
Dual Class

Gathering his thoughts together Aldrin looks up hoping to see the stars but to no avail,all he sees is the dark and dreary roof of his cell. "Sigh" sighing to himself Aldrin can only make guesses on why he was sent here to this world.All he does know is that this is real a new body with a new life. He can no longer be the man he was on Earth all his focus should now be on escaping this Colosseum. Before he can make a plan he needs a grasp on his own capabilities he decides to check his stats only to be greeted by a new system notification.


[Level 5 reached]

[Please Choose your class]









Seeing this surprised Aldrin because in the game all players only have one class so seeing that he already had the Ranger class he automatically assumed that would be his one and only who knew he would gain this opportunity.

Now the real problem began,choosing your class is definitely the most important choice that a player would have to make.The class not only determines your skills that you learn but also your combat style,where you allocate each stat points,and the equipment you wear.This is not a choice that can be taken lightly,even if he already has a class the second one now needs to compliment his first class.

Looking at all the different choices he has Aldrin has already removed all classes that involve him using a melee weapon.

Aldrin already has the ranger class which allows him to use the sword and bow combo.Choosing the Ranger class has its own Pros and Cons,the con being Aldrin's skills not being as strong as a regular Swordsman and Archer and the pros being a more flexible combat style,this allows Aldrin to use different class skills to boost another class,using Archer skills to help support his Swordsman skills and vice versa.

Choosing another class with a different weapon is also out of the question.For example the Thief class,the Thief class focuses on speed with its main weapon being the dagger and all its skills having a connection with Stealth.The Thief class may be useful for situations in the future and the stealth skills would be good for him to have as an escape but Aldrin was never good when it came to playing a stealth class in a game now that it is real life won't he just be handing himself to the enemy.Besides if he truly wants a Dagger or another weapon who says he is not allowed to learn it himself without the class boost.

All that leaves him with is the choice of Magic Class.Once again choosing a path of magic is not without it's own risk.Magic attacks are stronger than Melee classes but with the downside of having a long incantation time,and a they can not be on the Front line.Aldrin currently has no allies and especially not someone that can be at the front line blocking the enemy for him.He will need a magic class that allows him to use his ranger skills.Aldrin basically wants a class that can compliment each other with very few problems.

One thing that should be taken into account is that Aldrin may be in a new world but he is still a Earthling at heart.So he is still very hesitant to the idea fighting,how he may have said he wanted to change himself,change is a gradual process.Considering how he just had his first kill a few minutes ago it left a deep impression in his brain that he needs to get himself used to.Right now Aldrin would prefer to stay in the back shooting from a safe distance and only using his sword when he absolutely has to.That leaves 3 choices in a possible class that he can gain.




These are the classes that Aldrin considers the best choice to compliment his skills.

How a priest is not a terrible class and it would be useful on healing myself...but I would rather have something that can fight for me call me lazy It is a much safer option.



All comes down to these 2

This could very well be one of the most important choice he will have to make in his entire life.One very convenient option is that when Aldrin thought of a class he can get a description.

Summoners are Arcane specialist that summon beings from another plane.Summoners command their summons to vanquish their foes while they command the battle from the back.When this class is selected the player will gain a boost to INT and MP.Once selected all future skills involving summoners will be unlocked.This class can be selected once the player reaches Level 5.

Necromancers practice magic involving communication with the dead – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily.Necromancers raise the dead and command their undead army to the casters will.When this class is selected the player will gain a boost to INT and MP.Once selected all future skills involving Necromancy will be unlocked.This class can be selected once the player reaches Level 5.

Obviously Necromancers can have more summoned than a Summoner but with the disadvantage of having a poorer quality.This choice for Aldrin has come down to Quality vs. Quantity.

When it comes to choices like this choosing quality would be the smarter choice but the idea of commanding a army that would never tire is also enticing him.

Aldrin sat in his cell in deep thought for a hour before he finally decided on his choice of class.He finally decided to go for the Summoner class.He choose this class because when he played the game he had a friend that choose this class so he at least has some idea for his future skills so hoping to see some of them in action already got him very excited.

The reason he did not choose the Necromancer is not because it is a bad class in fact its a great class if the person can use it right but he rather have one strong summon rather than a army of weaker soldiers.

Looking back at his screen Aldrin finally inputs his choice.

[Select Summoner]


Selecting yes Aldrin gets a sudden headache not strong enough to make him scream but enough to make him grab his head and gnash his teeth.

This continued for a few minutes before the pain gradually subsides.Wanting to see what the difference in him is he checks his stats.


Name:Aldrin Felian










Points Unassigned:45

Skills:(Charging Slash lvl 1) (Arrow lvl 1) (Battle Sense lvl 1) (Backstab lvl 1) (Keen eye(Passive) lvl 1)

Backstab:Speed in and make a lethal,immobilizing thrust to your targets back.

Keen Eye:Increases Vision and Accuracy

Points Unassigned:27

Magic:(Summon Knight lvl 1)

Summon Knight:Summon your knight to command at your will(Shares Experience with user)

Titles:Otherworlder,[Title Locked]


Thanks to the boost from my title all my stats rose greatly at this rate it will not be long before I steamroll everyone in this world I believe I still do not know what the highest level in this world is.

From leveling up I got stat points that I need to assign and 2 new skills that will help me survive.

From selecting my summoner class I received my first spell which is a knight that I can't assign skill points to level up but It earns its own experience Leveling itself up until it evolves,One of the reasons I choose this class was for a summon that can evolve.

Now I just need to assign my stat points but where should they go.

Endurance is currently my weakest so assigning points there would be nice also since I am hoping to shoot a lot in the future I should increase my Dexterity for more accurate shots and some points into INT would never hurt me.

As for which skills I am going to level up it will definitely have to be my Battle Sense skill for obvious reasons of its effects being OP and keen eye because I am hoping to have 100% accuracy to always hit my shots and never have to worry about if I can hit or not.

Ok Time to Assign the Points.

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