
Knightmares from beyond

An old hag got murdered by wolves when picking berries. A beautiful young woman with her memories awakens. She went on to become the best shieldmaiden in the land of Ignicor. But she remains haunted by her past memories, hunted by the spirits of the wolves that killed the hag. How wil she be able to overcome these dark phantoms and grow stronger? Read to find out!

ScrubbyGRub · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Knight training n.1

Olympia was very happy to be accepted to the knight training protocol. Her first lesson starts today, but the grandmaster said that this first lesson wouldn't be very difficult for her, as it is a test to see if you have the mental strength to become a knight.

She arrived very early because she didn't want to be late, and maybe risk being expelled. She walked up to the two guards standing there and says:'hey, is this the location of the knight training?' The guards went:'Are you here to watch someone do their training?'

Olympia said:'No? I'm here for the training, haven't you been informed?' Both guards looked at her weirdly, but then the grandmaster came in. He says:' Hello there, good day guards and… Olympia? You're here early. Well, it doesn't matter come follow me we'll get you a suitable uniform.

The grandmaster opened a chest within there a white robe, as well as some armor. She put on the robe, and over that, she had armor around her waist, her shoulders and she got shin protection.

Olympia put her armor on and walked to the training field. Waiting there for a few seconds the knight grandmaster Jeice approached her.

'You should meet your training group, they're over there.' He points in a direction where two people were standing. She starts walking to them, when she's there she started talking:' Hi! my name is Olympia, the grandmaster said that we were training buddies!'

The two standing there were a girl and a boy. The boy's name is Aron, he's long not very skinny but he's shy. The girl's name was Villena she is shorter than Olympia but attractive.

After an introduction the lesson started, The knights standing there told everyone to group up, after that the grandmaster came forward-facing the big group. He started by saying: 'welcome to the first lesson of your training, This lesson we will test if you have the guts to become a so-called knight and that's why it can be the last lesson for some people.'

Grandmaster Jeice then says: 'I believe everyone has had an introduction with their assigned training team?' everyone replied with: 'yes sir!'

'Good, allow us to introduce ourselves.' says the grandmaster.

'My name is Jeice, but call me grandmaster.'

'Next to me are my assistants, Robert and Wade.'

'Good day everyone!' said the two nervous knights.

After some explaining of the rules, Everyone entered a giant hall with a chest in the middle. One of the knights starts talking: 'Everyone gather around, in this chest lays a... dark creature... They are called: THE JINX!'

The other knight says: 'The jinx has an ability, to enter your mind in the search for... Your biggest fear!'

'If you are light-hearted, we will tell this one time... Leave now!'

Olympia thought: "No way will I be fooled by such an over-exaggeration."

Some people got so scared they started running towards the exit, and Jeice says:' for the people still here congratulations, you just beat the first test!'

The group starts cheering! Villena was saying: 'I knew he was bluffing! But the joy was Interrupted by Jeice's words: 'Your second test will be facing the real Jinx so like the guards said, leave while you still can!'

Nobody left, everybody in the room was ready for the beast.

Jeice clapped, he says: 'Nobody fell for the double bluff!? wow... we must have some pretty strong-minded people in this room!'

'A creature like a Jinx doesn't exist still, every year some people still fall for it.'

The knight Robert said: 'let's go to the training field further instructions will follow there.' Olympia said to her new friends: 'that was easy, luckily no one from our team bailed.' some chuckles follow from the three.

Now at the training field, Wade starts talking: 'Consider this your final test.'

followed by Robert: 'but don't worry, nobody fails at this test.'

Jeice picked the explanation up: 'Look at the table next to me, here lie some weapons used in combat.'

'Everyone of you will use everything on this table and YOU will decide which weapon you are going to train with the most.'

'You will each take turns, and everyone will watch you.'

'There is a knight standing in the field assigned to help them.' said Robert after Jeice's long explanation.

after some long waiting, it was finally Olympia's turn and after the spear, mace, flail, axe, longsword, and thrusting sword only a Gladius sword remains which she grabbed and started to use against the assigned knight. She overpowered him in record time without the use of her shield.

it was decided, Olympia's favorite weapon of choice will be the Gladius. Her other teammates Aron en Villena both got a longsword.