

Keimyung University is a personality school sponsored by the government directly. They are tasked with recruiting problem children from various cities, to be educated to be successful people in the future. Fire-the name of the groups- is a new teaching staff who previously had the same history as this school. Now Fire is challenged to change several groups of problem children according to their expertise and professional fields. Namely Blade, Schwert, and Xifos. However, what if one of the members of the group is one of the fugitives most wanted by BIN (National Intelligence Agency) and even the FBI and CIA? What will Keimyung University do? Defend the fugitive or hand over the fugitive? I'm trying to concoct this educational story in a fun and tense way. Coupled with the mystery style of the story which hopefully will make you curious until the end and guess who the real fugitive is? Happy Reading ^^

Siti_Mariani_0391 · Politique et sciences sociales
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6 Chs


Everyone had already entered the room which was the source of the explosion. Tae Hyung folded his arms across his chest with a smile, the others froze because of the smoke billowing on the ceiling while Dino gaped in amazement at what had just happened in the room.

"DAEBAK !!!" the first word that came out of Dino's mouth with a body still motionless from its place. He still wasn't aware of the current situation.

"Cough." The sound of coughing from several people in the room while fanning the smoke spreading with their bare hands.

Dino saw that the room was already busy, "You see that? You see, don't you? Whoaaaa. " Still with mounting admiration.

"Are you all right?" asked Chairman Song, who was combing the bodies of the two people who stood opposite each other in front of the Erlenmeyer flask which was propped up on the tripod.

Tae Hyung shrugged while pointing at Dino with his eyes and smiled as he watched his student dissolve in admiration.

"Tae Hyung Ssaem said that he will mix this liquid and this will cause a big explosion but nothing will be damaged or destroyed or even injured by the explosion. I couldn't believe it at first but Tae Hyung Ssaem mixed it up and BUM! Exploded without being damaged, crushed or injured. " Dino's story.

"Hyung, I like this place." continued Dino who showed enthusiasm for Jun.

Jun stared sadly at Dino's reaction, it seemed like only Dino liked this school and would endure.

"Is ... Hoshi really not coming back?" said someone who just joined because of the crowd in the room.

"You? Why are you asking? I should be the one asking it. " Chairman Song turned around to see people asking questions.

"Aiiisshh. Not having time to say anything, he got back into the car and left me. I could only hear a little last night, Fiona. " J-Hope explained.

"Fiona?" Jun repeated.

All eyes were on Jun who was stunned, "you know something?" J-Hope asked immediately through the crowd taking place in front of Jun.

"If Fiona is the reason, I can understand." Jun said weakly.

"Yes ~ you didn't answer my question. Who is Fiona? " J-Hope repeated.

"Fiona is Hoshi's daughter." Answer Chairman Song. The answer made everyone there stare, of course, except for Dino and Jun. They just looked down sadly remembering Hoshi and Fiona.

"H-how come? Is he that good? " said Do Kyeom.

"It's not like that… I forgot to tell you. Fiona is a Brain Cancer patient that Hoshi loves. " Replied Secretary Lee.

"So, Schwert is known as a member of the gruop who always spends money buying luxury goods. People will think, they are just rich kids who don't understand how hard it is to make money but actually, the things they buy with remittances are resold at the right price. The money they get from the sale of these items, they give tuna to a foundation that accommodates children with cancer. There, Hoshi met Fiona. " Continued Secretary Lee.

"Fiona gives Hoshi Hyung a special impression, especially because Hyung feels they have the same fate." continued Dino.

"The same fate? Geez! Can you not explain in bits and pieces? " growled J-Hope.

RapMonster landed his hand on J-Hope's shoulder and applied pressure so that his friend didn't panic.

"I mean, both Hoshi and Fiona are children who were deliberately dumped by their parents." Jun replied in a sad tone because the shadows of Hoshi and Fiona appeared in his memory.

"Wasted?" S.Coups repeated.

