
Konoha: I was reborn as an Uchiha

In the 51st year of Konoha, Tobio Uchiha watched as Uzumaki Kushina's belly grew larger each day, and his heart filled with unease, fear, reflection, and sadness... Even though the child wasn't his... Because... He was an Uchiha. With Naruto's birth, Obito would release the Nine-Tails, Danzo Shimura was already preparing to become a beast, and Itachi Uchiha, the filial son, was an even greater beast in the ninja world. Tobio was in Konoha, his luggage was packed, and a kunai was pointed at his forehead protector, ready to decide whether to cut horizontally or vertically. If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/cortez10

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28 Chs

Chapter 13: The Excellent Teacher and His Foolish Students

Chapter 13: The Excellent Teacher and His Foolish Students

In a dark and gloomy cave, Danzo unwrapped the bandage from his forehead, and his right eye slowly opened. Gazing into the mirror, his right eye revealed a red eyeball with three black tomoe. Danzo remained silent for a moment before turning to the kneeling Root ninjas.

The speed at which he was losing vision in his right eye was faster than he had anticipated. If he didn't find a replacement before he went completely blind, he would truly become a blind man. Unfortunately, during the war, although some of the Uchiha clan's jounin were injured, none of their bodies ended up in his hands.

Danzo squinted at the kneeling ninjas and spoke in a somewhat hoarse voice, "Report on the Uchiha's movements."

"Yes!" A Root ninja stepped forward and then knelt.

"Most of the Uchiha clan's jounin have been active within the village, with no signs of leaving. Three chuunin have left on a B-rank mission, and seven genin have left on a C-rank mission. Uchiha Tobio left this morning for a D-rank mission."

"Uchiha Tobio…" Danzo murmured, then looked down at the kneeling ninjas and asked, "And the two useless ones who caused trouble last time?"

"They are recovering at home."

"Take someone skilled in interrogation to visit them. Also, tell them to leave Uchiha Tobio alone for now. When they recover, have them come see me."


After the ninja disappeared, Danzo began bandaging himself again. A jounin from the Uchiha clan was different from those of other clans. All things being equal, an Uchiha jounin would have a great advantage. Defeating an Uchiha jounin wasn't difficult, as long as there were enough people. But killing one was much more complicated, especially if they had medical skills.

Danzo shook his head, his gaze fixed on the Uchiha district. Last time, he just wanted to test that man's strength, but he didn't get any information and spent a lot on medicine. It was more painful than inviting Hiruzen to dinner.

Tobio Uchiha wrinkled his nose and looked at Yugao Uzuki, who had kittens hanging from her. Looking towards the forest, he murmured to himself, "I feel like someone is cursing me. Tonight, I'll visit that Root ninja's house and talk about our issues. Tomorrow, I have to explain the Will of Fire to the clan children. The day after tomorrow, there's a mission. And the day after that, there's a clan meeting. How busy."

Yugao, hearing her teacher mutter, looked at the kittens on her head and asked, "What are you muttering, teacher?"

"Nothing, I just think I've discovered why I don't have a girlfriend."


"Too many obligations, few vacations, no time for dates, and even less time to find someone suitable."

"Don't you like anyone, teacher?"

Tobio stopped, looking at Yugao for a moment before sighing, "The person I'd like doesn't exist in this world."

"Huh?" Yugao blinked, surprised. "Why?"

"Sigh." Tobio sighed, then began listing with his fingers, "I like Tsunade's body, Kushina Uzumaki's hair, Mikoto Uchiha's sweetness, Tsume Inuzuka's wild nature, Kurenai Yuhi's red eyes, although white eyes are also fine. The intelligence of the Nara, the appetite of the Akimichi, and the techniques of the Yamanaka…"

"Wait!" Yugao interrupted, looking at Tobio with a strange expression as she stepped back a bit. "Teacher, why do you only like parts of each person? That sounds like the thoughts of a pervert."

"You don't understand. Because I can't find such a perfect woman, I'm still single. Do you know Kakashi?"

