The Village Hidden in the Leaves is attacked by rogue Hidden Cloud ninjas. In response the Leaf puts together a team to go kill these rogue ninjas.The team is put together for one thing and one thing only : To kill. The four members of the team while being successful in killing the attacking ninjas find something more sinister.
" Congratulations Nabushi!" my mom exclaimed as she almost tackled me through the archway between the dining area and kitchen.
"The Hyuga Clan as a new jonin today," she finished as she let go of the hug.
" It's not that big of a deal Mom. Just a little more responsibility that is all," I replied back to her as I sat down at the table as dinner was almost ready.
When dinner was finally ready my whole family was sitting at the table. Mom was telling Dad that I made jonin today but as usual he always had a negative to say, " Don't think that just because you are a jonin that you mean something now. You can not even do the family jutsu, and if you ask you don't deserve that rank."
" The Hokage thought I deserve this rank and so did the jonin counsel so obviously I earned this Dad!" I yelled slamming my hands on the table, and without saying another word, I left the house to get away.
I found myself at the Museum of the fourth Great Ninja War. It held the artifacts of a war I was too young to fight in. I would come here often to clear my head and visit my older brother which had a picture in the museum. I had just made my way to his picture when I heard an explosion inside the museum. I ran to the front desk to report what I heard but by the time I got there, I was to late. The two works at the front desk lay dead at the feet of a woman with long yellow hair and sword in hand. When she turned around I could see the white chest armor she was wearing and then I went to look at her face. Her green eyes filled with malice while she looked me up and down.
" You can't stop me leaf ninja. I will have one have the seven mist swords," she said as I finally saw her headband.
" Why are you doing this hidden cloud?" I asked as I made the muscles around my eyes contract in order to activate my Byakugan. Without a word of reply, She set herself ready to attack with her sword in the position of someone who has mastered the sword technique of the Cloud. I could see her chakra points has she rushed in to get in range of me. I dodged the sword but not before I hit one of her points in her forearm. She spun around to try again and I ducked and tried to sweep her front leg which had all her weight but she knew what I was going to do. Leaping back, she began to weave signs for a lightning style jutsu. I quickly did the signs for mud wall and was able to get it up in time to block her Thunderball. When I came around the wall to go on the offense, she was gone.