
Chapter 6 ( A new page?

Our bond became unbeatable after our reunion. A year later, we all graduated except Brian, obvious reasons, he was our junior! The recurring sadness, persistent mood swings and the thought of leaving Brian was another task to handle, nevertheless, I never failed in handling every tasks life throws at me.

Graduating from high school were meant to be a memorable day but that wasn't the case for me, I couldn't place myself smiling and giggling when I wasn't fine. As expected, I received tons of awards and congratulatory messages so much that I had forgotten how to smile genuinely, I just had to raise my cheek a little bit harder on both sides and there I go.

I was offered 2 scholarships to study in one of the prestigious universities abroad which I rejected bluntly in front of the whole school. I could hear the murmurs of the students, the scornful smiles from my anti fans, mom's smile dropping dead, dad shaking his head disappointedly, the principal throwing signals at me, Rosa and Leo scolding me with their eyes and hands and there was Brian, hands on his pockets and heads bow. I dropped the mic and walked away.

The principal stood at the podium apologizing to our sponsors and partners as I walked through the aisle. I could hear the students mumur but this time more loudly. I don't know if I made the wrong decision but I was ready to go down and could not stand losing Brian one more time.

"What do you think you're doing" Rosa almost yelled as she pulled me from the crowd.

"I'm doing what's best for me!"

"did you think this over or spoke gibberish out of excitement?" Brian asked

"What?" I asked as the tears flowed freely down my cheeks

"What is wrong with you alison? are you aware of the consequences of your actions? Mom is so disappointed in you"

"I don't care! I'm not interested in any of their scholarships, I'm attending Yale and that's it!"

"What? are you doing all of this for me?"

"Yes Brian"

(scoffs)"That's crazy, how could you do that? risking your future for me? when we could still see each other during weekends?"

"I'm not risking my future for you but for us!"

"If we're meant to be, destiny will make us align"

"I don't give a fuck about destiny or whatsoever, all I know is that I can't afford to lose you, I can't do without you" I answered sobbing

He pulled Rosa to my front, "please talk sense into alison, I don't know what has come over her"

"Right! I'm going crazy, I'm going nuts for you! let me deal with it myself!" I said almost yelling.

"It's fine, don't ruin your makeup, Rosa said mopping my face with the wipes, Yale is not so much of a bad place Brian, Trust Alison she'll do well wherever she goes, let her be"

"I thought you were her best friend how could you come up with such a silly conclusion"

"What the hell I'm i supposed to do" Rosa yelled drawing the attention of others.

"Hey guys, what are you guys talking about? Why quarrel over a decision she mad herself, Alison always makes the right decision, let her be." Leo asked

I muttered a thank you in my heart as my mouth were so heavy to speak

"C'mon Leo I'm going to be hunted by guilt for the rest of my life" Brian added

"Why? I mean she's doing whatever she's doing for you and are you not also moving into Yale? You should be really excited!"

"I am but again....."

"Save it all for tomorrow" Leo cut in as he took me by my hands and we both walked away.

The last thing I could ever remember was that I was on my bed on morning. Oh right! I remember taking some vodka before leaving for home. Mom yelled as much as she could, dad was silent, Emily mocked me than anyone else could. Two weeks later, I got an admission email that I was admitted to Yale. I screamed and jumped on my bed excitingly, I knew they couldn't reject a genius like me.

Rosa was my replacement for the scholarship, Leo was going to study abroad, a college close to Rosa's. I was going to miss Rosa and Leo like crazy but I had to chose Brian over them, I wasn't ready to lose him again. We spent the Christmas together before we baded goodbye and went our paths.

I remember when I and Brian drove Rosa and Leo to the airport. I was going to miss true friendship, they both became part of my lives, sadly, I had to let go. I cried bitterly like a child as the both strode their boxes to the plane. I turned and walked away. Throughout my ride with Brian that noon, I was silent, I could only manage to lean on the window as I reminisced on the memories I shared with Rosa and Leo.

"Care for some ice cream?" Brian asked

"I'm fine, let's go"

"C'mon, you promised you were going to be fine, you said you'll be strong, besides they're leaving for school not like they're dying or something?"

"I'm not sure you have any idea of what true friendship is" I said as I turned and looked at him.

"Yes I don't but still you signed up for this"


"Yeah! you chosed me over your friendship"

"Its that all you could come up with? yunno what? I hate you!"

"I love you and I can't express how much I feel knowing you chosed me over them, thank you Alison, I love you so much"

I took his hand and placed it on my chest and said, "promise me you won't let me regret this"

he removed his hand, " I promise" he answered

"Dude! why did you remove your hand?"

He exchanged my reply for a kiss, "in a week time, you'll be leaving for Yale and I'll be joining you soon so give me that no worries smile, you look pretty that way"

I interlocked his fingers with mine and blushed all through the ride.