
Just Another Reincarnation

A/N: I will be regularly posting (at least once a week) on www.libraryofakasha.com from now on. Reincarnation. The process in which people, after their death, are reborn in a different body. Most people lose their memories and start from zero, with their previous lives deciding their future based on karma. There are, however, some exceptions to that. Those who gathered enough positive karma and those chosen by higher beings have a chance to not only keep their memories but also receive special abilities or even pick the world where they want to reincarnate. Our main character is the latter. After passing a test of the being representing the very concept of reincarnation, Arthur received an offer: "If you agree to deal with the people planning to escape the cycle of reincarnation, I will grant you the means to reach the necessary power. Until then, you can live as you please." With the alternative being losing his memories and getting recycled like other souls, the answer was obvious. This is my first fanfic and i am not a native english speaker, so i am sorry if my story is not up to your standards. Disclaimer: Everything excluding the main character, a few original characters, chapters 1-9 and other made up staff, belongs to their respective creators and owners.

Gutek_YT · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Chapter 18: Progress


After taking a long nap, I woke up in a markedly better mood.

I still felt a bit pissed off by the stunt Matrucks pulled on me, but at the very least, now I know Selen's true feelings. I will secure another opportunity with my own hands!

There are also the incredible rewards I received. Even excluding the number of Shop Points and the two new functions, everything else should be enough to compensate me for that prank, and I have no proof he planned it. The notification came at the exact time I appeared in this world ten years ago, so it's reasonable to think it has been set up beforehand.

Let's forget about it and focus on the more important matters.

First, I decided to enter the Training Room and test out the zanpakuto.

I pulled it out of the inventory and started going through the stances of [Breath of Heaven and Hell] to familiarize myself with it.

"Amazing..." I muttered to myself.

Everything about the blade seemed to fit me perfectly. It wasn't too long nor too short. The weight was just right, and I felt no discomfort while holding it.

"Time to see how sharp it is," I said and instantly summoned the strongest training puppet I fought.

Training puppets are artificial beings generated by the Training Room. I prefer to use them in the form of robots and golems, but they can take on any shape. The Training Room can emulate any environment, and its only minus is that it has no time dilation function, so it wasn't much of a surprise when I tried to create an artificial opponent and succeeded.

The first time I tried to fight against a puppet resembling a human, I passed off after experiencing the feeling of cutting through flesh and getting covered in its blood.

To adapt to it faster, I started creating monsters that each time resembled humans more and more. It was a lot easier since humans rarely feel guilty about hurting beings they consider ugly, and these would make the ugly-bastard tag look pretty.

After shaking my head to get rid of these wayward thoughts, I took a proper stance, and the puppet did the same.

Then, I took off like a rocket creating a massive sonic boom while preparing to perform a slash with both of my hands. In contrast to my expectations, despite the puppet's attempt at intercepting my sword with its own, I passed through it as if nothing had happened.

I looked back at it in confusion, but after a moment, I understood what transpired, as the upper body of the puppet, together with half of its blade, fell to the ground.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed.

I knew that the sword would become sharp due to the influence of the Origin, but not THAT sharp.

"Just a golem won't be enough to test it..." I commented and took a glance at my current status.



Name: Arthur Yuki

Race: Human

Title: Little Genius, Boss

Mental Age: ~30

Physical Age: ~25

Potential: Lvl: 2, Grade: EX

Existential Level: Lvl: 2, Grade: EX

Affinity: All

State: Normal, Excited


Vitality: Lvl: 3, Grade: S

Toughness: Lvl: 3, Grade: F

Endurance: Lvl: 3, Grade: E

Strength: Lvl: 3, Grade: E

Agility: Lvl: 3, Grade: D

Dexterity: Lvl: 3, Grade: E+

Energy Reserves: Lvl: 3, Grade: D

Energy Quality: EX

Luck: Lvl: 1, Grade: D



[Perfect Memory: Lvl: 7, Grade: EX], [Negative Status Effect Immunity: Lvl: 7, Grade: EX], [Drawing: Lvl: 2, Grade: S], [Information Processing: Lvl 3, Grade: S], [Cooking: Lvl: 2, Grade: S], [Body Control: Lvl: 3, Grade: E], [Energy Perception: Lvl: 3, Grade: A], [Inner Energy Flow: Lvl: 3, Grade: SSS], [Outer Energy Flow: Lvl: 2, Grade: B], [Swordsmanship: Lvl: 2, Grade: EX], [CQC: Lvl: 2, Grade: EX], [Pain Tolerance: Lvl 3, Grade: E], [Instinct: Lvl: 2, Grade: EX], [Healing Magic: Lel: 2, Grade: B], [Curse Arts: Lvl: 2, Grade: A]


[Even Further Beyond: Lvl 2, Grade: EX], [Domination: Lvl 3, Grade: E], [Telekinesis: Lvl 2, Grade: EX], [Clean: lvl: 1, Grade: S]


[Breath of Heaven and Hell: Lvl 3, Grade: E]


Name: [Orb of Desires], Type: Gift, Lvl: 7, Grade: EX

Name: [Indomitable Will], Type: Spirit, Lvl: 2, Grade: SSS


I went a long way from what I was able to do five years ago.

