
Khajiit the Kinetomancer (Danmachi Fanfic)

Naming himself Khajiit in the honor of his great kin. The struggling Catkin finds himself in Orario wich exists in a state of peril. With a plan to use his scattered knowledge to gain a foothold and learn the wonders of magic from his unique viewpoint. He proceeds to chase the obvious goal of power. Who will proceed to be called the strongest adventurer now? He obviously can't let Freya's boy toy take that place as long as he walks the steps of this damned dungeon. Khajiit has a lot to do, plotting a way to power, revenge, trying not to get drawn into the politic pit of quicksand and get this old man to just give him what he want's! It's for his own good, he swears. With his unique magic, force, friction, momentum, vibration and pretty much any and all kinds of movement in any way shall be his to command. Within Limits of course, but he was sure to find a way around that.

Froschmann · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

A Khajiit, a Sage and a God walked into a room

'Is this really a smart move?' Khajiit wondered, while nervously waiting on a bench inside the guild reception building. He had decided on a name. Considering the source and circumstances of which, he felt conflicted.

On his more reasonable side as he liked to think, it is a fictional race of cat people like him, originating from the desert, living as nomads and traders. On his feline side, as a catkin he does feel some sort of connection to them and is proud of his heritage, how ever small it might be.

'Maybe not entirely fictional anymore.' His existence basically proved it. He would honor them by carrying this name. 'One day, it will carry power.'

He wasn't actually waiting for anybody, he was mainly just waiting for himself to be ready and thinking about how to contact Fels and actually getting him to agree to talk to him. A task harder than it might seem.

Khajiit didn't want to attract the wrong attention, he also had to bring something to the table. 'Maybe it was better to do this another time... sight, just get on with it.'

He stood up and made his way towards a reception desk. Surprisingly, very little people actually had any business with the guild reception right now and were distracted with other things.

Choosing a short line of two people leading towards a desk with a middle aged elvish man attending it, he patiently waited for his turn. He was his best bet here, not trusting a very young looking Chienthrope with any important matters.

The elvish man moved his mouth, looking at him. 'I need to learn lip reading.' Signing the universal signs of being mute and deaf with sign language, Khajiit tried to make him understand his problem concerning communication.

'I guess sign language doesn't exist here.' Not that he remembered. At least the Elvish man seemed to understand his unusual state. After a bit of pantomime action he got a pen and paper to write.

He learned to read and write when he was young from his mother. That was as far as he wanted to think about it as his throat began to feel raw and he got the urge to blink.

Explaining his disability to him and getting a look of unwanted pity from the elf, Khajiit looked over his shoulders and noticed nobody standing behind him, much to his satisfaction.

-I wish to 'speak' with Fels the Sage, are you familiar with him?-

Giving him a questioning look the man wrote: -I've heard of him, though I don't think I can help you with that. I will forward you message. Can I attach your name and reason for this meeting?

'Professional man' Khajiit mused. He liked him. -I know he can help me with something of importance, name is Khajiit. Nice making your acquaintance Mr. ...?-

-Ganter, well met.-

-Please make yourself comfortable in a waiting room.-

Ganter made a motion towards a set of doors to the side and called over a young human assistant. Getting led towards a small room containing two sofas facing each other, with a small coffee table in between.

The young bubbly assistant being met with silence after saying something, awkwardly left the room. Seeing this Khajiit just sat down and began to wait. He was brought some water and biscuits after a while, making him notice how parched his throat really was and his stomach acted up in hunger.

It has been about two hours since he devoured the biscuits, and the light shining through the windows began to gradually get dimmer, there also seemed to be less smoke in the sky. Hopefully this mess would end soon.

While playing with his dagger to pass the time, Khajiit rediscovered the beauty of wielding a knife. He was apparently a fan before and is again now. He wasn't particularly good at it, but he was getting gradually better in balancing the blade and generally getting a feel for the weapon.

Feeling a slight drag of air, Khajiit grabbed the falling knife out of the air and sheathed it in a now practised motion. Shame, he just saw an owl land on the building across the street. He never saw a wild owl before. Turning away from the window facing the side street, he looked at the person standing in the door.

A tall man looked back at him with a stoic expression, he was old and wore a slightly different version of the guild uniform. Just looking a little more important, and better in his opinion. The fashion sense of some people walking around here was ridiculous.

Doing a 'follow me' motion and passing him a piece of paper he began walking deeper into the Building. While passing various offices and walking down the stairs, Khajiit read the message.

