
Killer of MC’s

NOTE: I do not own anything in this fanfic, except the new abilities, OG characters, and some other stuff that is not worth mentioning. All rights go to their respective owners. *********** Author of In another world with the crafting system and Gamer of the Seas. Check it out! Patreon link and paypal link: https://www.patreon.com/DemonGodHiatus Paypal link: https://paypal.me/DemonGodHiatus?country.x=CA&locale.x=en_US https://discord.gg/XM8r7CXVdZ ************ The time has come to stop screwing around, as we have Alexander Anderson (not the character from Hellsing ultimate) who was summoned to the underworld by the devil himself, to do one thing only, and that is to kill. Once Alex is summoned by the devil, he is given two options: Kill the MC's of all the multi-verse, from anime, manga, light novels, movies, and so one. If Alex doesn't want to, then he will be imprisoned in hell for all of eternity on an endless lifetime of torture. What will Alex do? Will he become the multiverses greatest killer? Or be tortured for the rest of his life.

DemonGodHiatus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs


Back with Alexander.

He was flying on top on a dark island that was a bit similar to where Mihawk lived, but it was way populated with pirates and low life scum.

"This is the place?" Asked Alex.

"Yes." Sabo responded angry. He was being held prisoner by him along with Robin and Luffy. This was humiliating to someone who was second in the Revolutionary army.

"Good. The three of you will stay here. If you come with me, I might accidentally kill you."

Robin, Luffy and Sabo were restrained by the same bear. Alex needed to take one of his Chastiefol with him.

They could not escape from his bear form Chastiefol. And if by some miracle they do, then they can try to run and hide, but Alex will always find them.

The sun started to go down. It was already near 12:00 AM after that he won't be able to use his power 'The One V3'

But, it didn't matter. He still had a power level of 52M combined with his hollow transformations along with his other abilities, he was still the strongest person in this world.

Sabo, Luffy and Robin all tried to escape from the bear, but to no avail. Luffy even tried biting it but still no use.

Alex had landed in the corner of the island. There wasn't much there but some palm trees, sands and a beach.

But, as he got closer to the center of the island, he saw various light resources hanging on the trees. As he got closer, he could hear the sound of people laughing, dancing, fighting. You know, typical stuff.

He did meet some people patrolling the area, but he sneaked his way past them. No Yonko territory can be left unguarded.

Since the whole world knew about Alex now and his two identities, he needed a new form of identity to avoid being identified.

So, he put on his hollow mask. He was a creepy kid with a creepy mask on. No one would think that he was Alexander Anderson.

However, instead of asking questions and wasting valuable time, he peeked into every one of their minds. It saved time and it told him a lot of information that he wanted to know.

Blackbeard had left some time ago. He was busy taking over some other territory that was left by Big Mom and Kaido. Since those two are dead, it was only a matter of time before someone else took their valuable stuff.

Alex blamed himself for not thinking about this possibility. Blackbeard would be the type of person to do that.

So, he decided to infiltrate his place to reap some valuables that might be there. He doesn't want to leave this island empty handed.

If he could find some devil fruits that may be useful or valuable to the system, then that would be good too.

On the way, he killed some people who were strong. Like Shiryu of the rain, Lafitti and Van Augur. Those three must sound somewhat familiar to One Piece fans.

As for the other crew members of the Blackbeard pirates, they must have gone with him to help take over the dead Yonko's territories.

"What a waste of time." Alex said in an angry tone. Blackbeard's darkness devil fruit was one of the many things he needed to further improve his demonic powers.

But, after killing Lafitti, he found a vivre card that was pulling itself to Blackbeard's direction.

After flying back to his prisoners, he proceeded to take them with him to Blackbeard's current location.

-Back with Madara.

After fighting it out with the Elders, they stood no chance. Madara was able to pummel them to the ground in the first 5 minutes.

They had some troublesome devil fruits as expected, but nothing Madara couldn't handle.

He had killed all the elders. He even took their souls and devoured them. He gained a significant amount of power from them.

"Mister…" Robert pulled on his shirt repeatedly. Robert was amazed at the power Madara possessed. Celia and her mother was shocked as well. The 5 Elders are super strong, at least Yonko level (not confirmed yet) but Madara had killed them all by himself.


"That was… AMAZING!" The boy Robert's eyes were in the shape of bright stars. He has never seen such awesomeness in one person.

He was already used to the dead bodies since he was a Celestial Dragon as well. Which explains a lot.

"What…?" Madara has never been called 'amazing' mostly a killer, ruthless, powerful, heartless, but never amazing.

"Can you teach how to do that? With that giant blue human thing, and your fire techniques, and those other things. Please teach me!" Robert got down on his knees and begged him.

