
Kryptonite in steven universe

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Universal_01 · Autres
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Pov ???

'He hasn't been back since he was told he would be getting his own cologne.'

'But he'll definitely be back, after all, we're best friends'


This unknown figure stood in the middle of a garden full of flowers and different types of plants, with pink pillars, a fountain and large stairs leading to a conveyor, everything would be beautiful if it wasn't for the obvious neglect, the flowers were beginning to wilt and weeds were starting to grow.

All of this was in the space covered by a transparent dome so that the space was visible.


A small bang was heard on the dome.


I turned my head curiously, in this part of the space, before the construction of the garden we made sure there were no meteorites nearby so it was impossible for one to hit the dome.

I squinted my eyes 'mmm that's a gem!'

He saw a small platinum colored gem impact and due to the bounce it was starting to move away.

'I'd like to help her but Rose said I can't move otherwise I'll lose the game.'

'What do I do'

As I think of a solution I hold my hands to my head.

'Oh I know!'

I stretched out my arm and it started to lengthen much more than normal towards the part closest to the gem and as if it didn't exist I pierced the dome like 'I don't know' I guess gem technology, not that I'm very interested either.

'This is not cheating'

'Technically I didn't move'

I retracted my arm, but this time I had a platinum colored gem in my hand, curious about the peculiar color I moved my face towards it.


"Cool!" I said with stars in my eyes 🤩

'I wondered what it's going to be like'

"Hey, is anyone out there?!"

"Come out!"

Without realizing it I started shouting very excitedly, I guess because I haven't opened my mouth in a long time I don't control the volume of my voice, also that I was too excited to talk to someone.

"If you come out we can be friends."

'We can't be best friends, because my best friend is Rosa'.

'Still being friends is great'

"Hey come out"

"Come on let's be friends"

"Come on out"






"Come on out!"




After insisting for quite some time her pleas came true and as if by magic the gem in her hand began to float.

The gem began to glow and a featureless body of light formed and then formed the appearance of a handsome man.

All this while she enjoyed the spectacle with visible excitement.


Pov Platinum

I sighed as I regained my physical form, but I was immediately on guard, I didn't know where I regenerated.

I started to look around and saw only a garden with no other life forms.

Seeing that I was alone I couldn't help but relax.

'I'm going to take Pearl out'



I couldn't help but be surprised, I thought I had properly checked the area.

"Down here!"


I looked down and saw a small, short, pink girl and her gem on her chest in the shape of a heart.

[image here]

I guess because of her short stature and it was my first time regenerating it was hard to spot her.

I was surprised it was the first time I saw such a gem.

"Hey hey hey what's your name, mine is spinel!" she asked excitedly.


I wasn't afraid to say that name since only Perla called me that, for the others I was a quartz. She couldn't recognize me by that name.

"I see, nice to meet you Platinum."

With that said her neck stretched and began to encircle me, she carefully examined every part of my body to stop in front of my face and watch it carefully.

It was weird to have your whole body surrounded by the neck of a gem.

"You're Cool!" she shouted excitedly, perhaps because of my peculiar appearance.

"But what about your gem?" she asks doubtfully.

"It's under my clothes."

Bullshit, my gem is inside my chest and it's not visible, the gem is the weak point of us so I hid it inside me, although at first it was uncomfortable I got used to it and it doesn't affect the ability to keep things inside so it's just benefits.

After saying that her neck quickly returned to normal.

"Espinela are you alone?" before she could speak I asked her with sweat on my face, honestly regeneration wastes a lot of energy.

"Mmm" he closed his eyes and started to think carefully about the answer, which increased my nervousness.

He opened his eyes and said:

"Yes, but in a while my best friend is coming!" she replied with a smile and excitement in her voice.

My nerves increased.

"I see-e, do you know when she'll be here?" I asked with an uncomfortable smile.

"No, but we're playing a game!!!"

"Uh, what's the game about?" I asked curiously, I had never played anything before.

"Hehehehe, it's really about me having to wait quietly until he comes back" he replied with a smug look on his face.

"Oh" I could only let out that sound.

'How boring, are all games like this?'


"And how long have you been waiting?" he asked suspiciously.

At that question his face saddened a little, but he hid it quickly and said with a smile.

"Forty years."

(Do you want the MC to have another name or should I leave it as it is?)