
Kenzi and Kiara

Fantasy Romance
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What is Kenzi and Kiara

Lisez le roman Kenzi and Kiara écrit par l'auteur Ubaka_somtochukwu publié sur WebNovel. ...


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In a world where different human-kind reside, their traits & power can only be passed to their children. Born from a loving Wraith father, and wise Satori mother, Videre and his sister struggle to understand their own unique power. Allied with the Sorcerer's Nation, the Lycan Kingdom's King Alpha didn't think twice to trample over the weak. Though Lycans are one of the strongest human-kind, they are mentally weak, thus their other enemy besides the Strzyga (Vampire)--the highly intelligent, telepathic Satori. After witnessing the death of their parents, the hybrid siblings lived their imprisoned, abused life inside the Lycan dungeons as tools of interrogation for King Alpha, until they're saved by another hybrid--a half-Lycan that dreamed of change. But freedom comes with a price. Escaping death from the hands of the hunting pack, Videre chances upon a cave. Falling. Drowning. Surviving. Living. And then, loving. He finds the secret city of the Great War's refugees, including the Hunter-kind. When he thought he can now settle down to heal slowly from painful memories & train with his newfound entity of a "best friend", he discovers the reason why he was allowed to know the secret, exiting the secret city, starting Aovialutre's quest, and eventually unveiling the truth of his family's murder. But who said his "friend" allowed Videre to leave him behind? "Don't think I'll let you off easy for leaving me". whispered the best friend, as he chases after his runaway wife. Character A: Help me achieve greatness! Main Character: ? Character B: Help me achieve a great relationship! Main Character: ?? Main Lead: Help me achieve marriage! Main Character: Who are you??? Main Lead: Your future husband! Main Character: !!!! Author: This is a boy x boy supernatural story centered around a world/society where there are 18 human-kinds. If you like BL, then I hope you give this story a chance to read and enjoy :))

star_bem · Fantaisie
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131 Chs

love in the spirit world

In the world of Eridoria, where magic and spirits reign, Amuche, a young woman with a rare gift, embarks on a perilous journey to find her lover, Jidenna, who has gone missing in the Spirit World. Guided by Nedu, a mysterious and powerful being, Amuche braves treacherous landscapes, fierce creatures, and ancient magical forces. As they delve deeper into the Spirit World, they uncover hidden secrets, unexpected allies, and formidable foes. With each step, Amuche discovers more about her own destiny, her connection to the Spirit World, and the true nature of Jidenna's disappearance. But as the stakes grow higher, Amuche must confront her fears, harness her powers, and make impossible choices to rescue Jidenna and restore balance to the Spirit World. Damuck's smile faltered for a moment before he sighed. "There's no such thing as equal treatment or being fair. The winner is king, the loser is a bandit. The winner writes history, while the loser is mocked by history and generations to come. Equal treatment is not always fair, and fair treatment is not always equal. Enjoy your last days, Jidenna. I will soon refine you and take your memories. Then, I will know the knowledge I seek." "Amuche's eyes shone with excitement, her voice barely above a whisper. "What type of pearl do you think I'll awaken, Nedu? Will it be a rare and radiant one, or a common yet resilient one?" Amuche was gripped by shock, but then she heard noise nearby and saw four men appearing from the woods opposite her. Amuche released a sigh of relief and rose up slowly as the four men approached from the distance.

Littlefinger2912 · Fantaisie
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The Spacial Terror of The Dragon Continent

In a Far, Far Universe. On a Planet as Large as a Star. On a Continent of Dragons, Ravaged by a War of Domination and Supremacy. Someone Takes Their First Steps. Someone Blessed by [Redacted]. Someone Dominates Over the Apex. Someone becomes a threat on a Multiversal Level. The Overlord and Administrator of All Dragon Kind. A Spacial Threat. A Nameless Terror. ... The Planet of 4 Moons and of Mixed Sun. The Great Dragon Continent where the Apex battle for Dominion over their Bretheren. All who Fight Aim to Become the Continent's One and Only Emperor. All who Fight, inevitably, die. At the Centre of the Continent, where the Battle is Most Fierce and the Apex of Ancient times Scheme to Bring Global Ruin, something Defied the Law of Fate and the Law of Desitiny. A Unique Deviant of the Apex Species, of Dragon Kind, is Born through Unnatural means. The Prime Timeline Shifted as [Redacted] themselves interfered. And now, her Youngest Daughter, The Terror Born of Void and Cosmic Dust. Arises. ... Anyway. Captivated? Great. Give it a read if you want. As this is a side-project type book, the updates may vary in response to motivation, inspiration and all that. This book is connected to the original work, World of Reincarnators. I will not spoil in what way since even the original work of mine has barely reached it's quarter mark. Warning: Main characters intellectual Growth won't be instant or anything. Just as a child doesn't instantly become a genius with a single book. Additional Tag Info: Female MC, overpowered MC, child MC, no romance, no reincarnation or transmigration, start of novel has lower action than later parts, small amount of politics and kingdom building in later parts, magic, skills, talents, innate abilities. Cover art is not mine.

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