
Kunoichi of Iwagakure

"Am I free? Am I allowed to live as myself?" "Naturally, you are human!" "But... How?" Before the start of the 2nd shinobi world war, Nozomi was born. However, she was only known as codename Kurai. The reason for her birth was a duo to the mistrust Iwagakure had towards the other nations, which resulted in the crossbreeding of multiple bloodlines from all around, not only in the land of earth but also in other countries. After the first Tsuchikage died, Iwagakure continued to abduct members of major clans under the order of the second Tsuchikage, whose bloodlines they deemed useful. This resulted in the mysterious disappearance of shinobi between the first and second shinobi world war. The results were a small squad of deadly assassins who had inherited different abilities, depending on how much they had won in the Gene lottery. Nozomi wasn't the strongest in any way, but she was the one that survived the longest. Follow her story while she battles her rival, adopts children, gets betrayed, and betrays while dealing with an identity crisis and guilt. ------- This is an OC story and any character not from the OG Naruto belongs to me. Disclaimer: I own neither the cover nor Naruto and if you are the owner of the cover and want it down, please contact me.

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25 Chs

Ch9- Fiends, see you after death

The wind was strong, letting Nozomi's hair flutter around her. Over 1000 shinobis were assembled to invade Konoha, as the war was continuing in Iwa's favor.

Although she had also been chosen as part of the invading force, they tasked her with holding back any Kage-level opponents that might appear.

***POV change***

"We have received word that 1000 ninjas already make up the front line. Hence, our mission is here... at Kannabi Bridge.

To crush one's enemy at the battlefront requires an immense number of shinobi."

"Then it's an infiltration mission?"

"Right. Team Kakashi, you will destroy the bridge, which is used to transport supplies and reinforcements. And when this is done, withdraw immediately."

"""Yes, sir!"""

"I'll create a diversion for you. In any case, Kakashi is your captain today.

We'll travel together to the border, but after that, your mission commences!"


After separating from his students, Minato made his way to the battlefield, where an all-out battle was taking place.

Iwagakure's 1000 shinobi had pushed back the defending forces of Konoha, who tried their best not to let the enemy invade the Land of Fire.

As Minato arrived at the location, only four shinobi of the hidden leaf were remaining, while over 50 shinobi of the hidden stone were attacking the shinobi in the trench mercilessly.

"Alright everyone, please direct these kunai knives towards the enemy all at once. I will do the rest..."

"That's crazy! Not even you could..." - surviving shinobi 1

"We're about to see the Yellow Flash of the Leaf in battle. It'll happen in a flash. Don't miss it." - ss2


This was the command they were waiting for as the remaining shinobi of the leaf started throwing the specially made kunai toward the enemy,

As they reached them one by one, Minato appeared at their location, killing the nearby shinobi before teleporting to another kunai.

After only a few seconds, all of Iwagakures shinobi were laying dead on the ground, with the Yellow flash standing tall among countless corpses.

Watching this, Nozomi noticed how effective Minato was against normal shinobi. Even she had only noticed Minato being present after he had started attacking her allies.

She had completely failed her mission, she had noticed Minato too late to interfere with the massacre.

*** (Meanwhile) ***


Blood flew, as the Iwagakure-nin attacked Obito and Kakashi.

Obito in his shock awakened his three tomoe Sharingan, making it possible to see the previously invisible enemy, killing him in the process.

"Kakashi, your eye!"

"Don't worry, I'm not dead yet. Let's continue, we have to get Rin back."

After separating from Minato, they had been attacked by Iwa-nins. While they were fighting one of them, Rin had been kidnapped by the one who was able to turn invisible and mask his smell.

Entering a hidden cave, Obito quickly noticed Rin's unusual chakra flow, which had been the result of her being put into a Genjutsu.

However before they could reach her, the remaining Iwa-nin attacked the two with his dual hidden blades.

Unfortunately for him, he had no chance against the teamwork of the Jonin Kakashi and Obito with his Sharingan as he was quickly knocked to the ground.

With the enemy knocked to the ground, they were quickly able to untie Rin and free her from the Genjutsu, before the Iwa-nin was able to get up.

