
Few Understand the Will of Fire

"What are you guys talking about? I can't understand a thing..."

"Nothing much, Teacher, see you later."

Shisui waved goodbye.

He still didn't understand, he had to keep searching for the answer.

Kyōichi watched the two of them leave, sighing inwardly.

In Konoha, it wasn't just the Uchiha who were like a village within a village.

There was also another clan just like that.

The Hyūga clan!

At least the Uchiha would send people to the Ninja Academy every year, while the Hyūga clan almost never sent anyone, preferring to teach within their own clan.


Only the Uchiha were targeted, the Hyūga did not suffer any policy oppression, not just because the Uchiha were "disloyal".

Even if Shisui became clan head and led his clansmen to become "good" Uchiha, Danzō would not necessarily put down his butcher's knife.

His attitude towards the Uchiha was even harsher than the Third's.

If Shisui couldn't understand the reasons for the estrangement between the Uchiha and the villagers of Konoha, then there was no need to go into detail about these things.

Kyōichi turned and headed towards Ichiraku Ramen.

As for the Third...

What was there to worry about?

The Third and Danzō were different after all.

He only interacted with Shisui out of their teacher-student bond, getting Shisui and Obito to help the villagers more, do odd jobs for them - the Third should be thanking him!

He arrived at Ichiraku Ramen.

Just as he was about to sit down, a shadow swiftly rushed towards him.


A sound.

A masked ANBU appeared.

"Kyōichi Kamida, the Third requests your presence at the Hokage Residence."



"Alright, I'll go right away."

Kyōichi was surprised.

However, the other was very determined, he had clearly come for him.

He didn't think too much, following the ANBU to the Hokage Residence, both moving extremely fast with the Body Flicker Technique, arriving in just seconds.

"Third Hokage-sama, I've brought him."

"You may leave."


The ANBU disappeared.

In the office, only the Third Hokage and Kyōichi remained.

The Third took off his hat, standing up with a smile like an ordinary old man, looking Kyōichi up and down, then sighing: "I didn't expect you to have grown so big after just a few years!"

"You know me, Lord Third?"

Kyōichi was slightly surprised.

"Of course, your grandmother was closely related to my master, I even held you when you were born."

The Third said with a smile.

"I...I've never heard Grandma mention that."

Kyōichi said awkwardly, scratching his head.

But in his heart he was clear.

Whether this had happened was hard to say -

Most likely not.

But there was no need to expose it, the Third saying these polite words, the various actions since entering the room to shorten the psychological distance between them, clearly wanted to win him over.

This was better than keeping him at arm's length.

"Hohoho, by my calculations, you're of the generation of my nephews and nieces. Please, let's chat like family."

"Thank you, Lord Third."

Kyōichi bowed.

Only after the Third sat down did he take a seat.

The Third lit his pipe, smiling as he spoke: "I've also heard about your performance at the Academy. We're at war, the Academy's grades and graduation times are chaotic, adhering to convention makes little sense. You've done very well with flexible teaching!"


Kyōichi beamed, gauging the Third's intentions in his heart.

Mentioning the Senju lineage, his Academy performance.

Could it be he wanted to promote him?

"No need to be too nervous, I called you here to chat, and also to ask if you'd be willing to take the Jōnin Exams, now that your strength has awakened the Senju lineage and reached Jōnin level."

The Third took out an application form.

For the Jōnin Exams.

He had to fill it out himself.

"Jōnin Exams?"

Kyōichi was astonished.

He had guessed there might be some reward, but didn't expect to jump straight to the Jōnin promotion exam.


He fell into contemplation.

There were pros and cons to this. Becoming a Jōnin increased authority and freedom, but the responsibilities were correspondingly greater, and the missions undertaken would be even more arduous.


That said.

The Third's assessment of his abilities was laid out before him. Refusing the promotion would make the other suspicious.

Thinking of this, he scratched his head and said: "Lord Hokage, I'm just a Chūnin, I'm worried my abilities aren't enough."

"Your skill absolutely qualifies, other areas can be trained. We urgently need manpower to fill the many Jōnin vacancies from years of war. It would be best if you could fill one."

The Third sighed.

Kyōichi had been truthful, giving honest feedback about himself.

This was very good!

After puffing his pipe, the Third continued: "Abilities can be nurtured, it's spirit and will that are key. Few understand the Will of Fire now."

Kyōichi understood completely.



He said the Third should be thanking him!

Of course.

The Uchiha were probably fuming now. A good prodigy gone weird after just a few days with a new teacher. They might come make trouble for him one day.

But anyway.

He didn't care.

The current Uchiha were pathetic.

When Madara defected, they didn't dare follow him.

After Izuna died and the Third took power, increasingly ostracizing them from Konoha's center, they still didn't dare resist.

Only when living became unbearable did they think of rebelling.

Why didn't they act earlier?

Kyōichi looked down on the present Uchiha from his heart - including Fugaku Uchiha.

He was also incompetent.

Weak, indecisive.

If Shisui could change his unrealistic fantasies, get rid of his naivete, even Shisui would be much more capable than Fugaku.

Leaving the office.

Kyōichi walked home, secretly pondering.

The Third's attitude was very clear.

He was trying to recruit him, hoping he would align with the Hokage faction.

To this end he even brought out the Senju relationship from back then, citing laughable nonsense to build rapport. While ridiculous, it was enough to show the Third harbored no ill intent towards him.

In the short term, there was no need to worry about the Third acting against him.

The Third might even protect him from Danzō's interference.

Just be wary of covert means.

As for the Jōnin promotion, there would still be war next year, the Jōnin position offered many benefits.


He had to fight for the Jōnin spot.


"What about this system when I become Jōnin?"

Kyōichi looked at the Mentor System.

This system was meant for teaching, becoming a Jōnin left no possibility of staying at the Academy.

But he was just temporary staff anyway, even without the promotion he likely wouldn't stay at the Academy after recovering.

Thinking of this, his thoughts became unblocked.

As a Jōnin, he could also apply to lead a team. Failing that, he could make use of the "Great Mentor" trait and give pointers everywhere he went.

No big problem!

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