"Hoshi is an illegitimate child Mr. Takamura with a Korean woman who works as a prostitute. Initially Hoshi's father did not know about Hoshi, also because of the status of Hoshi's mother who was a prostitute so that the mother did not hesitate to throw out little Hoshi. Little Hoshi was found by a Chinese woman, then took him to Shenzhen. I know him by the name Li Xuen. It was only in the past three years that Hoshi's father acknowledged his existence. His father forced Hoshi to move to Japan and changed his name to Takamura Hoshi. His father gave Hoshi a luxury that Hoshi had never felt before. Armed with luxury from his father, Hoshi returned to Korea with the excuse of continuing school. Even though he went to Korea to find his biological mother, then we met Hoshi and are friends until now. " Jun's story.

"... And just like Dino said earlier, Fiona gave Hoshi a special impression, that's why Hoshi didn't refuse to be called Daddy by Fiona." Connect Jun.

There was silence for a few moments. The Blade and Xifos group thought back to the days they had passed. Schwert had a better day than them. If Blade passed their days fighting for territory and Xifos was busy filling the day with chemical experiments or devising suicidal strategies, then Schwert was spending their day in charity.

"There are questions that we don't know the answer to, such as even if our way is wrong will other people also see it as a mistake even though we do it to help others?" Dino returned to his voice.

"We don't want to come in here, but we think the answers to life's questions will be found here. That's how we agreed. Geundae, Hyung… Can't we hold on until they come back and we find the answer? " said Dino with a slightly trembling voice. Jun who was standing opposite just gave him a sad look.

* * *

Shenzhen, China.

"Chen Ming Hao, did you really do it?" The Judge asked Ming Hao who was bowed down in the prison chair.

Ming Hao's heart was beating irregularly, his palms were wet with sweat and his breathing sounded heavy and difficult.

"Chen Ming Hao? Please answer the question. " Asked the assistant judge, but Ming Hao kept his mouth tight.

"Chen Ming Hao!" press the companion Judge.

"I-that-thats-not me." Ming Hao answered but haltingly.

"'Looks like'? Are you not sure about yourself or not sure about the Prosecutor's accusation? " asked the judge in more detail.

Ming Hao rolled his eyes, placing a hint of hope in the people he looked at. There might be help in answering the Judge's question with confidence, but only the sobs of his mother filled the courtroom. Even the lawyer Ming Hao's family hired couldn't be of much help at this time.

Ming Hao looked back at the people attending his trial. Then his eyes turned to the girl who put him in this situation, Zhiang Tzuyu. Long Ming Hao looked at Tzuyu who only lowered his head to avoid his eyes until his hopes turned blank because the girl didn't budge.

Ming Hao turned around and sat down with a face of despair. It only remains to say the name of the real culprit but it looks very difficult for him.

"I ... I forgot what happened." Ming Hao said in a desperate tone.

His mother's cries were even more sore because of Ming Hao's answer.

"How could the defendant forget what happened?" the Prosecutor protested.

"We will change the question, Your Majesty. It was written in the BAP of the victim's family that the defendant did not do it alone. There were two to three people apart from the defendant. Who are they?" continued the prosecutor firmly.

"THIS IS LIE!" shouted Ming Hao's Mother in a hoarse, trembling voice. Instantly the courtroom became noisy.

The judge hits the hammer, warning to stay calm inside the courtroom.

"Your Majesty, at the previous trial. The victim's incriminating witness has explained the chronology in detail and it is known that the defendant had fled to South Korea and changed his name to avoid punishment. It is also important that we reconfirm witness statements for the sake of justice. " It was the Prosecutor who made the Judge nod in agreement and asked Ming Hao to answer the Prosecutor's question.

"NOT ME! I TOLD NOT ME !! " shouted Ming Hao as he pounded on the table with his handcuffed hands.

"I did forget what the chronology was like, but I remember who the culprit was ..." Ming Hao turned his body and stopped right where Tzuyu was sitting with his family, "HIM!" Ming Hao shocked everyone present.

Ming Hao pointed to the well-dressed man sitting next to the woman who was hugging Tzuyu.

"What do you mean?! I did it? Are you crazy? How could a father do that to his daughter, moreover I am Tzuyu's real father. Your Majesty, just give him a life sentence so that he will reflect on his mistakes for life! " denied that the man who turned out to be the father of Tzuyu.