In his last attempt to defeat the trio, the Iwa-nin activated an Earth Style Jutsu, collapsing the cave. Kakashi, who had been knocked out wasn't able to get out himself as Obito jumped in to save him.

Unfortunately, a huge boulder came crashing down, forcing him to decide whether to abandon Kakashi or sacrifice himself.


"You okay? *shocked gasp*

It doesn't look like I'm going to make it. Sorry, Rin..., Kakashi.

You know, I was the only one who didn't give you a present for becoming a Jonin,

take my Sharingan so I'll become your eye in order to see the future."

Kakashi was drowning in self-blame, as he had wasted their time by wanting to follow the rules and abandon Rin.

Full of anger, Kakashi broke out of the Earth Dome around them, finding the shinobi who caused the cave to collapse.

Attacking him with his new eye, Kakashi impaled him with his Chidori, sacrificing his tanto, a memorial of his father in the process.

"Go! The enemy's reinforcements are coming!"

Urging the two to leave, Obito noticed the Dome was about to collapse, leaving Kakashi and Rin mourning their comrade's death.

After annihilating the enemy's reinforcements, Minato found Kakashi still being in a trance, while Rin was mourning her friend's death.

"I'm sorry, but I failed to make it in time, Kakashi."

*** (Quite sometime later) ***

"What happened here!?"

"Kakashi..., we were attacked by Kirigakure, and Rin was kidnapped."

Furious, Kakashi quickly used his summon, commanding his dog pack and tracing Rin's smell with their help.

With the help of a horde of dogs, Kakashi was able to distract the Kiri-nins and free Rin.

While they were making a run for it, various Jonin and Anbu-level Kiri shinobi were chasing after them.

Kakashi noting the unlikelihood of them escaping, turned around to kill the nearest enemy to get down the numbers, in hope that reinforcements would arrive in time.

However, nothing went as planned as Rin threw herself in front of Kakashi's attack, letting herself be impaled by the attack.

While Rin had previously asked him to kill her, he had refused. Unfortunately, she was hell-bent on protecting Konoha from the three-tailed sealed inside of her with the Forbidden Individual Curse Tag.

Kakashi, duo the grief of killing his teammate, faints with tears running down his face.

However unknown to both of them, two individuals had arrived just as Rin was impaled by Kakashi's Chidori.

Nozomi was shocked. She understood the team's personalities and was sure that Kakashi would never do such a thing. Well, at least it was very unlikely.

The other person however, let rage consume his judgment.

Nozomi upon hearing a loud cry of grief, sorrow, and anger turned in its direction, just to see a strange, white humanoid being storming out of the bushes, killing the Kiri-nins.

The humanoid was fully white and had a swirly head, with only one opening at eye level.

At the same time, it had wood growing out of its back for some reason.

As she continued observing, she noted how the humanoid brutally slaughtered the Kiri-nins, which would have given even her problems, but the humanoid seemed to just become incorporeal while attacks were swung at it.

From afar she was able to see the mask opening, revealing a bloody figure with medium-long hair standing before the dead body of Rin before leaving the area.

Although they were enemies, Nozomi had grown close to Team Minato over the few weeks they had stayed together and quickly went up to check Kakashi out.

Luckily he was fine and had just fainted due to shock. What shocked her however was that she felt a slimmer of life force coming from Rin's body.

It was a miracle. Her heart had been pierced, destroying the Forbidden Individual Curse Tag. However, it appeared that the remaining chakra of the three-tailed had kept her barely alive. Though it was fading quickly.

Although Nozomi was not a medic-nin, she still tried her best. However, her abilities were inadequate to fully close the wound. The only reason Rin was still alive, was that a bit of the three-tails chakra was still inside her heart.

At last, she was able to regenerate Rin's heart after almost overusing her chakra, however, it had already stopped beating. Focusing all of her remaining chakra, Nozomi sent small signals of electricity through Rin's body, trying to reanimate her.

Her heartbeat was still slow, but she had survived the most critical situation.

"[Fobidden Jutsu: Human clone Jutsu]"

Taking a few Kiri-nin corpses, which were laying around them, Nozomi created a flesh clone.

