
King of Lands and Seas

Follow the story of Jack who is the son of a blacksmith in a small village far from the capital of the kingdom of Andaria, in this story Jack who has a dream of knowing the seas and later becomes the King of Lands and Seas. 1 chapter per day.

goodlion · Fantaisie
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74 Chs

Learning New Things 5

The meeting went on for a long time and all the village leaders and hunters agreed that something needed to be done about it, but they didn't know what could be done and had to wait for someone to come up with an idea, Ron who hadn't spoken since the beginning of the meeting decided to give an idea.

"I think we should bring together all the hunters in the villages that are here and that way we will organize a big hunt and also an investigation in the forest, so we can kill a lot of animals and make the forest safer and we will also find out what is causing all of this."

"I agree with what Ron suggested, we have to come together and know what is causing this and so we can be better prepared, with 18 of us together we are better than many armies in the forest."

"It is a really good idea, but we will have to ask for some volunteers in the villages to take carts to bring the animals that are killed and so we will not have any waste since we will have to hunt anyway."

After Ron's idea, hunters and village leaders began to discuss how they would do this big hunt to protect hunters, after all, if more hunters died the village would be in danger, after many conversations they managed to organize a plan.

The hunters were determined to solve this problem and their villages would have to provide all the support they needed, so the villages had to prepare a lot of food in the beginning, then it would not be necessary because the hunters would hunt animals and collect fruit from the forest for everyone.

The hunters soon decided that they would stay in the forest for two weeks and whoever was with them had to be prepared to stay in the forest for two weeks, they also decided that they could take advantage of the carts that they would take to bring animal shields and leather to make the tents for them sleep in the forest.

With everything decided they decided to do it in a week so the villages would have time to prepare and the hunters too, after all, even if they were used to staying a week or more in the forest it didn't mean that they didn't miss their family.

After the meeting, Jack went home to tell his father about the current situation in the villages and also to say that he would go with Mark and Ron for two weeks for a big hunt organized by all hunters.

Contrary to what Jack thought, Tim accepted this easily, after all, normally Jack was already going to the forest with Mark and Ron, so with 15 other hunters together Jack would just be safer on this hunt.

So with Tim having agreed, Jack continued to go to the cabin every day after helping his father in the workshop, so soon a week passed and the day of the hunt came, for that day Jack had prepared several pepper bombs and put in the bag his.

Ron, Mark and he have been lucky in the past few months and have not found lions, bears or other animals that were very dangerous or were in a flock, but they would certainly find it on this big hunt because the goal is to look for and hunt these animals and also investigate what was causing this.

Jack took his bag with various clothes and pepper bombs, he put water in it and put other things he could use in an emergency like a rope and a knife, he was wearing his armor over his clothes and was with his sword.

He would take the shield from the hut and the other things that would go on one of the wagons that would be pushed by the villagers who volunteered, even if it was called a wagon it was actually a big cart with 4 big wheels.

This large cart could fit up to 10 people sitting, so it was big enough to place the animals that the hunters killed and that they did not eat during those two weeks.

8 men volunteered from the villages to help on this trip by carrying the cart and helping in the camps that they would have to do every night, in fact, more people volunteered to help, but if the hunters took many people they would be more in the way than helping.

After all, hunters would have to protect these villagers who came to help and they would also have to find more food and hunt more to feed them too, Jack arrived at the hut and it looked like the other hunters also decided to gather in their hut.

After all, it was the only reference point that was close to the forest, Jack just greeted Mark and Ron and then went to fix his bow and some quiver full of arrows, each Jack quiver had 24 arrows and one of them he put on a belt in the waist and the other he put on his back.

Jack even did his bow maintenance a few times a month taking him to the workshop and did normal maintenance every day as all hunters did, Jack also had a lot of strings for the arrow if his cut.

Jack did not want to leave the hut and just waited for all the hunters to arrive and he would only leave the canine when they were ready to leave, the other hunters did not take long and the villagers also arrived with the cart that was too big.

They had to leave while it was still early to have time to get far into the forest and find a place to camp when the night came, normally that would be easy, but now they had a group of 26 people and they were carrying a big wagon that didn't could go anywhere in the forest.

When they entered the forest the hunters were together, but they were separated into groups from their villages, nobody tried to provoke Jack because they knew he wouldn't care and also because they respected Mark and Ron who were the best hunters in all the villages.

It had also been Ron who had suggested this idea of ​​everyone coming together to do this big hunt and also to find out what was going on in the forest, so it was Ron's group that led all hunters in the forest and Jack was in that group too.

The problem with group hunting was that they had to kill all the wild animals they encountered because otherwise they would be attacked, usually hunters knew how to hide from animals in the forests and only attacked the animals they intended to eat afterward.

Even more, because they had to protect the 8 villagers who came to help them, so in less than an hour in the forest they had to kill several snakes that were normally avoided.

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