Tobio pointed towards Konoha, diverting the conversation. "Do you know why Kakashi doesn't have a girlfriend?"

"Why?" Yugao's curiosity grew upon hearing gossip about the village prodigy.

Tobio took out a handkerchief and wiped Yugao's drool, speaking mysteriously. "The other day, I saw Kakashi pulling down Might Guy's pants, saying he didn't expect someone so powerful to have something as small as an 'acorn.' Kakashi had a look of disappointment. Now I think Kakashi…"

"Shut up!" Yugao pulled her hair, looking a bit crazy. "You ruined my image of Kakashi."

"Never mind!" Tobio stood up and scratched his nose. "The old Hokage spies on widows while they bathe

. Jiraiya isn't any better; he climbs on a toad to peep into the baths. Recently, Jiraiya announced he'd soon release a new series of his books."

"I'll get you one secretly."


Before he could finish, Tobio felt a strong wind and saw Yugao with a fierce expression. He watched the kitten flying through the air and warned, "Don't throw cats. The hair they shed will be a problem for the mission."

"I don't care. I feel empty inside."

"That's a lack of love and the Will of Fire. Let me help you."


Yugao grabbed another kitten and threw it again at Tobio. If Yugao understood the term "Dao Xin" (heart of the way), she would realize that, after her teacher's teaching, her "Dao Xin" had collapsed.

Meow, meow!

When Iruka next encountered Tobio Uchiha, he noticed the cat fur on his teacher's clothes and the disheveled kittens following him. After hesitating a moment, Iruka pointed to one of the bald kittens and said, hesitantly, "Teacher, do you capture cats so violently?"

"Ouch!" Tobio shook his head in disappointment. He glanced at Yugao, whose face had turned red, then reached out to Iruka, asking, "How's the information gathering?"

"Here's everything!"

Taking the notebook Iruka handed him, Tobio glanced at the recorded information and then turned to Hanabi Hyuga, saying, "Hanabi, now it's time to test your sensory ability. Consider our mission an undercover operation. If someone watches us too closely or tries to follow us, note it down and tell me secretly."


Hanabi responded calmly and activated her Byakugan, keeping a close watch on their surroundings. Although she didn't understand her teacher's purpose, she trusted he was right. Besides, her teacher captured cats very quickly! In less than half a day, he had already caught over twenty. He truly was the king of D-rank missions.

When the four arrived at a small dye workshop with the kittens, Hanabi began to doubt her own guesses. Upon hearing her teacher ask the owner to dye the cats to make them look different, Hanabi tugged on Tobio's sleeve and said expressionlessly, "Teacher, this is cheating."


Tobio looked at Hanabi with a confused expression and lifted the kitten he was holding, saying, "Iruka, let me give you an example. If you get married and one day your wife disappears, you worry so much that you commission a mission to find her, but it turns out she just went partying for a few days. Then, someone introduces you to a new wife, one who is loving, loyal, and treats you like a king just by feeding her. Would you accept her? Hand on heart, would you accept her?"

Iruka blinked, seriously thinking in his head. It seemed that, if it were as his teacher said… maybe…

Seeing the doubtful expression in Iruka's eyes, Hanabi knocked his head with her fist. Bam! Looking at Iruka, who now held his head on the ground, Hanabi crossed her arms and said to Tobio with a cold smile, "Teacher, that's sophistry! Cats are not the same as people."


Tobio pulled out some cat ears from his bag and put them on Hanabi. Then he picked a "crafty" kitten and whispered in its ear, "Convince her, and I'll give you ten cans of food."

Ten cans?

Upon getting confirmation from Tobio, the kitten's eyes immediately sparkled. It led Hanabi to a secluded corner and started telling her about its sick parents. With its tragic cat life, if it couldn't move a girl just out of ninja academy, it might as well go wandering.

"Why is my cat fatter?"

"Oh, I gave it some cans of food while capturing it, and it got like this."