"Do you have evidence? You just forgot how the chronology of events. Just admit what you did and stop blaming others. " said Mr. Zhiang loudly.

Ming Hao growled. He grabbed his hair and was about to run to attack Lord Zhiang before finally the officer sitting nearby stopped Ming Hao's anger. Once again, Ming Hao's mother sobbed even more painfully.

Suddenly the courtroom door opened, someone entered and walked toward the middle of the courtroom, "I'll make him remember the chronology of what happened." He said calmly.

Ming Hao looked at the person who had just arrived, Ssaem ~ he thought.

"I'm Seokjin, a lecturer at Keimyung University and a psychiatrist. I am here to represent the school to accompany Chen Ming Hao as a lawyer, if both Ming Hao's parents allow it. " Jin looked gently at the faces of Ming Hao's parents and Ming Hao's parents quickly gave Jin permission. Ming Hao's lawyer escorting away and joining the rest of the trial attendees.

"Keimyung University?" repeated the Judge and Jin nodded.

"Hello, I'm Seokjin. You must be Tzuyu. " Jin looked at Tzuyu who was still in his mother's arms in fluent Mandarin.

After greeting Tzuyu, Jin looked back at the Judge, "I can make Ming Hao's hiking memory fragment back, Your Highness."

The whole courtroom focused its attention on Jin who seemed confident with his words, "How?" The judge broke the silence.

"Hypnotic. Only if you will allow me to do so, Your Majesty. " Jin answered.

The presiding judge and member judge juggled each other and discussed, then signaled Jin to do so. Mr. Zhiang was starting to look annoyed and some of the people with him were no less upset.

Jin smiled then walked over to Ming Hao. He took Ming Hao's trembling hand that was already covered in sweat, looked at Ming Hao and nodded slowly as if to say that everything would be all right. Ming Hao returned to gripping Jin's hand tightly.

"Ming Hao…" called Jin quietly as he looked at Ming Hao.

"Ssaem ..." Ming Hao replied no less quietly.

"Trust me." Jin moved his hand from Ming Hao's hand to his disciple's shoulder. He put pressure on Ming Hao's shoulder.

"You just need to follow my instructions. Just hear me, do you understand? " said Jin.

"Now close your eyes." Jin started his instructions.

Jin's hand was still on Ming Hao's shoulder, "To the person I touched. Inhale and exhale slowly until you feel your body relax more and more. " Jin continued.

Ming Hao's tense body began to look relaxed until he finally leaned his body against Jin's slow encouragement.

"If you feel more relaxed, now whatever worries you, you can keep it in a box. Did you see the box? "

Ming Hao nodded slowly, "You can open it and start storing your worries there. Every time you keep your worries, a door will appear in front of you. Can you see the door? "

"Is there a door that looks dark you would most like to avoid opening it?" asked Jin slowly.

"There ... I don't want to go in there, I don't know what to do." suddenly Ming Hao's body stiffened again. Jin returned to calm Ming Hao until his disciples calmed down again.

"You've saved all your worries, so you can go in there now if you want. You want to go in there right, Chen Ming Hao? "

Ming Hao initially looked doubtful but then he nodded his head. Jin returned to guide him to walk and hold the door knob and then turn it.

"It doesn't open, Ssaem. Locked." Adu Ming Hao.

"Then, we will open it together. One two…"

"Three." Said Ming Hao and Jin together.

Jin waited for Ming Hao's next words, whether he managed to open the door,

"Glare ... I saw myself taking a nap that afternoon with the window open and the breeze sweeping the curtains ..."

* * *

Two years ago. Shenzhen, May 13, 2032.

Ming Hao was only 15 years old at the time. Her daily activities are only going to school, going home, doing homework and taking a nap. Currently Ming Hao was taking a nap after finishing his exam questions which he brought home, but suddenly something bothered him. Someone tapped his nose several times.

"Tzuyu? What are you doing here? How— Oh did you come in through the window again? " said Ming Hao who sat down immediately after seeing the girl who woke him up.

"Hehehe, nice to enter through your bedroom window." Tzuyu replied cheerfully with a crisp smile.

