
1__Joining Highschool

Kevan is a young boy who made 15 years in the previous year of 2019 in the same year, he had finished his primary level and started looking for highschools in his area for his next level but to his surprise, no highschool was offering him a half bursary yet he had obtained good a report from his studies bit also a bad report from the staff of his former school.

He really never liked what they talked about him to make him lose a change of studying in some of the best highschools in town which had decided to let him own a place only if he was willing to pay full school expenses.

It was really had for his mother to pay that much money yet his son was really wise to not have a bursary in those schools.

Knowing that no school in town will give his son a bursary, she decided to send him to a school which was told by a friend of hers though it was deep down in the village at least it offered a full bursary to students who had gained good points from their former level.

"You have to make sure that you play nice this time don't you want to go to better schools like your elser sister, Esther! play nice just find a good report and..."

"Mum, i understand its everything you told me already,you wont visit but i told you, i'm a boy i can look after myself just take care of yourself plus my sister


"The teacher is here am leaving" i bid her farewell and left home just very early in the morning. It was 11:00am when we started our journey, those hours were just the time i used to wake up and some times i woke up past the time despite me being a candidate in my last year of school.

It was my first longest journey because i hard slept and woke up several times but we did not reach the school yet. I was with someone i don't know that much but he claimed to be a husband of that lady who told mum about this school so i didn't know match about him.

In the evening, when its about dark we left the tarmac road and headed towards the a small murram village road, it was quiet and scary surrounded by bushes either sides but the cyclist seemed to be not disturbed a bit so i chilled out too. The motorcycle was at least comfortable more than that passenger bus that we used in the beginning but still i was exhausted and was about to vomit when my eyes fell on a town area, yeah it was still a village but it at least had some people and electricity so i was i no much worry now.

I looked at my watch to see the time again and i was surprised that it was about 10pm. "Mum will i ever escaped this prison, its very far" I cried out in my heart but still we rode for what looked like 15mins before the cyclist stopped at a big light blue gate.

The gateman opened the gate after seeing the man who brought me, actually i lacked trust issues because how can you come with someone who you don't even know his name or where he came from for real!!

We entered the gate and my gaze fell on a very big school, it was obvious to be a school because of the displayed classes ahead of me. The gateman asked fro my belongings before taking them away to a place i had no idea anyways.

We went towards what looked like the administration area where i just signed my name inside a big blue book and i was escorted to a room with a tag at the top of the door 'staff members only'.

Food was brought without question because i was so hungry to say a word but to be serious, this food was worse than that of my primary level, at least they flied the sauce. I guess someone just sliced some tomatoes plus onions, poured them in the soup and served it to us, was the person serving prisoners.

I lost the appetite and i did not eat it at all. I was a bout to leave when i recalled that i have no much pocket money on me. I was really hungry though i had some escorts in my book case it was not enough.

My Mom was just poor to give me pocket money and i was not fine with it that's why i had to be a man.

I knew what situation we were having at home so i came well prepared to make money just the same way i did it in my former me school.

Sitting back, i decided to eat it all. Yeah it was bad but still a boy like me had to bare with it. After i finished eating i was escorted out by the that same guy who brought me.

I was still wondering who this guy was when i heard loud voices coming from a huge and long room, it was tall, very tall i guess but in length, we walked for some time to reach the door.

'Are village schools good at misusing land' i was still wondering when the loud voices disappeared and became whispers. Students by the window were whispering stuff i didn't care about listening at all. This had to be the boy's wing, so big!

As we entered, i was introduced to a young short guy who was called Ganja after the introduction. I thought it was a nickname already because he looked nothing like a ganja man. He took me to his bed side "your are going to sleep in the middle, i will sleep down the upper deck is occupied"

I started to prepare my deck and have a rest. I was really tired and exhausted so after preparing my bed, i went directly to sleep.

"wow what do we have this time,Ganja man! have you told this new guy the rules here?" i heard a voice coming from near my deck.

"he has just come right now can't you give him a break, and its Bazibu who have brought this kid. i don't think you would like to mess with him" Ganja warned the guy.

So the who has brought me was called Bazibu! its a weird name actually but the Ganja guy calling me a kid, i was even taller than him though i was short how dare he call me a kid anyway.

"so if Bazibu brought him, so what? which level is he?, what is his name anyway " the guy seemed to be displeased.

"i know nothing about him because he seems to not be a talker" Ganja replied politely.

"if he said nothing to you doesn't mean he will do the same to me " this guy was so proud if himself.

"Kid you didn't introduce yourself already and you are preparing to sleep, your mom didn't teach you some little manners of greeting elders" I opened my eyes and looked at this guy to see why he was acting so cocky, this guy was of my size plus my height. I don't even remember when that kind of person dared to talk about my mom in his mouth and i still did nothing.

'Be a nice boy, u have to get a good report' i was trying to remind myself by not moving out of my bed this time closing my eyes and i said nothing.

"Come on Saz he doesn't look much more than a just a banner, what do form twos want with banners, don't connect with trash man"another mocking voice sounded, this time i opened up my eyes and moved out of bed.

"So who said that am trash anyway" i asked politely and a slim tall guy moved up from his bed.

"I did, what are you going to do, kid"at this moment i was holding a pen in my right hand holding it from inside my pocket, this guy was taller than me so i wanted him to come closer so that it serves him right.

"Your talking from a far i cant hear you, what are you scared or something?" i was trying to bring closer to me. Some times it was dine asserting dominance i guess.

"Oh well, i never seen a banner as cocky as you, its just a 30mins arrive at school and a one month late at school but your this cocky" he moved in front of me talking while looking down at my head showing how taller he was than me.

"yiu still don't know why i'm one month late but u still acting cocky in front of me, do you want live?" i wanted to make him angry in order to make him attack first but just instead in my disappointment the backed down.

"If it wasn't for Bazibu, you would have not acted this tuff maybe he is your father, did your mom give him something nice! i mean, you know... " the guy skipped the bottom line now as the other kids bursted in a loud laughter, Kevan removed the pen from his pocket in a sec and pushed the guy down the floor. He was about to pierce it through the guys eye when he heard a loud voice by the door telling "Ken, stop".

He looked up and met a cold glare of the so called Bazibu starring at him, Kevan just smiled as he looked at the terrified tall guy under his hands.


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