

The way we see the transformation in our mind at the age of adolesence, is very different from our childhood. This is the age were we become mature and slowly start to take decision.

At this age a very usual transformation takes place and its natural.

Yaah this is the particular stage were we start to take our 1st priority and that is studies..


Now in everybody's mind a question clicked, That in novel too there is a word used "STUDIES", now some one will stops reading this novel...


Hey! You, but wait. There is something that we always ignore is what STUDIES.

Yes STUDIES. and it is very important to build up a better life..

STUDIES not only mean that we have to studies those academic books to build up our base but to learn something in a funny way, intrersting way can also helps us to mug up all the things written in the books which we always hate!!

At this age some children loves to make GF/BF. It's not wrong. But the wrong thing is that in the midst of all this we forgot our 1st priority for which our parents dream for..