"Girls are not allowed to enter boys' rooms carelessly. Other people will think nonsense when they see it. "Said Ming Hao who was greeted by laughter from Tzuyu.

"What do you think you can do to me? You are more like a girl friend to me than a boy. Lord Princess Ming Hao, hahaha. " It was Tzuyu's teasing that made Ming Hao narrow his eyes in annoyance at the ridicule.

"It's up to you, then why are you here? So disturbing." Ming Hao annoyed sneer.

"Geez, you're pissed off, hihihi ... Come on to my house, my father bought a new game yesterday." Bring Tzuyu.

"What game is it?" asked Ming Hao lazily.

"That's why we have to go to my room first."

"We? You are crazy! You just jumped through my bedroom window is amazing, now you're telling me to do the same with you? " Ming Hao protested.

"Oh my God ~ Shouldn't I be grumbling about this? Hahaha… "Tzuyu replied, laughing at Ming Hao's stuttering voice.

Ming Hao was still in his position when Tzuyu started to move and tugged at his arm as hard as he could. The girl filled her with scolding and ridicule for Ming Hao to immediately get up to follow her. Because the interesting thing was Tzuyu, it didn't take long for Ming Hao to finally follow Tzuyu to his room.

Unlike the familiar Ming Hao and Tzuyu, their two fathers had lifelong rivalries. One of their fierce competition was winning over Ming Hao's mother.

Because of this competition, Ming Hao and Tzuyu were not allowed to be friends with each other. Fate said differently, even though their parents did not allow them, the two young people always had a way for the cat and mouse to maintain their friendship.

Busy playing makes time run fast, the sun is already lowering on the western horizon, preparing to drown itself and change tasks with the moon. The sound of a car that had just stopped alerted them to time.

"Is that your Papa and Mom?" asked Ming Hao frantically.

"I think so." Tzuyu answered while looking at the wall clock that showed six in the afternoon.

"Mama ... Tzuyu ... Papa came home." shouted Tzuyu's father who had just entered the house.

"How about this? I can't go out the window. My voice will definitely make your papa see me later. " Ming Hao still looked panicked.

"You ... Emm ..." Tzuyu looked around. When he found the cupboard, Tzuyu immediately pulled Ming Hao closer to the cupboard, "Hide here first. I'll take a peek at Papa for a moment, when Papa comes in the room, I'll give you a code. You can run fast, right, Ming Hao? " Tzuyu giggled then pushed Ming Hao into the closet before hearing Ming Hao's comment.

When Tzuyu closed the closet door which was apparently not tightly closed because at the same time the door to his room was also open and made Tzuyu and Ming Hao who were in the closet shocked and frozen, even Ming Hao closed his mouth so as not to make a sound.

"Tzuyu, where is Mama? Are you not home yet? " asked the father who entered Tzuyu's room and immediately sat on his daughter's bed.

"Mama is not with Papa? Then, Mama's not home yet. " he replied lightly.

Father's eyes did not stop staring at Tzuyu's body. I don't know what made him see Tzuyu differently than usual. Tzuyu's father called Tzuyu to sit next to him. The light yellow dress she wore looked shorter when Tzuyu sat down. Tzuyu's father stroked his daughter's hair gently, he began to kiss Tzuyu's long flowing hair. When his father landed his hand on his thigh, Tzuyu immediately skipped a beat, catching the oddity with his father.

"Daddy want tea?" Tzuyu was about to stand up, but his father's quick hand movement held him back to his feet. Tzuyu's face started to turn pale.

From behind the slightly open cupboard door, Ming Hao clearly saw what was going on between Tzuyu and his father. Even though he feels odd, but the other side of him makes him think again that maybe this is like a father's love for his daughter, he alone doesn't know because he doesn't have a sister.

Tzuyu's father acted even bolder, he pulled Tzuyu's face to face him and immediately crushed Tzuyu's cherry lips wildly, not giving Tzuyu any room to breathe. Tzuyu's struggles only made his father even more so, Mr. Zhiang stood up and pushed Tzuyu until the girl with a face that was wet with tears fell asleep on top of him. The next thing that happened, Mr. Zhiang took off Tzuyu's clothes and screwed his own daughter.