"..." Madara has never considered taking a disciple, and he won't start today. Obtio doesn't count since he was merely a pawn in his plan.

Madara would never take him as a disciple. One, because he doesn't have chakra. Two: This kid isn't anything special! He is just ordinary.

He cannot teach this kid anything aside from taijutsu, but he will still be weak. Guy and Rock Lee are only that awesome in taijutsu because of the 8 seal techniques that they had mastered. And also several things as well.

"No!" Madara loudly said. Third reason, he could not tolerate kids at all. (Must of been scarred by Naruto and Sasuke… makes sense… right?)

It was already a miracle that he let them live up till now.

"But, but, but, but."

"Honey. This man already saved our lives. We must be thankful to him that we are still alive." The mother said.

"Yes, mom."

As they thought it was over, Madara sensed a powerful presence, probably more powerful and malevolent that facing Kaido and the 5 elders.

"You three, get out of here now!" Madara said.

"Mister?" Robert asked confused.

"Run, and don't look back or you will die."

The mother understood him. She grabbed her kids in her hands like a roll of carpet and ran away with them.


A dark, tall figure crashed behind Madara just meters away from him.

The dark figure stood tall. You could only see his silhouette from the dust that covered the area.

"Anderson? No… this type of energy is different from his." Madara mistook him for Anderson for a moment. The energy in their bodies were very similar, but it was different. His energy was a bit less thicker and weaker compared to Alex.

He looked at the surrounding filled with nothing but destruction and death. He seemed to be not affected by t.

"You killed them all…" His voice was deep, but no hint of emotion could be heard from it.

"I did." Madara responded a bit weary of the guy.

There was a moment of silence before he said.

"I am actually grateful. Killing these so called 'Gods' it has been sickening me for the longest time."

He walked on top of the five Elders' bodies. This guy felt no remorse for his comrades.

He walked out of the dust. He revealed his true self. He wore a white-long cloak, with the Marine's symbol on his back.

"I don't believe I have met you before?" Madara said.

"No, but I have seen you before." He pulled out Madara's wanted poster out of his cloak, it was damaged but one could still see Madara's picture on it.

"I have taken an interest in you, Madara Uchiha"

"Who are you exactly?"

"My identity is a secret to the world. But, my real name is IM." The man is IM, one of the most mysterious figures in One Piece.

(Damn you, Oda! Just let us know already! The One Piece, the new Admiral, IM. WHY DO THIS TO US?!?!)

"IM…" Madara made sure to remember this name.

"Remember my name, Madara. It will be the last thing you will ever remember."

-Back with the twins.

The twins were having the easiest time of their lives. CP-0 and CP-9 stood no chance against them. Combined with the power of their devil fruits it was just too unfair.

The leader of the CP-0 was dangling in Lili's strings while coughing up blood. He was the only one alive out of all the other men.

Coincidentally, the twins also fought the 100,000+ marines not too long ago. But, they took care of them.

The entire area was covered in blood. It looked like a bloodbath, literally speaking. With limbs everywhere, body parts everywhere. It was a mess.

They had collected all their souls, not sparing a single one, and ate them all. They asked their Saviour is he wanted any, but he answered 'no' because he already had some souls with him. He also was not desperate for SP because of the huge rewards that the system had offered him.

"Good thing we don't have to clean this up." Lili said. If this was before, then the scene of 100,000+ dead men would have affected them, but not now. It seemed normal to them.

"Yes. Even with my speed, it would have taken us weeks to clean this up."

"Still, it's nothing compared to what we had to go through in Purgatory.



As they were talking, they saw Madara Uchiha flew in front of them and crashed into the hard ground.

"Oh… facing some troubles, Madara?" Linlin asked.

"Damn it!" Madara was pissed. To think that the IM guy was so strong. Madara did not expect such a strong character to appear in this world.

"Running away so soon?" IM appeared before them out of nowhere.

"Hm… I don't think Saviour has ever mentioned such a strong guy in this world." Lili asked herself.

"No. It's probably something like the Supreme Deity or the Mother of Chaos. Those two characters had yet to show up in the main series, but Saviour still had to fight them both." Linlin said.

Her words were spot on. IM is as mysterious as the Supreme Deity and the Mother of Chaos. So, it was natural that not even Alex knew about their strengths and weaknesses.

"The twins… how lucky I must be to meet 3 of the people I wanted to see." IM said.

"Be careful. His ability is weird." Madara got up while wiping some blood from his mouth.

"What ability?"

"I'll show you." IM stretched out his hands. Then, the bodies of the marines were being devoured by an unseen force.

The only thing that was left was their bones. There wasn't even a hint of blood or flesh on them.

IM's body turned dark. Until, there was nothing but darkness and death.

"Behold. I have the powers of death itself."

IM's body was covered in a layer of energy that felt like death itself.

