
Laying Waste as Albedo

*currently on hold*

GrandSplix777 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Waking up to a giant

A young boy no older than five awoke in a massive densely packed forest. He didn't know how he got there but he did remember his life or rather lives.

He had the memories of a Homosapien and a Galvan. More specifically, of the Galvan known as Albedo.

As he looked over himself, he noticed that he was a lot younger than Albedo when he got stuck in the form of a ten-year-old Ben 10 and much younger than when the Homosapien died. From what he could tell he was around 5. Possibly coming up to 6.

He was wearing a red and black striped shirt, dark grey trousers and shiny black shoes. And as he looked over himself he saw something that shocked him.

A white and red digital wristwatch; Its faceplate was square and black with two red stripes forming an outline for the hourglass.

Now this in on of itself didn't shock him but the fact that his variation of the Omnitrix was that of the 16-year-old Ben Tennyson.

Quickly placing two fingers on the Omnitrix's faceplate he watched as a red holographic wheel hovered over it. Gently creating a circling motion he began scrolling to see the available transformations that he had. Only to find nothing but a Galvan transformation. He wasn't even angry at this but instead happy. Which, at first confused him but then he realised why.

When Albedo synced his Omnitrix to Ben's he inadvertently locked him into Ben's human form, as that was the Omnitrixi's default.

So to see the transformation that half of his being longed for for so long, would naturally make that half of him ecstatic.

Taking a quick look through his memories he found that he could remember every moment from both of his components perfectly. Something that not even a Galvan could do normally without any training. Their ability to store information and memories was nothing to scoff at, but most of them couldn't do so with such perfect clarity.

But for some reason, there was a disconnect. He could remember every moment of his Human life yet he didn't feel anything for it. No sadness for the possibility of never seeing them again. Nothing except slight annoyance, not for the memories themselves but for what his family were, humans.


Why was he like this? Who or what made him? There had to be a reason for this weird existence which was his newfound life. Maybe an experiment by a higher being?

He didn't know how to properly deal with this. Half of him was angered by this, the other half was weirded out.

As the young boy was freaking out over this discovery, he wasn't paying attention to anything. His thoughts to muddled and chaotic too. One series of thoughts trying, though failing, to make sense of it all as it began to understand the gravity of it all. The other, while displeased with this understanding, was however interested in how that affected him. He was so preoccupied he didn't notice how much time was passing him by.

Suddenly he felt the ground starting to shake slightly.

Quickly hiding behind one of the massive trees the young boy waited for what was making the sound to appear. His mind raced as multiple theories were speculated and dismissed.

He began looking around, trying to find the source of the sound only to see nothing but trees and vegetation. Then, after a few seconds. He saw it. A giant. A deformed, genderless, naked giant.

The boy found the situation incredibly weird. He didn't understand where he was or what the creature was.

Either way, he needed to tread carefully. One wrong move and he would draw its attention. Deciding to simply sneak away he tried to turn into his Galvan form. Yet something was wrong.

Instead of turning into a Galvan, he gained some Galvan traits and shrunk in half. A Galvan-Human hybrid.

Not too long later he returned to his full human form.

A second or two of shock was replaced by anger. His ability to willingly turn into his transformations had been weakened. Probably because his DNA was a mixture of a human and a Galvan. He really hoped that this DNA fusion hasn't stopped him from using the Omnitrix.

Before he even activate it, he was assaulted by the sudden sound of beeping. Causing him to fall over in shock, thus giving away his position.

The giant slowly made its way over to where it heard the sound. Looking around the tree it found nothing there. Unaware that a small bipedal, grey-skinned, frog-like creature was running away from it.

The boy was glad that his Omnitrix was fully operational. He may only be able to turn into a Galvan but it's better than turning into an Ickthyperambuloid, Walkatrout's species. Or, heaven forbid, an Atrocian, The Worst's species.

Even though he'd been running for quite a while he knew that due to his small stature he hadn't travelled nearly as far as if he was in human form.

As he continued to run he heard the beeping suddenly stop and in front of him, a red screen appeared.

[Hello User.]