-Whoever you think you are, you're in luck. Master Fels has accepted your request. Know that the Guild doesn't like wasting time of important personnel, especially considering the current circumstances. Should all this be a waste of time, there will be consequences.-

He took back his good initial opinion of him and frowned at his back. Taking out a pen he snatched from the waiting room, he wrote a question on the paper. -Is this a threat?-

Standing in front of a massive oak double door, somewhere in the second basement layer, they stopped. Passing the paper back to the old man, Khajiit grinned and looked him in his dark eyes. Which he reciprocated after reading it. 'Trying to be the scary bad cop huh?'

The staring contest lasted for a few long seconds, until the man looked away and wrote something on the paper, passing it back to him and leaving the way they came.

-Master Fels is waiting through this door.- 'You're getting too old for this grandpa. He could practically feel that, had he been the strong young man he once was, he would make an extremely intimidating presence. But he wasn't and respect is earned mutually.

'Whatever' Why was he even bothering with this guy? Turning back to the door he tried to sight again.

*hhh...* 'Fuck'

Up until now he was walking down here all confident. Now his nervousness came back. This was important and he couldn't mess this up. '*Sight*. I can at least shoot my shot and try again some other time.'

Knocking on the thick Oak gate, he easily shoved open the well oiled door. Inside was a grand room, illuminated from small chandeliers, giving it a gloomy atmosphere. Although he could still see quite well with his cat-like vision.

The sole figure of the room turned it's dark robed head in his direction. If he said something he could not tell. The layout was roughly the same as in the guild waiting room, though way grander.

In front of the ominous figure, that was giving him chills now that he felt his presence, sat a small box with big round jewels inside. One of which was in Fels hand, glowing slightly. Khajiit could swear he saw something moving inside.

Gulping, he walked through the threshold of the room and sat down opposite the Sage. Straightening his back, he looked into the hood of the tall Figure in front of him. The gloomy lighting and his night vision did not help in discovering anything but darkness inside.

After a few seconds of silence even with his tinnitus, Fels shoved a sheet of paper across the table.

-What would somebody like you, need from someone such as myself. An ex lvl 1 adventurer suddenly seeking my help, and being confident I am able, or even willing to do so. As intriguing you might seem, I seem to wonder how you even know of my existence and presence at the guild. Not many can say that for themselves and I am usually aware of those.-

'Sounding all fancy' mentally scoffed Khajiit. Taking a moment to think and write a response.

-I'll be brief. I know about you and the presence of the one you serve around here. I'll be precisely needing both your help. I know of things, however important they might be, that will happen and have happened. Right now I might not have much to my name. And even that I acquired only recently. But I am willing to bet, that I can be of much help in the future, would you both be willing to grant my simple request.

I sincerely ask for Ouranos to bless me with a Falna and you to teach me the marvels of magic. In turn I will swear servitude to his holiness and am willing to present you the knowledge of scientific achievements and advances of a another more developed world.-

He was going all out with this. If he wasn't going to believe him and send him away or worse, he didn't know what to do. This might not be the smartest doing, and neither was it the best he could have done. But it was fast and direct. He was laying almost all his cards bare on the table and was sure to, at least intrigue him.

It took a moment for Fels to move away from the sheet in his hand. After he was finished, he turned to a small crystal ball lying off to the side. 'What are those things anyway?' Khajiit could swear they were magic balls or something. 'Was he seeking advice from the magic 8 ball?'

After a tense few seconds, Fels stood up, it didn't require a gesture as he turned, to make him follow. On the opposite side he entered, was a similar set of gates. These had an extra imposing feeling to them. All this mysterious stuff was making him crazy.

Behind those laid a long dark corridor slanting downwards. After some time walking they once again encountered a set of giant doors. As Fels neared them, they opened up on their own, revealing a grand hall shrouded in darkness. The only light source being flaming braziers lining a path up to a giant stone throne.

Up on that raised throne sat a robed figure, grey locks escaping the luxurious grey robe. Halfway into the chamber, the figure raised it's head to look at him, deep golden eyes holding power and authority locked onto his.

Khajiit felt like he was judged by a supreme existence, making him freeze in his steps. Quickly falling to his knees and bowing he felt the inquisitive gaze lessen in intensity, replaced by a slight curiosity. He truly was in the presence of a god.

Relaxing his tense posture, he stood up to one knee and looked upward, pressing his right fist onto his heart. It was time to bargain.