"Where is the hair on my black cat's head?"

"Your black cat bravely fought against several stray cats and scared them away."

"Why is my white cat suddenly so affectionate?"

"After wandering for a few days, it understood the hardships of the outside world and appreciated the warmth of home. It's a good thing."


Hanabi snorted, using her Byakugan to observe the expressions of the people around while looking disdainfully at her teacher. He really knew how to talk. Although cats weren't the same, he managed to convince people.

"Master Tobio!"

Iruka, hugging his cat, ran towards Tobio and lifted his cat curiously, asking, "Can we really learn something like this?"

"Ah ha!"

Tobio nodded confidently and turned to his three students, his expression becoming serious. "The D-rank cat capture mission evaluates your observation skills, information gathering, manual skills, and teamwork. Iruka, you and Hanabi did a good job collecting information."

Then, Yugao lifted her head and added, "To avoid being discovered, we must always be alert and observe the passersby to avoid being reported to the Hokage. This is like a mission outside the village; a mistake can bring trouble. Our teacher just increased the difficulty of our mission."

"And the manual skills and teamwork?"

Hearing Iruka's naive question, Tobio rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache.

**Manual skills in a D-rank mission? Next time we pick up trash, you'll need manual skills. Teamwork? Our stealthy behavior was teamwork. Hana kept watch, Iruka and Yugao observed the passersby, and I returned the cats. Perfect coordination. Doing this alone would just require a shadow clone, which is a hassle."


When he finished, Tobio looked at his students, whose faces showed frustration.

Other teachers only performed D-rank missions routinely. He made them special! Search all of Konoha, and you won't find a teacher as good as him.

Dealing with students was a hassle. No, dealing with inflexible students was a hassle. Is this what it means to be an excellent teacher with foolish students?


Tobio took a breath and suddenly felt someone watching him with bad intentions. He looked around, and his eyes fell on Hana, asking:

"Did you just use your Byakugan to look at me?"


Hana's face turned red, and she quickly shook her head, saying no.

She really had looked at him before, but this time she hadn't.


Chapter 14: Actually, I'm Not an Ordinary Uchiha


"What a powerful sensory ability."

A man with short hair, a mask with black and orange stripes covering one eye, and a black hooded cloak reaching the ground, stood in front of Konoha's memorial monument. Remembering the recent scene in the village, he smiled silently.

If he had been a little slower in his movements, he would probably have been discovered by that person.


Recalling moments in his clan, he shook his head, and his eyes became empty.

The clan had given him much support. Although it was just his grandmother and him, he never lacked food or ninja techniques. Even that eccentric clan member once enthusiastically tried to teach him medical techniques.

But what Uchiha learns medical techniques?

However, if he had really learned medical techniques, Rin...


Uchiha Obito shook his head, pushing away those "what if..." thoughts. Then, with a kick, he scattered the flowers in front of the monument. With a cold expression, he looked at the gravestone.

Without me, the Uchiha clan has no meaning. Without Rin, Konoha has no meaning.

"Kyuubi, Kushina..."

Uchiha Obito's gaze turned to Minato Namikaze's house, and his empty eyes regained some brightness.

He had heard that a jinchūriki's seal weakens a lot during childbirth.

And this could be one of the few opportunities he would have. If he missed this chance, he would have to wait for Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze to have a second child.

Thinking of Rin, who died without having a romance, and Kushina Uzumaki having a child in the future, Obito kicked the fruits on the gravestone again, angry.

"Why can they have a child?"


Kushina rubbed her nose, looking towards the Hokage office building with a sweet smile on her face.

It must be Minato, not working seriously and thinking about me.

Seeing the silly expression on Kushina's face, Tobio couldn't help but speed up his pace as he passed by her.

How annoying, I keep running into this type everywhere.

He had no special thoughts about the Kyuubi and the imminent night of the Kyuubi attack.

