
kerinduanku padaNya

Auteur: Al_rumi
Romansa Historis
Actuel · 3K Affichage
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What is kerinduanku padaNya

Lisez le roman kerinduanku padaNya écrit par l'auteur Al_rumi publié sur WebNovel. cinta pada dunia dan isinya adalah jenis cinta yg rapuh bagaikan sebatang pohon yg terlihat dari kejauhan terlihat kokoh namun ketika angin kencang berhembus ia akan tumbang...hal ini lah yg membuat j...


cinta pada dunia dan isinya adalah jenis cinta yg rapuh bagaikan sebatang pohon yg terlihat dari kejauhan terlihat kokoh namun ketika angin kencang berhembus ia akan tumbang... hal ini lah yg membuat jaenum seorang gadis 20 tahun mulai menyadari cintanya pada ahmad hanya bersifat sementara dibanding kerinduan untuk sang pencipta alam semesta....

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“Can you please turn off this music?”Ashley asked feeling like her eardrums would burst out. “You know how dangerous and scary this path is, a good rock music is the best for this ride.’ Jason said with a large grin. “C'mon, can you at least lower the volume? I can't even hear myself think.” Ashley told weakly. “Fine.” Jason spat turning the volume from 45 to 25. “Is this okay?“ He asked and Ashley smiled nodding. “Perfect.” She declared grabbing the bag of popcorn that was at the back seat. Jason kept driving and enjoying the song, swaying his head and hitting the steering at some point. “Here.” Ashley said opening the bag of popcorn. She packed some in her pretty fair hands and passed it to Jason's mouth. He opened his mouth and took a reasonable amount of the popcorn in his mouth. Ashley also threw some in her mouth, chewing and shaking her head to the song in the process. Suddenly there was lightning in the skies in front of them. “Is it about to rain?” Jason asked no one in particular. “I guess so. Or why would there be lightning? Ashley asked ignoring the lights and dipping her hands inside the popcorn bag again.The lightning came again, this time closer and brighter than earlier. “Maybe a storm is coming.” Jason guessed lowering his head a little to see the skies through the glass. “That means we have to get home as soon as possible.” Ashley said and this made Jason increase his speed to 100 kilometers per hour. “Isn't this too fast for the road?” Ashley asked looking at Jason. “No! A storm is coming remember?“ He asked her and she kept mute. Then Ashley noticed that the lightning this time wasn't a flash but was permanent. “Do lightning act this way too?“ She asked fearfully as they got closer to the bright shining light. “We should slow down.” Ashley added shivering. She has never seen anything like that in her life.Suddenly, an image dropped from the skies right in front of their car. “The brakes!” Ashley screamed as the light shone so bright that they couldn't see what was in front. Jason applied the breaks forgetting he was driving at a very high speed. Immediately he pressed the breaks, the tires flew off the car, and the car tumbled and fell into a ditch.

TiFe_Writes · Fantaisie
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General Audiencesmature rating