
worst day

because i don't have any friends or close family, it can be difficult for me to see children my age playing outside and walking while I've been kept inside by my parents since i was diagnosed with pneumonia leukemia at the age of five. it's also difficult for me to see children my age playing outside and walking while I've been kept inside by my parents. I've been crying in my room watching how my parents continue to argue because of my leukemia. i always hate myself because I've been sick and my mom has kept crying everyday. Every time i seen my mom struggling to pay my hospital bills, i always think in my head, " I'm sorry that you have a sick daughter mom". 12,4 ,20 in the morning my scheduled check up that day is my worst day, because i was having a leukemia attack and struggling to breathe, i was crying because it felt like i was going to die.

as i was struggling, i could hear my mother yelling, "My daughter, help, plss help my daughter," as thought my entire world was about to vanish, at that point, my vision became somewhat blurry, and i passed out and i had no idea what would happen next...

I'm my mother's only child and don't know what will happen to her if i pass away, I've been trying to stay alive just for them while I'm in the emergency room and receiving dextrose and oxygen. As the doctor apologizes to my mother and tells her that "your daughter has been counted as life and it will dangerous because in any time she could die," i can hear my mother sobbing.. The worst day of my life, and i felt like i couldn't go on living with no hope of a good ending