
Chapter 1 - Minato Shidou

Mina Namikaze-Shidou, the wife of the semi-retired exorcist Touji Shidou, was now experiencing the world of childbirth and labors.

"AH! Touji! Tooooouji!"

She grabbed his hands with all her might, meanwhile Touji was impressively keeping a straight face amidst the pain that his wife intended to share.

"Mina, it's okay, it's all right, our baby boy is about to see the world, hang on!"

Mina continued to curse a wide variety of beings, from Devils to Youkais and consequently asking for blessings from Angels and Gods of the 2 religions she worshipped.

Which would be Buddha and God of the Bible by the way.

The doctor who shared a slight wince at the cracking sounds coming from Touji's hands, decided to spare the man any more shared pain and urged Mina to... well, push the stubborn infant, the Doctor has never seen a childbirth that lasts for nearly half a day, Mina stated that it feels as if something was keeping the baby inside and not letting it out yet.

Keyword "Yet".

Because right in that moment, Minato's soul finally came and entered the vacant body, the delay from his sudden reincarnation and the taking back of his soul from the Death Reaper made the whole thing be the reason as to why Mina was suffering for half a day.

The moment that it did though, the baby slid out like an oiled item.


A loud cry of a baby redounded throughout the room and Touji finally had his now blue hands circulating blood again. Mina was super exhausted and with shaky hands raised held the baby.

"I-I think I'm naming you..."

Mina seemed to nearly pass out but her brain was working overdrive to think of a good name.

"My name's Mina and your father's Touji, Mina-Tou, that's right, you're our little Minato now~"

And then she passed out.


4 years later. At the Shidou Residence in Kuoh Town. A boy with messy, spiky and medium length blonde hair accompanied by shining blue eyes stood in front of the entrance, the reason?

"Mina-Kun, you're going to be a big brother soon~"


For the 4 year old Minato Shidou, the prospect of getting a younger sibling spurred a certain feeling inside of him, a voice to be more precise.

'I wi--ve--sibl--'

It was a faint sound and the young Minato knew it was something of relevance, but the knowledge of him getting a sibling, a sister with all hopes was a far more important topic.

"When?! When?!"

Mina laughed at her first born's excitement and lifted him up.

"It's still a few months away, your birthday is going to come first you know?"

"I'm a biiiig bro! Old and biiiig bro!"

"Yes, Mina-Kun, you're going to be a big and old brother, do you want give an idea of what to name your future sibling?"

Minato was now up in the heavens in terms of mood with the countless name ideas he has for his sibling.

"Yey! Name is... uh... Minatoujiissei! Or Narutokushinakurama!"

Oh, and yes, Minato in both lives apparently has bad naming sense. Like, really bad.

Mina in the didn't act dissatisfied or disappointed at the name and just nodded her head, giving Minato the illusion that she's considering the names.

In all actuality, neither Touji or anyone else in the world would have a chance at naming their children.

Specially if it was a girl.

"I'm thinking Irina if it's a sister and maybe Souma if it's a brother, what do you think Touji dear?"

Touji who was sudden called jolted from his spot in the couch and looked back a little nervously.

He really didn't like naming or going against his wife's ideas for that matter.

So naturally, as an advocate of beta husband's throughout the world, he did the universal sign of "it's your choice".

A shrug.

"I see, I hope it's a girl~ I like the name Irina, don't you think it's a nice name Mina-Kun?"

"Aww, not Sakurakushinamikoto?"

She ignored that one.

They talked a bit more about stuff and joked about Touji's hereditary bad naming sense and eventually night came and Minato who was too excited since morning dropped knocked out in a matter of seconds.


In Minato's dreams. He saw a man wearing a weird cool looking cloak, he had weird clothes and he held a pointy looking knife.

Or, in simpler terms he saw the being named Minato Namikaze.

He was fighting against another weird looking person and was engaging in fast paced combat, appearing and disappearing in less than a blink of an eye and attacking, the man seemed to favor encasi himself if Earth but the man suddenly stopped the flashy assault and faced his palms up in the air.

A sphere of blue energy swirled to life, and the man who was encased in the dome didn't see anything coming but still refused to removed the dome.


An unclear word came out of the man's throat and he disappeared before appearing right on top of the dome and slamming the blue sphere on it creating a massive vortex and crater before the dream cut off.

A new scene, in which the man was having a fight with 3 smaller figures, they attempted to take a bell from him and eventually it came to a flashy play of teamwork before being cut off once more.

Next, the man was facing against a gigantic man, he worked his way around him by flickering and appearing at different places and launching the weird weapon over and over again until a circular fence made of those weird weapons came to shape.

The blonde man said an inaudible name for it and threw one more in the air before he blitzed around the man emitting a yellow flash due to his air and the speed he appeared and disappeared, the big man couldn't last long and by 5 seconds he was riddled with cuts and gashes, the blonde man then appeared on top of the big man with the weird weapon he threw before engaging in his left palm and a blue sphere on the other.

The scene cut off, and suddenly young Minato found himself staring at the same blonde man he was watching.


The man had a blurred face and the voice of a person who was far away. Minato couldn't hear him so he tilted his head and confusion but the blonde man seemed to have sighed before scratching his head.

He walked forward and only patted the boy in the head before disappearing because the boy woke up.

The Yellow Flash only left a single thing for the young Minato.

A weird idea or memory that didn't seem to disappear from his memories.

"What's a Soul Fragment Samsara Breaking Trigrams Seal Part One?"

And Minato Shidou also miraculously cured his minor speech problems.

Of course, at this point in time, he still doesn't know that aside from that, a certain nine tailed monster fox from another world was suddenly cut in half again, and the one part of that seemed to disappear from their existence at the same time as well much to their confusion and anger.


DevilNeumanncreators' thoughts
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