Although the power of his three tomoe was strong, it wasn't enough to control the Kyuubi, a beast with destructive power comparable to a nuclear bomb. He would have to evolve to the Mangekyō Sharingan and risk going blind to wrest control from Obito.


It seems Konoha will have more orphans. I'll have to donate some money when I get the chance.

With this in mind, Tobio observed Kushina out of the corner of his eye, thinking silently.

The timing of Kushina's childbirth must be one of Konoha's best-kept secrets. I must find an opportunity to examine her and estimate the due date to prepare.

Tobio had no intention of informing Minato Namikaze or Konoha's higher-ups about the Kyuubi attack.

He had no way to explain how he knew about the attack, let alone that someone was using the Kyuubi to attack the village.

Reporting it wouldn't bring him any reward. In fact, Konoha's elders would surely label him and set some traps for him.


With a shiver, Tobio headed to a family's house in the village.

A few days ago, in the Valley of the End, although he couldn't identify the two attackers, he had marked them secretly and knew their residences.

Both had lost their spouses in the war, but entering a widow's house during the day was too conspicuous...

After ensuring no one was watching, Tobio moved quickly and, with a jump, entered one of their houses through the window.

"Who's there?!"

The man inside the house, hearing noise at the window, stood up abruptly and looked towards the window with an alert expression.

"It's me."

Tobio greeted the ninja with a swollen face, pulling an apple from his pocket and tossing it to him.

"It's an apple I got from a merchant from another village. Don't complain, it's the best I could bring without being noticed."

"What are you doing here?"

The ninja didn't look at the apple rolling on his bed but kept his eyes fixed on Tobio, frowning.

"Have you repented and come to interrogate me? I won't tell you anything."


Tobio shook his head, inspecting the simple room. Then he looked at the Root ninja sitting on the bed, and his expression became serious.

"Ota, I'm actually not an ordinary Uchiha."


As Ota tried to understand, Tobio threw a notebook at his chest, saying:

"Look who I am."

Blinking, Ota took the notebook and read:

"Jōnin of Konoha, Tobio Uchiha."

Above the name were some words in black letters.

"Special Tactics Assassination Unit."

Damn! He's from the ANBU!

Although ANBU member information is secret, they have to prove their identity for certain missions.

This notebook was one such form of identification...

In front of a stunned Ota, Tobio continued:

"I'm an investigator from the Special Tactics Assassination Unit. I'm here today to investigate something about your group, the Root.

We have reasons to believe Konoha harbors a powerful military force not under the Fourth Hokage's control.

I'm here for that. We need information about Root.

The Fourth Hokage has allocated a large budget to reward those who provide information.

Do you know what you have to do?"

Ota, scared, quickly nodded. But then he stuck out his tongue, pointing to the seal on it, and said worriedly:

"I have a curse seal. I can't reveal any secrets of my superior, no matter how I'm interrogated."


Tobio smiled, uninterested in Danzo's secrets.

He already knew all of Danzo's secrets from his memories before arriving in this world.

He just wanted to know Danzo's personal details.

If he could learn the old man's daily movements, even better.

With this in mind, Tobio tapped the table with his fingers, speaking seriously:

"I don't want your boss's secrets or internal organization information.

I just want information about the kunoichi who accompanied you in the attack."

Saying this, he pulled out a wad of bills and placed them on the table.

Threatening would only provide temporary and possibly false information.

He had to earn trust...

Seeing he wasn't seeking information about Danzo but about his companion, Ota looked at Tobio curiously.

Recalling the beating that companion gave him, Ota felt resentment.

That damned widow, she hit me hard.

It was just personal information...

He would sell it.

If an enemy ninja wanted to buy information about his companion, he would think twice. But being from the ANBU, the pressure was less.

The ANBU monitoring Root wasn't espionage but inspection.

Root and ANBU were related departments.

The subsidiary reporting to the parent organization wasn't espionage.

Besides, there was money involved...

With this in mind, Ota revealed all the information about his companion, including her techniques, abilities, preferences, and even her menstrual cycle.

(End of the chapter)


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