-regeneration(Level 5)[200/500]


Burst[ level 2][0/200]

Precision pierce[level 3][126/300]

Strength of hercules(level 4)[140/400]

Wings of hermes(Level 3)[100/300]

Precision of Artemis(level 4)[230/400]

Lustful scent of Eros and Aphrodite [ON/OFF] (OFF)

Seeing his STATS and his arsenal of skills made him feel proud of how far he has come, exiting the shower Lucien dried himself in a towel and slept on his king-sized bed as his body was exhausted.

The next morning waking up he checked the time and his eyes widened because he was late, getting up and getting dressed Lucien dashed out of the boys dorm passing the girls and seeing Janet also just waking up and running, they ran together to reach the hall and the last of the students just entered but Jacob was by the door standing there giving the two a condescending and questioning look as they arrived late. " Today's the starting points of your lives that decide sure he u stay tier0 or not and your late" leaving with that both of them scratched their heads and walked into the hall with Jacob and took their seats next to each other.

Standing at the front was the surprisingly the principle here to address them on today's events. " As you all know today is the day where you begin your journey to become strong, I know you all must be excited but only few of you will be strong enough to fully succeed as you will have to endure gruesome pain physically, mentally and spiritually taxing only those who advent been slacking will succeed and I hope you haven't been SLACKING or else you may just become a crippled" with those words everyone's excitement died down and the hall turned to a macabre of silence and trepidation of what was to come " Getting on, These are tier awakening stones, These stones aren't usually found out in the open in a calm environment and only tier 1 awakening stones can be brought out while others have to face and complete trials that will leave you battered and on the verge of death that's if you are strong enough and if u aren't then..." She suddenly became silent as she brought out a stone with colours continuously changing in a brilliant display

"There are only three stones are there are only 3 dousand of you that are ready to become tier 1 come up here to achieve your awakening and the brighter the stones shine the more potential and strength you have and it will also determine whether you slacked or not " With that they set up on a neat row as people were called down to come and awaken many gave a dim light and the sounds of screams sent shivers down many backs but many survived without being crippled.

With all good there came a bad as one unlucky student suddenly let out a inhumane scream and collapsed with blood pouring from all their orfices, the legacy students who were already above tier 1 so they helped the students who were injured leave finally it was Lucien turn, getting up the stage Lucien places his hand on the rock and it, didn't shine at all but dimmed even more then it broke in a shining light that momentarily blinded everyone including Lucien, Lucien who was the cause of it expected to feel mind numbing pain felt nothing. In fact he felt even stronger like a shackle had been broken from his body, when the light died down Lucien looked at the principle in confusion, but when his gaze met the principle he saw something glimmer in her eyes, a type of obsessive madness glimmered in her eyes for just a split second then returned to normal, looking at him calmly she stood there eerily looking at him suspiciously with a bit of that madness in the depths of her eyes, " Shit sorry do I have to pay for this " finally removing from the gaze of the principle he stared down to see the shattered pieces of the rock and asked that question, staring back at him the principle replied with a simple "no" while still staring at him as he got down the stage.

Scared by the gaze on his back Lucien quickly rushed down as everyone else who got their senses back looked at him in astonishment, when he reached his group only to see a open mouthed shocked Janet but no Jacob, searching for him Lucien asked the still shocked Jane. Snapping out of here reverie Janet stared at Lucien like he was a fool by how calm he was for breaking the stone as such a thing never happened in history even the gods didn't have that power at his tier, about to ask him how he did it her name was called and she went up to do here on the spare stones that were left and put her hand on it. The stone shone the extremely bright making people shut their eyes from the brightness and because their eyes were still sensitive from Lucien display she felt a large amount of pain coursing through her body but gritted her teeth as this pain wasn't anything compared to the helping training lyla put her through for 3 months , getting off the stage with a proud look and a bit of sweat on her forehead Janet walked down under a visage of respectful and envious looks as people were clapping for her .

" Guess she wasn't slacking " the vice principal murmured to the principal who was still fixated on Lucien, snapping out of her daze she cleared her throat and agreed with the vice principal. Looking at how the principal stared at Lucien she looked at him too wondering how that boy who broke the rock was special thinking he probably used a trick even tho his light from it was astonishing.

How ignorant she was.

Reaching Lucien who was staring at her with envy that they were clapping for her but they didn't clap for him, he was about to complain when Janet asked "Where's Jacob" not saying what he was going to say Lucien replied " I don't know where he is " Janet just nodded and sat down with a contemplative look on her face.Others also entered the stage and 6 others shined bright almost as bright as Janet and Lucien in their display while a toll of 1000 were crippled.

"Alright since you have all done well, I have the pleasure to announce that our top strongest are as follows

1. Lucien blakstin

2. Janet lovensworth

3. Annabelle damin

4. Juliet licence

5. Kate Middleton

6. Sophie Freeman

7. Pine woods

8. Dipper mysteria

you are our schools finest and we will help you in whatever u need on your journey " with that the principal big goodbye, many walked out with sullen downcast faces others happy and excited for their future but only Janet and Lucien were confused looking around for someone, not finding Jacob they gave up on their search on went to the dorms hoping to find him and they did in his room. Waking him up and asking why he didn't try to tier up Jacob sighed and looked at his best friend and then his sister" I have something to tell you guys"