"Madara, I fail to see just how you were pushed around by him." Lili asked not fazed by IM's powers.

"You'll see."

Then, IM turned into a large, dark figure that resembled a demon. He started to laugh, his voice sounded evil.

"Hm." Lili produced strings and attacked IM. But, her strings were cut off in pieces before she could touch him.

"Mere weapons like that have no effect on me."

"Let me try something else." Lili activated one of her spells and trapped him in her Perfect cube.

But, the cube shattered as well without him making an effort.


"Oh really?" Linlin appeared behind the giant figure. She used her devil fruit powers and blasted a hole in his head.

The giant IM fell down hard to the ground.

"See, Madara? Not so tough." Linlin said with a smile.

"That won't work either."


IM stood up once again, shocking the twins.

"I am death itself. You cannot kill death. Death is everywhere." IM declared.

"Hm… this is interesting and yet problematic." Linlin did not expect that at all.

IM raised his hand and punched Linlin away in one fell swoop. Linlin thought she could block it, but he was way more powerful than she thought.

But, she was unaffected and she managed to expand her wings and stop herself from falling in mid-air.

"Sorry, but I will have to take that energy away from you." IM said.

Then, Linlin's dark energy suddenly disappeared from her body and she fell to the ground.

"Sis!" Lili ran up to her.

"He… he took away my demonic powers!" Linlin could not believe it.

"After fighting it out with him, it seems he can 'kill' our abilities." Madara added.

"Kill our abilities?"

"I am death. I can decide what to kill. Even if it means your abilities or yourself included." Im responded.

Madara had lost his ninjutsu and rinnegan abilities already. The only thing left was the ten tailed beast energy inside him. The reason it was still with him it was because it was dormant inside his body, still waiting to be used.

"Sis, we need to think smart. He is still a devil fruit user. So his weakness would be water." Lili said.

"I know. But, with his massive figure, we will need a lot of it to win."

Then, all of a sudden, Im raised the skeletons of the marines and controlled them all at the same time.

"Kill them!" Im said. He could just kill them himself, but where is the fun in that?

Madara drew out his weapon and proceeded to smash all those skeletons to pieces. If he had his chakra he would have destroyed them all easily.

"Whatever you guys have planned then do it! I can distract him long enough to buy you two a few minutes." Madara said.

Madara knew he could not face someone like Im. As much as it pains him to admit it, he is gonna need help from the twins.

"Sis, any plans?" Lili asked.

"I know!" Linlin whispered something to her sister's ear. Lili's eyes were wide opened. She would have never thought of that before.

"Soon, this whole world will face nothing but death. All will kneel before me-" As Im was giving his evil villain speech, Lili suddenly cast her spell.


The giant Im, disappeared from his spot. And he reappeared under the sea.

Im did not expect that at all. He drowned and his devil fruit ability was nullified.

Madara got back his powers, so did Linlin.

"Wait… that's it?" Madara asked surprised. Wasn't this fight too anti-climatic?

"He wasn't that tough at all." Lili answered with a smile. Though the outcome could have been much worse if the fight had dragged on for a little while longer.

Linlin knew that Im's ability was annoying and troublesome. But, he was still a devil fruit user. So, she had her sister teleport him deep under the ocean to nullify his powers.

It seemed it worked.

"..." Madara felt embarrassed. He was dragged around by the guy but the twins handled him. It was like a younger brother being bullied and asking his older siblings for help.

"Please, let's never speak about this ever." Madara said. This was now a shameful past of his that he will remember for many years to come.

"Okay. But, unless Saviour asks, then we will tell him."

"Damn!" Madara grumbled. He was beginning to question if joining this group was a good decision.

If Im had decided to take things seriously instead of toying with them, then the ones who would be dead would be them.

-Back with Alex.

Unaware of the sudden events that had happened, Alex managed to locate Blackbeard.

Weirdly enough, Blackbeard was fighting with Shanks to see who get the territory that once belonged to Big Mom.

Shanks knew that having more territory would mean having more manpower. Although he was not the type that sought out power, he couldn't let someone like Blackbeard claim those territories and expand his strength.

"Shanks!" Luffy cried out after meeting the one that saved him. But, Alex covered his mouth.

"Shut up! Now, how do I handle this?" Alex said. He will do that until next time on DRAGON BALL Z!!!

The end of the chapter.


You know...I was gonna have this amazing, EPIC fight with Madara and the twins versus the mysterious Im to the death. But, then I got to thinking, why wouldn't the twins just do the thing they already did?

They knew that Im was weak to water, and Lili had the ability to teleport stuff and people. So, what's stopping them from using this cheat-like method? This was common sense!

So… yeah. This is probably one of the most anti-climatic fights I will ever write. And I don't regret doing it.