Firstly, my stats already reached the Level 3 threshold, despite my Potential and Existential Level still being stuck at the pinnacle of Level 2. As these two only show how easy it is to advance and how much influence you have over the world around you, they don't prevent me from reaching Level 4 or 5 stats if I put my mind to it. However, it also shows me that it won't be that hard to awaken my next innate, and the only thing I need is the right stimulus.

Secondly, all my skills are in the upper grade of Level 2 or higher. In particular, my [Inner Energy Flow] is near the peak of Level 3. It's mainly due to how easy it is to control the Origin while it remains inside my body, as The Orb helps me keep my form stable. The opposite can be shown by looking at my [Outer Energy Flow], whose Level and Grade are the lowest among all my skills. Due to Origin being even above Level 7 energies, I can barely control it with the help of [Indomitable Will] due to my existential level being significantly lower and the record itself trying to absorb it to grow.

The Training Room emulated it without my knowledge, and once I turned it off, the difference was astonishing. It was like everywhere I spread my energy became a part of me. It was a level of control only a god possessed in their domain.

Lastly, I learned [Healing Magic] and [Curse Arts]. The first one is to help others if they become sick or if an accident happens, as well as to be able to fight longer. If I can heal my wounds during a fight, then I will be able to keep going as long as my head isn't blown off.

As expected, I learned [Curse Arts] to help Latifa. I am still lacking, but in around five years, I should be able to lift her curse. It will also be useful once I meet an enemy not worth killing but still deserving a punishment.

"I will fight some more, go to meditate in the library with my sword, and then go to the Challenge Room," I muttered to myself.


After crossing the door to the Challenge Room, I found a circular room with nine sets of different doors with strange runes and symbols. At the center of the room was an ancient-looking altar set on a platform. The room was dim, with a white floor and eight columns surrounding the altar, and upon closer inspection, I realized runes covered them as well.

The walls were pitch black, and the dim light made it impossible to see the ceiling.

"As I previously explained, these nine doors, starting from the left, lead to nine tests responsible for mind, body, spirit, emission, absorption, mitigation, creation, manipulation, and sensory abilities," Selen said.

"Why are there still nine doors? I already awakened my Spirit innate, didn't I?" I inquired.

"Yes, but you can still use it to improve and develop them further," Selen replied.

"I see," I said and started pondering which innate to awake.

After a while, I got left with two final choices, Body and Perception. The first would enhance my existing capabilities, while the second would increase my precision and likely allow me to see the world in a new way.

"Let's go with the Body. I would rather enhance what I already have than another ability to train," I said and moved towards one of the nine doors.

"Good luck," Selen said with a slight smile.

"Thanks, see you in a moment," I replied and crossed the door, disappearing from the Challenge Room.

Upon crossing the doors, I entered an empty, black room, then the doors disappeared after closing, and the black room turned into a forest.

Around me was nothing but an endless expanse of trees and bushes, while above my head, through an opening between tree branches and leaves, I could see the fragment of the beautiful blue sky.

Both trees and all the plants around me were a lot bigger than the ones I was used to, reminding me of the forest seen in Naruto.

"Well, I guess having some fun can't hurt," I muttered and jumped at the nearby tree.

Or at least I tried to, as, soon after, I had a passionate kiss with the ground.

"What the hell..." I grumbled while massaging my face, then started exercising to check my body's condition.

After a while, I concluded that all my abilities got significantly reduced. This included my skills, as I couldn't use anything other than [Healing Magic], and even that seemed to be straining my energy reserves. To add insult to the injury, the [Indomitable Will] also got sealed.

What can be the theme of this challenge? Survival?

Deciding to shelve such thoughts for later, I focused on what's important at the moment.

While it's still a day, I should look for a place to spend the night. Tree branches aren't my favorite place to sleep, and I need to look for a source of food and fresh water.

I stood up and started walking.

After a few hours, the only thing I found was a humongous tree. It was around a hundred meters tall, and its trunk had a radius of roughly five meters. Despite having an opening big enough for 3 people to enter, around 30 meters above the ground, the tree was still alive and full of vitality.

I started climbing the tree to check if the opening was inhabited.

Now that I think about it, the forest was eerily quiet and devoid of any life. Perhaps the animals ran away because I was too loud.

I shook my head to regain my focus. After the [Indomitable Will] got sealed, my old habits of brooding over everything returned.

The inside of the tree was filled with moss that gave off a green light. Besides the moss, some mushrooms, and a few plants there was nothing. No bugs and no traces of it ever being inhabited.

Ok, this becomes creepy. I can understand animals, but even bugs?

*Sigh* I guess I won't find anything better for home.

With that in mind, I decided to climb to its peak to get a look at the surrounding forest.