She had done so with a newly made Jutsu, which allowed a human flesh clone to be made.

But it was a horrible Jutsu, not only because of the need for human flesh but also because it had no practical use.

One needed ten bodies just to create one clone, while the clone was only a puppet without a mind of its own. Additionally, it wouldn't survive long as it would start to rot quickly.

Taking the barely living Rin with her, Nozomi got up and left towards Iwagakure. The loss at the hands of Minato had heavily wounded Iwa's pride and military strength.


"With the pride on our line, we sent 1000 of our shinobi. And I hear that it took just one of them, the Yellow Flash, to stop the invasion.

And that's the reality of it. As such I will accept the peace agreement."

"""Yes Lord Tsuchikage."""


It had already been a few days since the news of Iwagakures surrender had spread as the flames of war slowly started to burn down.

Nozomi, once again in her role as Anbu, had been sent to the Tsuchikage's office for a new mission.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in."

"Lord Tsuchikage."

"Get up Kurai. Anyway, here are the details of your mission. Sunagakure will soon send a peace agreement to Kirigakure.

The person they'll be sending is the 'Hero of the Hidden Sand' Pakura. Your mission will be to assassinate or kidnap her and make it look like it was Kirikgakure's doing, which will cause them to weaken each other further.

You have a day to prepare."

"Yes sir!"

*** (A few days later) ***

Pakura was completely confused about what had happened. She was sent for a peace agreement with Kirigakure.

However midway there she was suddenly ambushed and captured.

The assailant didn't do anything to her, only sealing her chakra and restricting her movements.

What happened next shocked her even more, as she suddenly stared at a reflection of herself, made out of the bodies of dead shinobi she had never seen.

After that, her assailant took her towards the meeting point, where was supposed to appear.

What awaited them, was the Leader of the Kirigakure envoy loudly declaring how she had been sold out by Sunagakure for a peace treaty which was better in their favor, before seeing the clone getting killed.

She felt thankful to her assailant, as without her she would be dead by now, but at the same time, she felt immense hatred for Sunagakure and Kirigakure.

"Follow me and live, or don't and die."

Well, it was not like she had a choice since she had nowhere to go. Feeling a seal on her heart forming itself, Pakura noticed her chakra returning.

However, it was not without a price, as she knew how easily her new master would be able to kill her.

Handing her an address in Iwagakure, Nozomi ordered her to care for Rin, while she left to inform the Tsuchikage.


"You are saying, that Sunagakure traded the life of Pakura of the Scorch Release for a peace treaty?"


"So our actions were useless. Too bad. Anyway, you did good, you may leave now."

"Lord Tsuchikage, I have a request to make. I wish to travel around the world for a bit, after which I will try to infiltrate Konoha."

"You want to infiltrate Konoha?! Do you want to cause another war?! Preposterous!"

"That is not my goal. I have a few acquaintances there and will start as a commoner. In the long term, I'll conceive a child or adopt one and train it to be a shinobi for Konoha, while keeping its real identity as a spy a secret with the help of a Genjutsu."

Onoki was unsure, now was the right time to do so, but it was risky.

"Alright, treat this as an S-Rank mission. You will infiltrate Konoha to the best of your abilities without any connections to Iwagakure. However, I cannot allow you to roam different nations, due to the war just ending."

"Thank you, my Lord."


Bingo Book entry, after the war:

Picture: (I tried my best, alright.. . This was taken when she was with Team Minato, minus the obvious Iwa features.)

Country: Land of Earth

Hidden Village: Iwagakure

Rank: Low-level Kage

Taijutsu: 8/10

Ninjutsu: 7/10

Genjutsu: 7/10

Danger Level: S

Name: Namaki

Epithet: The scale of Death

(Ōnoki of Both Scales and Agrona is the scale of Death. You can think of her as the scale of death while Kurotsuchi is the scale of life. It's like shadow and light.)

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Birthdate: N/A

Chakra Affinity: Earth, Wind (this is still what is known by other Villages)

Height: 179 cm (around 5'9)

Weight: N/A

Eyes: Purple

Hair: Blonde

Other: Speed type fighter, with high defense. Dead or Alive, bounty: 50.000.000 Ryo.