
King of Lands and Seas

Follow the story of Jack who is the son of a blacksmith in a small village far from the capital of the kingdom of Andaria, in this story Jack who has a dream of knowing the seas and later becomes the King of Lands and Seas. 1 chapter per day.

goodlion · Fantaisie
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74 Chs

The Hunt Continues 3

Peter obeyed Jack's orders and then asked the soldiers using shields to protect everyone with the shield, the other soldiers overheard Jack talking and went into the middle of the group to be protected.

Alex had already ordered the archers to start shooting the arrows, one more wolf had died with two arrows hitting him and other wolves were wounded by the arrows as well, Jack also entered the soldiers to protect himself and continued shooting arrows.

The wolves quickly reached the soldiers who were using shields, the soldiers managed to repel the wolves and unlike the hunters, they had practice, techniques, and more strength to use the shield and would be able to defend themselves several times from the attacks of the wolves.

Jack wasted no time and managed to kill 2 more wolves by shooting the arrows, 5 wolves had already died and several other wolves were injured after being hit by the arrows of the archers.

"Soldiers who are using the sword must find the right time after soldiers using the shield repel wolves to kill them using the sword."

After saying this Jack put the bow on the ground and took his sword in his hands, Jack stood behind Peter and as soon as he repelled the wolf Jack attacked quickly and killed the wolf by throwing the sword in his neck.

The soldiers were surprised to see this and soon learned how they were supposed to do it, it was difficult for the soldiers to see Jack using the sword to kill animals, so they even forgot that Jack was better using the sword than using the bow.

A fight against wolves was fast and within minutes there were 11 dead wolves and most of the other wolves were injured, the wolves understood that they would probably die if they continued to attack.

Jack realized this and activated one of the traps he had set up when he set up camp, a large net with pieces of wood on it fell at the entrance to their camp, this one of the only exits he had at the camp.

The other was behind Jack's group of soldiers, the wolves realized they could not escape and went on to attack again, the archers continued to shoot the arrows and some wolves were seriously injured.

Jack even threw some pepper bombs at the wolves and it affected their keen senses a lot, so Jack made a sign and the soldiers came out from behind the soldiers using the shield and advanced to attack the remaining 9 wolves.

Jack and the soldiers who were using the sword went to attack the 9 wolves who were already seriously injured and their senses were affected, so the soldiers had no difficulty in hitting the wolves using their sword.

The soldiers were unable to kill the wolves in the first attack but left the wolves even more injured on the ground, so they soon killed the remaining wolves thus winning their first fight against the wolves.

The soldiers celebrated the victory in this fight, they realized in the fight that the wolves really were the most difficult opponents they had, after all, all 30 soldiers were experienced and knew how to fight well with wild animals after all this time.

The bears were no longer a difficult fight for these soldiers, what the soldiers did not know was that this was all part of Jack's plans, Jack decided to decrease the number of soldiers to 30 in this last hunt because he was sure the wolves would appear.

That was why Jack had prepared the traps at the exits of the camps they formed every day, of course, Jack just thought about doing it because he realized that the soldiers had the ability to defend themselves in this fight and had the necessary experience.

Jake had also talked about this with Robert before he came for that last hunt and Robert agreed with Jack's idea of ​​hunting the wolves, the truth was that Jack wasn't risking the soldiers' lives too much in this fight.

It was true that with a group of 18 hunters they were still almost hurt by the wolf pack that attacked them, but the number of wolves that time was almost double the number of hunters, what Ron taught Jack was that to kill wolves have more companions was better than their fighting skills.

So Jack thought that with 30 soldiers they could win this fight and no one would be hurt, and that is exactly what happened and the soldiers were more courageous now that they had killed the wolves who were the most feared opponents that Jack spoke to them.

After this fight against the wolves, the soldiers had no difficulty in the rest of the hunt and they were able to return to the Royal Road after a few days without any wounded soldiers and full of stories to tell.

As soon as the soldiers returned the other soldiers who stayed on the Royal road celebrated, Jack and the other soldiers who went several times to the forest won the respect of all the soldiers who came to the Royal road.

The soldiers knew that Jack's group was doing these dangerous hunts to keep them and other soldiers safe in the future, this was very important for soldiers who realized that no wild animals had appeared in the past 4 months.

Jack was called to speak to Robert as he always did after a mission was over, the other soldiers in the group went to celebrate drinking together with the remaining soldiers.

"I am happy to see that you and the other soldiers returned again without any injuries, Captain Max will be very happy to hear of all the effort you make, Jack."

"I just did my duty, I also owe a debt of gratitude to Captain Max who got me out of prison and even gave me an opportunity in the army."

"I see, I wanted to ask you if you met a group of wolves as we had talked about?"

"We found it, it was a pack of 20 wolves that attacked our camp, as I expected the soldiers were very skilled and were able to fight properly, and with that, we killed all the wolves quietly."

"This is great, because of what you said, wolves are the animals that we have to worry about the most if you managed to kill 20 wolves you have already managed to make the Royal Road safer, with the excellent work you did the wild animals will be more afraid to attack the Royal Road."

"I really hope that will happen, even with these 4 hunts I think we have not killed even a part of the animals that live in the forest and can attack the Royal road."