Ming Hao watched it, he didn't even blink in surprise at what he saw. He heard Tzuyu's groan asking for help, even Ming Hao noticed Tzuyu's outstretched hand as if asking him for help. However, Ming Hao was only a young boy who was 15 years old at that time, he was unable to do anything and only stunned to witness Mr. Zhiang's depravity towards Tzuyu, his own daughter.

Mr. Zhiang realized that there was someone else in the room from the eyes of Tzuyu who kept looking at the wardrobe. Instead of being afraid, Mr. Zhiang instead continued his lecherous actions until he was satisfied then left Tzuyu's room after gently kissing his daughter's forehead who was already frightened and limp. Before leaving, he glanced at the cupboard and smiled slyly.

Ming Hao ran outside after making sure Mr. Zhiang wouldn't return. He immediately locked the door and enveloped Tzuyu who kept crying weakly. Not daring to touch Tzuyu, he just stared at Tzuyu's face while continuing to mutter sorry.

Outside, Mr. Zhiang, who heard Tzuyu's door locked, immediately rushed for help from his neighbors to break down Tzuyu's door. He said his daughter was locked with a man in the room and heard a scream from inside the room that she believed was her daughter's voice.

The door to the room opened and Mr. Zhiang and his neighbors found a crying Tzuyu curled up with a body wrapped in a blanket, Ming Hao himself just stood looking at Tzuyu. Mr. Zhiang, who acted angry, made the neighbors believe that it was Ming Hao who raped Tzuyu, Ming Hao dodged it, which actually brought the mob tantrums until finally Ming Hao was reported to the police.

Tzuyu experienced psychic trauma which made him stop talking for an unpredictable time. Ming Hao was heavily injured from the beatings from the rampaging mob, while Mr. Zhiang was busy destroying all the evidence that led to him and making new evidence that led to Ming Hao.

Ming Hao went to South Korea after all the wounds on his body had healed. Desperate to go to South Korea to follow Jun because of the fear and guilt that haunts him, Ming Hao changes his name to The8 so that people in Schenzhen can't find him.

Ming Hao told everything while sobbing and tears that kept flowing without realizing it, everyone present finally understood what really happened. The inner stress of guilt and fear made Ming Hao's brain choose to forget some of the events that had happened at that time.

Without Ming Hao noticing it, his breath now sighed along with his chest that no longer felt tight. Jin caught the change, he smiled faintly and began to direct Ming Hao back to his senses. "Ssaem ~ sob ..."

Jin hugged Ming Hao as he continued to pat Ming Hao's shoulder, "It's okay, Ming Hao. Everything is fine now. "

"Venerable Sir, you have heard for yourself how it really happened. Ming Hao didn't pretend to forget but his subconscious chose to lock the memories tight. Miss Zhiang Tzuyu also suffered a severe mental blow just like Ming Hao did, but Miss Zhiang chose to lock her mouth tight. Both of them are on the brink of the same depression, I'm sure the thought of ending life has crossed their minds. While these two young people are at war with their inner state, the perpetrator may be devising a new plan to torment Tzuyu's heart and place the blame on Ming Hao. " Said Jin in front of the Judges with eyes that glanced at Mr. Zhiang.

"What do you mean? You really accuse me? Your Majesty, their hypnotic method is unacceptable. What if they had planned it before they got here? Their accusation against me is completely absurd. " Mr. Zhiang's eagle was excited.

"You want me to try it on Miss Tzuyu? Or maybe… to you? " challenge Jin quietly.

Mr. Zhiang tried to hide his fear, "Do it for him. I'm sure the answer is the same, that young man did it! "

"For information, hypnosis not only restores memories but also sees what happened once again. If Miss Tzuyu did, imagine that she has to see herself being raped again by the perpetrator. Are you sure you will do that? " said Jin.

"I do not care! I'm sure I didn't do it. "


"How can you be so calm with your daughter ?! Are you sure you didn't do it? You must be the culprit! Son of a bitch!!"

The hard slap that landed on Mr. Zhiang's face came from his wife with a face already wet. The woman could no longer hold back her anger, she hit her husband's chest many times while swearing at him.

