
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

It is said that no matter how many times you and your soulmate part, you are always destined to meet in another life. This was a theory that Kenma thought was absurd. Thought it would be enjoyable, life was not like a video game in his eyes; at least it wasn't when it came to soulmates. The idea of having someone with whom you were destined to meet made Kenma uneasy. With the apparition of his red string just around the corner, the eve of his eighteenth birthday was bound to be stressful. The thought of having a string attached to his pinky, simply not any string; a string that could stretch, tangle but never breaks. The most unnerving thing was that the string led to someone that Kenma was bound to meet one day.

How old would he be when he met this so-called soulmate? What would it be like? Was it really that important? What if his soulmate wasn't what he expected? Many thoughts swarmed Kenma's mind. It was difficult for him not to overanalyze the possibilities.

Kenma's parents had discussed the topic of soulmates with the boy at a young age; his parents had explained the concept and how it worked. They had even stated that they were soulmates. Their relationship had always picked Kenma's curiosity, though he understood what a soulmate was, his parents seemed to go beyond that of how it was explained. They knew every little detail of each other, their hearts seemed to be laced together; they were one. Through his doubts, Kenma's parents gave him hope. He did not understand but he hoped to have something half as amazing as his parents' relationship. They seemed to fit together like two puzzle pieces; their smiles glowed when in the presence of each other. Though he'd never voice it, Kenma longed for something as wonderful.

The time had come, five minutes remained till October sixteenth, Kenma's birthday. His mind contemplated the many possibilities: What if it didn't show up? Would it hurt? Would his soulmate feel it too? Would he have to wait till his soulmate was eighteen? Did his soulmate already have the string visible to their eye?

The boy pushed the thoughts away from his mind as he looked at the time on his phone. His hands shook as he held them on his knees. Sweat formed as the boy continued to fix the clock. The minutes seemed to be going slower than normal; he wondered what he was so nervous about. It was simply a string on his finger. It wasn't like he was the only one going through this. Everyone had a soulmate; everyone had a red string.

As the last few seconds slipped away, Kenma took a deep breath. His body stiffened as he felt a thin pressure being applied to his right pinky. Though he tried not to, Kenma looked down to see the red string slowly materializing into something clear. A string the girth of a simple strand of yarn was now attached to his finger.

The dyed blond reached his hand down and attempted to touch it. To his surprise, it felt it almost felt like a real string. The weight was existent, he could play with it. He'd never bothered to read up on it but it surprised him just how real it felt. There was an odd warmth that he wasn't expecting. It was comforting; comforting enough for Kenma to give a faint smile.

The bright red colour was a little unsettling to the eye. Though the vibrancy slowly started to fade as did the tingling of the string being formed. Kenma let out a deep breath that he'd been holding. It was finally over, the wait for this was over; the stress was gone. Well, the stress of this was gone. More lied ahead


Simply a few moments before, as the string was being formed on Kenma's hand, Kuroo's string grew to have a brighter colour. At the final moment, the string gave a gentle tug on his hand and a light squeeze on his finger. He'd remembered when Bokuto had told him that this would happen when your soulmate can finally see their string. Kuroo had hoped that his soulmate was younger, allowing him to feel this.

The string now provided a gentle warmth, something new to Kuroo. In the past year, it had been different, a simple weight on his finger; it was a gentle weight but it was still there. The dark-haired boy smiled down at his hand. His body felt warmer, instantly giving him the comfort he hoped his soulmate felt as well.

He smiled down at his hand, still holding his pencil and smiled. The thought that he now knew his soulmate's birthday made him happy. This was a date he needed to remember. The boy engraved the date into his mind: October sixteenth was his soulmate's birthday. The first of many things he was determined to learn.

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