

Chapter 4: My best friend is a demon? ( The beginning of the end )

In a place on one of many earths, a day like any other has begun, I wake up as usual and it's time for work now.

My name is Niyus 11, a not very common name you would say to me but what to do this name is mine. I'm 25 years old and I live all alone, my passion is... uh... my dream is to change my life because I did too much bullshit and now I'm suffering the consequences of being unemployed at 25 years old... not to mention that I'm still single.

11 hours 45 minutes, time to go to the market, I still have a little money, although I can't buy much with it, but I make do with it.

_ today I have very fresh products I will make them at half price!!

Said a shopkeeper. The trade may look ridiculous but here they make so much money from the traders.

Niyus " Hello Madam, I would like your products at half price! "

The lady " it's heard my little one so what can I serve you? "....

After this day at the market and working fish as best I can, I finally go home.

Niyus " olala... I smell like fish from miles away.... well I'm just going to take a good bath " .

In the shower, I couldn't stop thinking about my failed life, I had so much fun in my youth that I didn't think about my future.. I wanted to follow the children of the rich in their nonsense bof and here that they work and know me even more it's crazy how time flies.

After the shower I now head straight into my small living room where I have a television and some furniture, I made myself some food and now I follow the television a little.

Niyus " um.. tomorrow I should go see my parents, it's been a while for those!" I turned off the light then I fell asleep.

The next day I did some shopping for my parents and now I was going straight to their house. The road was quite long but I'm not against this walk.

When I arrived I gave a hug then I shared what I had for them. They were already quite old, the poor, I so wanted them to benefit from my wealth, too bad.. that I was a poor guy.

Mother " my son, you seem to me to be doing well!"

Niyus " oh.. yes Mother but I will always look for better "

Father " that's my son I like that! "

Niyus " hih.... " I love my parents, they always have the gift of comforting me, I could never hate them.

It was now 7:59 p.m. After this day at my parents' house, I have to go home.

When I got home it started to rain, I had to hurry. Which I did then but the rain was getting more and more powerful.

While running I felt watched for a moment, there was a strange presence in the tall grass. What made that while running my attention was focused there only.

What could be watching me so much?

Then the high grass began to move, there would clearly be something moving, but what? I stop for a moment.

Niyus " and if I went to see what it was? " I enter the high grass and the surprise is at its height

The thing that was there walks away and cries. The sound the thing made was while crying was the same as that of a little girl.

Was it a trap? I wouldn't know if I didn't check it. All this is strange, a child in the brush in the middle of the night and besides with this rain it's illogical unless she's lost

I sink deeper and deeper into the undergrowth, my body covered in chills. To follow such a thing you had to either be crazy or be niyus. I've always had the habit of facing what seems mysterious to me, no matter what it looks like. The deeper I go, the louder the sound of the little girl's voice becomes and even seems to get closer and closer.

After a while I finally arrive at the exact place and there was a little girl leaning against a tree. I therefore concluded that I was right, from my knowledge she should be between 6 and 8 years old given her size. I'm getting closer and closer and...

Niyus " hey girl!! " the little one was always crying without even paying any attention to me, she must be damn sad.

I approach her again and I hold her arm

Niyus " hey, baby why are you crying, and where are your parents? " the little one wiped her tears for a moment and looked at me then she completely panicked

The little girl " aaaaaahhhh a human, please don't hurt me!!!! " she seems to be scared of me

Niyus " What are you talking about, you're a human too and I mean you no harm reassure you!"

The little girl " let go of me!!!! " she doesn't seem to want to listen to me so I let go of her hand

Niyus " now I let you go, are you ok? "

The little girl " let me pass !! "

Niyus " not until you tell me what I want to know "

The little girl " but.... "

Niyus " where are your parents, why are you crying and where were you going like that with this rain in the night? "

The little girl " it's none of your business come on let me pass now! "this kid is a real head of ... grrrr

The little girl " but damn get out!! " like a nervous old man I started yelling at her too

Niyus " not until I know you're out of danger do you hear kid?!!!!!!!! " and the silence... her gaze had changed. She stared at me in a bigger way

The little girl " really? "

Niyus " more than I tell you! "

The little girl " um... it's okay!! " she stood up and held herself straight

The little girl " my name is Rivhiamë, I am 500 years old and I am an imp, a basic demon, I.... "

Niyus " wait, wait, wait.... what are you telling me? "

Rivhiamë" I'm introducing myself sir it's forbidden to interrupt someone who does! "

Niyus " are you really a demon? "

Rivhiamë " yes of course why would I lie? "

Niyus " well you'll tell me more another time I'm going! "

Rivhiamë " already... but I didn't tell you everything!! " she said with a sad look

Niyus " you can come to my house I don't mind a little funny company! "

Rivhiamë " oh...really? " his gaze was suddenly lit up

Niyus " of course go follow me "

Rivhiamë " okay! "

Niyus " but I warn you I live very far away! "

Rivhiamë " it doesn't matter... wait, come closer! "

Niyus " um... " I approach her a few meters

Rivhiamë " get down! "

Niyus"eh..?! "

Rivhiamë "do it!! " she was suddenly screaming at me

Niyus " very good! " I then bend down and she put her hand on my head

Niyus " what are you doing? "

Rivhiamë " I'm going to show you a magic trick you'll love, close your eyes and just think about your house very hard! "

Niyus " um... fine " then I close my eyes and think very hard about my house

Niyus " here I think and that's when I'm going to open my eyes? "

Rivhiamë now! "

Niyus " um...!! " I open my eyes and wow.... I found myself in my house as if by magic

Niyus " is it really my home here? "

Rivhiamë " yes, thanks to your thought I knew where to teleport us so you like? "

Niyus " wow... I can't believe my eyes I'm really at home a moment ago I was outside about 7 kilometers from here!! "

Rivhiamë " pfff don't thank me especially! "

Niyus " so you have magic powers? It's amazing, I thought it didn't exist! "

Rivhiamë " hehe... I'm going to make you believe a lot of things you know and also you didn't tell me your name! "

Niyus " oh...that's right, my name is.... "

Rivhiamë " stop , your name is Niyus, you are 25 years old and you are still single.... haaaaaaaahahaha!!!! " she suddenly started laughing at me

Niyus " but go ahead don't bother laugh!! "

Rivhiamë " don't worry, I shouldn't read the minds of a single guy like you too much hahahaha!!! "

Niyus"grrrrrrr!!!! " I lifted him from the top of his 90 centimeters

Rivhiamë " hey but what are you doing!! Get off me " Then I opened the door to my house and threw it out before closing it at the moment

Niyus " if you don't apologize you won't go home my big one! " Then as I didn't expect, she passed through the door of my house like a ghost, it was all just incredible, so she can also walk through walls!!

Rivhiamë " hahahaha, the bachelor thought that locking me out would make me beg!!! "

Niyus " olala... it's really complicated with you!" So I think the company of this demon would be quite funny in my house, me who lives all alone like a poor guy haha...