Mr. Zhiang grabbed his wife's arms, "I told you this is slander! They want to frame me. "

The judge continued the trial, "Miss Zhiang, I will ask you one more question. Did Chen Ming Hao's brother do it? "

Tzuyu looked down with her fingers pressed together. Her tears didn't stop flowing as her memory returned to Ming Hao, who was so agonized from being beaten that he wasn't the culprit.

"Miss Zhiang ...?" Call the Judge one more time.

Tzuyu gave her reaction, she shook her head lightly. Jin smiled in relief as he looked at Ming Hao who was still lowered his head. The Judges nodded, then began to discuss, while Lord Zhiang sat down limply with Tzuyu's answer.

"With the answer that Miss Zhiang gave, then there is no reason for us to sentence Chen Ming Hao. Therefore, Chen Ming Hao's brother is acquitted of all charges. "

The judge tapped the hammer three times indicating the decision was unanimous and inviolable. Chen's mother immediately rushed to hug her son tightly. His son's burden had now disappeared, all he hoped for after this was happiness for Ming Hao.

Court officials arrested Mr. Zhiang and detained him. Tzuyu was still crying in her mother's arms, her feelings were mixed.

Ming Hao looked at Jin who seemed to understand the meaning of Ming Hao's gaze. The two of them walked towards Tzuyu's place. Jin stood behind Ming Hao, while Ming Hao knelt in front of Tzuyu's wheelchair, "I'm sorry." He said softly.

"Sorry if this hurts you, Tzuyu." Ming Hao sniffled again in front of Tzuyu.

"Sorry for not ending it all soon, and also thank you for surviving until now. I won't spare myself if anything happens to you. Hiks ... "he continued.

"Thank you, Ming-hao." Said Tzuyu weakly.

Tzuyu's weak voice had startled her mother, Ming Hao and Jin. Since that incident, Tzuyu locked her mouth by stopping talking, especially when Ming Hao left without saying goodbye to her. Now that it was all over and Ming Hao was back, Tzuyu opened his mouth for the first time in two years.

"Tzuyu ..."

"Sorry for not being able to defend you at that time, hiks ..."

"It's okay, Tzuyu. All is over." Ming Hao calmed down by grasping Tzuyu's hand.

"I'm afraid ... I'm afraid if I see you cry later." Tzuyu continued.

"Please don't hate me anymore, Ming Hao. Do not leave me again. Now I only have you and mom. hikss ... Don't hate me ... I'm sorry. " Tzuyu sank her head even more and continued to cry.

Ming Hao hugged Tzuyu in reflex. A hug is the only option available to describe the tough life they lived at a young age. The tears of the two that were flowing were the burdens they shed together, the burdens they should have shed two years ago.

Life is about choosing. Choosing which path is right and wrong. Ming Hao and Tzuyu teach about living with empathy. Understanding each other even though it hurts at first. Having problems in life means that we are in the stage of choosing to face them and grow up or run away to avoid them and never knowing how to deal with them.

Will Ming Hao return to Keimyung University with Jin or settle down in Schenzhen with Tzuyu?

* * *

Keimyung University.

Jun was cleaning the classroom with other students, when his eyes found a sports car entering the school grounds. He stopped his job to watch the person who was getting out of the car.

When he found a familiar figure, "Hoshi?" she whispered.

As soon as Jun immediately ran out of the classroom, he ran towards Hoshi who was walking with J-Hope.

"Hoshi !!" Call him.

"Jun…" replied Hoshi coldly.

Jun stopped right in front of Hoshi, but his friend walked past him followed by J-Hope who didn't open his mouth.

"Hoshi…" Jun held Hoshi's arm until Hoshi's steps stopped.

"Fiona ...?" he asked doubtfully.

Hoshi didn't turn his gaze to Jun and instead looked down. Small sobs were heard and came from Hoshi, Jun immediately stood in front of Hoshi waiting for an answer from his friend.

"Died." Hoshi answered amidst his sobs. J-Hope put his hand on Hoshi's shoulder and applied pressure.

To be continued ...