
Kiss Marry Kill

Few kids play a game based on their semi-twisted imagination- Or is it?

DaoistQdByC4 · Sports, voyage et activités
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: "I Promise"

"Remind me why I have to go to this party again?" I whined struggling to zip up my dress. "Because 1, you look amazing and 2, I heard that your darling Jason will be there." Amelia, my best-friend of 12 years, teased. My cheeks flushed red and my heart sped up. "H-He's not my darling." I frustratedly sighed as I had failed yet again to successfully zip up my dress.

"Sure he's not." I felt Amelia's cold hand complete my zipper and soft chills ran down my spine. "Your hands are always so cold." I mumbled, smoothing out my dress. "Just like my heart." Amelia chirped. "I'm going to wait in the car. Don't forget your jacket." She pecked my cheek before strutting out the door. Now that she was gone I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I hate the fact that she's right most of the time.

I smiled softly to my reflection in an attempt to soothe my nerves. I never wanted to go to this party because Brooklyn was the host, but the thought of Jason alone with her just, I don't know. It makes me feel vulnerable and for some reason, angry.

A frighteningly loud "Beep!" snapped me out of my thoughts and maybe made my heart skip a beat. "I'm coming!" I yelled out the window, earning a softer "beep" this time.

After taking one final look in the mirror, I donned my shoulder with my black YSL handbag. I grabbed my faux fur jacket and marched out the front door before carefully descending the many flights of stairs.

The drive to Brooklyn's mansion was long, agonizing and quiet. Amelia was too busy ordering shoes on some online store I didn't know about. I've attempted starting up a few conversations but was met with only grunts for responses. So, I ultimately gave up. We pulled into Brooklyn's driveway that was packed with Teslas, Lamborghinis and various Rolls Royces. Sometimes it's hard to believe these vehicles belong to teenagers- although I have a driver who picks me up in a limousine. I hesitantly exited the car. Amelia must've seen the discomfort on my face, because less than a minute later her arms were wrapped around me from behind.

"I know I made it seem like a big deal, but you don't have to be here if you don't want to, you know." She muttered. I turned to face her. "No I- I want to be here." I smiled slightly as her face practically lit up. "Alright then. Let's get you drunk!" she cheered. "Wait what-" Before I could retaliate, Amelia grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with her into the party, causing me to stumble in my heels a few times. Somehow, Amelia managed to find the kitchen in the packed place.

"Hey, Blake!" Amelia greeted a tall caramel toned, blonde boy. She released my wrist and went in for a very intimate hug with the Blake boy. I didn't know what to do, so I just awkwardly stood in the corner like I always do.

They parted and the two began to talk while Blake poured Campari in three red plastic cups. Blake took one and so did Amelia before handing the last cup to me. "Here." She offered with a cheeky smile.

"Amelia, you know I don't drink." I reminded her. "Come on, just this once?" She pouted her lips and made that one puppy face I sadly can't ignore. I ignorantly sighed before taking the cup. "Fine." Amelia shrieked joyfully before going back to talking with Blake. I mentally slapped myself for giving into peer pressure. Not wanting to waste the drink I reluctantly took a small sip.

Only to spit the bitter liquid back into the cup, earning an all too familiar chuckle.

I looked over my shoulder, and there he was in all his handsomeness. "J-Jason!" I stuttered. I felt my cheeks begin to grow hot. "Why me?" I mentally cried. "You hate it that much, huh." He chuckled. "Uh yeah..It tasted bitter." "That's Campari for yah." The sound of his laughter soothing my nerves. "Wanna try mine?" He offered. "I promise it's not bitter."

I was still unsure but I took his cup either way, resting mine on the counter behind me. I gave him a very uncertain smile before taking a small sip.

My eyes widened in surprise at how good this tasted. It was still bitter but not as much as the whiskey from earlier. I took another sip. "So, you're a fan of Vodka?" "That's what this is?" I questioned, still shocked as I took yet another sip. This one, bigger than the last. He nodded. Jason took back his cup, earning a small whine from me. He chuckled.

"I'll pour you one, IF you promise to spend the rest of the party with me." He had a cocky grin that made me want to break the rules for once. "I promise."

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