
killer memories

Racing.My heart was racing as I stayed hidden under my bed well listening to the screams of children being attacked and slaughtered.I don't know who's in the building.I try to listen to see which room their in but the sound of my heart beat pounds in my ears.I try to focus on the sounds coming from downstairs only to realize it's gone completely silent. Before I can think to do anything, my bedroomdoor slams open and a pair of black steel toe boots comes into view. I feel the floor pulse as his heavy feet hit the floor, making there way to the closet.I watch and listen as the intruder rumedges through my closet, checking behind the clothes. The intruder closes the door and pivets himself to where now he is facing my bed. Panic and fear consume my body. The pair of black boots slowly edges to the foot of the bed and stops. The intruder kneels to the floor and looks under the bed, making direct eye contact with me. His face is covered with a ski mask, the only things visible are his almost black menacing eyes and that's the last thing I see before he's pulling me out from under the bed with me kicking and screaming.

I jump up and reach my glock 17, ready for anyone that might be trying to come at me sideways suddenly wide awake. I quickly realize that im alone and still panting from the nightmare that continues to replay horrific memories from my "child hood". I rest my gun on the night stand and collapse back onto the bed *sigh*. "Fuck man". I've been having the same nightmare since that night in the orphanage when I was nine. The night dozens of people including children and teen were killed. The night I was supposed to die. I shake my head, ridding the thought away before I began to spiral down the hole of sadness and get comfortable under the blankets. Instead of instantly falling asleep like I wish I could, I watch as drops of rain make there way down the window and silently wait and pray for sleep to come, but at the same time dreading the memories that threat to invade the last sane parts of my mind.